Hist 190: Foundations of East Asian Civilization


Review questions for the Midterm on October 27, 05.


  1. Please give reasons why East Asia is the world’s largest region with a high- productivity agriculture.


  1. People in East Asia came to see their realm as a favored part of the world. Why?


  1. Please explain the Chinese and subsequently East Asian attitude towards nature.

    4.   Please summarize the characteristics of the ‘Neolithic Revolution’ (10.000- 4.000 B.C.E.).

 5.   Archaeological evidence proves that early civilization moved to the realm of what today is China from Southeast Asia, because remains of domesticated animals were found such as


a.       the Asian Tiger

b.      pigs

c.      chickens

d.     elephants

e.       the Yangzi crocodile

f.        water buffalos


 6.      One Neolithic culture of major importance on Chinese territory was the Yangshao culture (ca. 5000- 2500 B.C.E.). Please check the boxes with the correct answer.

In the Yangshao culture
pottery was formed with the help of the potter’s wheel
pottery was formed without the help of the potter’s wheel
pottery was inscribed with ideographs
pottery was not inscribed with ideographs
pottery was painted with geometric patterns
pottery was not painted with geometric pattern


 7.      The Longshan culture (2500-1600 B.C.E.) which is associated with the legendary Xia Dynasty (2205-1766/1650 B.C.E.) followed the Yangshao culture. Please decide which characteristics describe objects of this culture correctly.
  pottery was formed with the help of the potter’s wheel
pottery was not formed with the help of the potter’s wheel
Longshan people built settlements with walls and gates.
Longshan people lived in pitted dwellings.


 8.      The first historically determined Chinese dynasty is the Shang Dynasty (1766/1650-1050 B.C.E.). Please name three phenomena that characterize the Shang.






9.   Please describe the five important relations that mirror the Confucian ideal of a  harmonious society.








 10.  The Shang used bronze to produce

sacrificial vessels



agricultural tools like ploughs
elegant dinner plates


ornaments for war chariots


11.  The method of bronze casting used by the Shang differed from that applied in other early civilizations. Please explain briefly what was different.


12.  The Zhou Dynasty (1045-221B.C.E.) was the time in which the ‘hundred philosophical schools’ competed with each other. Please assign the terms that characterize the respective teaching. Choose from Confucianism, Legalism, Daoism, and the ideas of Mozi. Some ideals may be shared by philosophies.


a.       benevolence

b.      respect for superiors

c.       equality of mankind

d.      altruism

e.       filial loyalty

f.        punishment

g.       music

h.       learning/education

i.         self-cultivation

j.        enjoyment of good food and production of children

k.      hierarchical order of society

l.         observation of laws and regulations

m.     integrity

n.       group responsibility

o.      regulation of landownership

p.      regular tax payments

q.   simplicity


 13.  In East Asia individuals prospered and suffered mostly as members of a group (family, clan, lineage, village etc.). “When a nail stands out it is hammered down”. Please explain this proverb briefly.


   14. Please explain briefly the statement by Murphey “Traditional East Asia was a

   brilliant success”.

 15.  The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221 B.C.E. – 206 B.C.E.) unified the

      country and standardized



laws applicable independent from a persons’ status



 war chariots

length of cart-axles


length of segments of the Great Wall
amount of coins allowed in a burial


16. The Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) is marked by great territorial expansion and the merging of Confucian with Legalist ideas of governing.


    Name one prominent person of the Han period and explain his/her importance.

 Briefly describe one prominent social / political development of the Han period.



17. Buddhism spread in China between the years 0 – 500 C.E.

                Please give two reasons why Mahayana Buddhism, the school quickly accepted in China, became popular.






     Please give one reason why Buddhism was criticized in China.


18. Please explain the Buddhist term 'karma'.


19. In the Sui Dynasty (581-618) China was unified again. Name one important
innovation that was of lasting influence in later dynasties.


20. “The Tang Dynasty (618-907) was the model for other civilizations in East

                  Asia”. Please explain this statement.


21. Please name three characteristic phenomena in politics or culture / persons/

      events/ that are specific for the Tang Dynasty. Briefly explain why.