Comparing the Percentage of Students at Benchmark in a School to the Percentage at Benchmark in the District

The Chair of Central School District’s School Board had information for each school in the district on the percentage of fourth grade students who scored at benchmark on the state assessment. She also knew the percentage for the district as a whole. She was especially concerned about the scores for Elm Elementary. At that school 55 percent of the students scored at benchmark in contrast to 60 percent of the fourth graders in the district as a whole. Fifty students were tested at Elm Elementary. The data the Chair entered into the EIC and the results are shown below. The effect size of -.10 does not reach the .25 criterion of educationally important and there is almost a 50 percent chance that the difference between Elm Elementary and the district could have appeared by chance. Thus, unless these results were part of a recurring pattern appearing with other grades and years, the Chair would probably decide to wait before pursuing further action.

Data for Your Group
a) Percentage of students meeting benchmark 55
b) Number of students tested 50
Data for the Larger Group
a) Percentage of students meeting benchmark 60
Effect Size -0.10
Improvement Index -4.1
Probability this effect would occur by chance 0.47

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