UO Jazz Ensemble Show Schedule
I am a member of a UO Small Jazz Ensemble. Throughout the regular academic year, we play at gigs in the Eugene/Springfield area. Come see us when you have a chance!
Winter Term, 2025:
- Small Jazz Ensembles Concert, March 4th (Tuesday) circa 6:40 pm at Room 184 (no cover charge), UO Frohnmayer Music Building.
- UO Small Jazz Ensembles, February 7th (Friday) 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at
Jazz Station. No cover charge.
Fall Term, 2024:
- UO Small Jazz Ensembles, November 1st (Friday) (Confirmed) 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at
Jazz Station. No cover charge. Great vibes!
- Small Jazz Ensembles Concert, December 3rd (Tuesday) 5:30 pm at Room 184 (no cover charge), UO Frohnmayer Music Building.
Spring Term, 2024:
- Latin Jazz Ensemble & Jazz Guitar Ensemble, May 10th (Friday) 5:00 pm at
Jazz Station (one 30-minute set per band). No cover charge. They have a nice bar!
- End-of-year Party with UO and LCC Jazz Ensembles, June 8th (Saturday) 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm at
Jazz Station. General Admission $15, Students w/ ID $5. Jazz Guitar Ensemble goes on stage at 8:20 pm and plays for 10 minutes.
Winter Term, 2024:
- February 20th (Tuesday) 6:30 pm at
Roaring Rapids Pizza (one 25-minute set per band). No cover charge for the music, but make sure you support the venue by ordering some food or drinks!
- End-of-term UO Jazz Ensemble Concert, March 12th (Tuesday) 5:30 pm at Room 184 (no cover charge), UO Frohnmayer Music Building (one 10-minute set per band).
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