PS 201 Introduction to US Politics
Joseph Boland Fall, 1998


Old News
10/30 Essay midterm questions are now available.
10/28 Adjusted scores and a response to the in-class discussion of the midterm.
10/26 Scores and an answer key for the first midterm are now available.
10/25 Important!  Changes to the class schedule:
  • Tuesday, 10/27: Midterm exams will be returned and discussed, followed by a discussion of Oregon ballot measures # 64 (bans clearcutting and herbicide and pesticide use on forestland) and #57 (makes possession of small amounts of marijuana a misdemeanor (it is presently a violation)).
  • Wednesday, 10/28:  We will discuss Betrayal of Democracy and the question posed by Points of View, chap. 9:  Should we prohibit political action committee (PAC) campaign contributions and limit all campaign contributions to individuals? (Assume, for the sake of argument, that there are also limits upon the amount of money any individual can donate to a candidate in a given election.)
  • Friday, 10/30:  Lecture on the decline of voting in America.
  • Monday, 11/2 - Wednesday, 11/4:  Political Parties & Interest Groups
  • Oregan ballot measures discussion: We decided in class yesterday to talk about two ballot measures next Tuesday (October 27th):
    • # 64: Bans clearcutting and herbicide and pesticide use on forestland.
    • #57: Makes possession of small amounts of marijuana a misdemeanor (it is presently a violation).
  • The Midterm Exam Review is now available.
  • I'm proposing to devote at least part of the discusssion session of Tuesday, October 27th to Oregon ballot measures.  What do you think?  If you like the idea, which ballot measures do you want to discuss?  We'll decide this in class next Monday.
  • The Democratic Debate text and the Points of View reader have been placed on reserve in the Knight Library.  They will be available later this week.
  • The course textbook, The Democratic Debate, has its own web site.