Hist 487_14

Inventions of the Song

976 C.E. Chain drive

984 C.E. Canal locks

10 th cent. C.E. Signal colors

10th cent. C.E. Vaccination against small pox

10th cent. C.E. flame thrower

10th cent. C.E. fireworks

1000 C.E. Bombs and shells with soft sleeve

11th cent. Using buoyancy to retrieve objects from the bed of a river

11th cent. C.E. Spinning wheel

11th cent. C.E. Remanent magnetism and its induction

1120 C.E. Canons and mortars

1221 C.E. Bombs with metal sleeves


1. Government structure:
- The role of the chancellor/prime minister was strengthened considerably; he had immediate access to the emperor for consultations on political and military matters.

- Council of State supervised the Three Departments of the Commission of Finances [Department of the State Monopolies; Budget Service; Department of Population]
Special strength of the Song administration: services related to the economy (industrial and commercial revenues)

- refined recruitment system for officials through civil service examinations

2. Economy:
- Increased mobility: strong international trade with oceangoing vessels
- formation of a nationwide market due to increased agricultural and artisan productivity
- organization of artisans and merchants in professional or native place guilds
- state engagement in business affairs (contra Confucian values) in Wang Anshi's reforms
- municipal economy strengthened due to new structure of the city: street oriented instead of ward-oriented markets
- formation of large land estates (Wang Anshi reforms: tried to re-distribute land by limiting property to 27ha)
- introduction of promissory notes, paper money
- woodblock printing with illustrations

3. Education:
- flourishing of schools and academies in preparation for civil service examinations
- creation of a new canon of classical books to be studied by all students in their education:
1. Analects of Confucius; 2. Mencius; 3. the Great Learning; 4. Doctrine of the Mean

4. Women's lives:
- footbinding
- changes in (luxury) textile production: men take over formerly female occupations

5. Painting:
- painting used as a means of political expression of consent or dissent
- influence of Chan Buddhism in painting
- new painting formats: fan and album leaves (often commissioned to be produced for gift exchange)

6. Architecture:
- city layout changed: two storey buildings in southern coastal provincial cities
- garden: developed from hunting estate to - utilized garden to - retreat for recreation and aesthetic delight to- potted landscape: idealized miniature landscapes for the scholar-official's studio in the city (which could even travel to new locations of assignment)
- the 'simple tomb': architectural 'understatement' but refined tomb equipment

7. Household and other amenities:
- chairs became popular in the Song
- folding fans
- restaurants specializing on cuisines of different localities
- simplicity yet refinement in clothing (gauze) and ceramic production


8. Philosophy/ Religion:
- attempts for a synthesis of Confuciansim, Daoism, Buddhism