In a world where all we want is ease, We strive to make our lives more breeze, But little do we stop and see, That our actions have a ripple effect, like a tree. You see, just like a tree that grows, Each part of it, it's own purpose knows, But as it reaches for the skies, It gives shelter, shade, and oxygen, as it rises. In the same way, when we all strive, To make our lives as simple as a hive, We may not see the harm we bring, To others, like a butterfly with broken wing. For when we all seek simplicity, We may overlook the needs of society, Just like a bee that only collects, For itself, and not for the hive's respect. And as we focus on our own ease, We may forget the world's needs, Just like a flower that only blooms, For itself, and not for the bees. So let us strive for balance, you and I, And think of others, as we fly, For just like in nature, everything is linked, And a simple life for one, may make another's life complicated. In the end, like Adam Smith said, The invisible hand will guide us ahead, But let's not forget our duty, To strive for balance and harmony, in our own little beauty.