International Linear Collider Detector R&D

Vertex Detector

Main Tracker


Muon Detector

Particle ID

Beamline Instrumentation

Test Beams

Trigger and Data Acquisition

Gamma-gamma Deltector

Global Reviews and Detector Network Studies below

There is now global consensus that the next accelerator project in particle physics should be an electron-positron linear collider with an energy range between MZ and about 1 TeV. Physics and detector studies are ongoing in Asia [1] [2], Europe [3] [4], and North America [5] [6] [7] [8] [9], co-operating within the World-Wide Study. An International Linear Collider Detector R&D Committee was appointed by the co-chairs of the world-wide study to describe the detector R&D required for the timely construction of a detector with the required preformance, to list the R&D efforts presently ongoing and to point out the areas where efforts are missing or not adequately covered.
The purpose of this web page is to help organise the R&D efforts more globally and to facilitate and foster interregional co-operations. It continues from the paper written by the committee (see the paper), serving as a continuous update of the world-wide effort.
This paper was not meant to be prescriptive. There might and certainly will be areas of R&D which are useful to be exploited but which were not mentioned there. We also expect and encourage ideas on novel detector techniques. We explicitly include in our considerations software developments in the context of the specific R&D efforts. We do not consider, however, generic software R&D which is mandatory but beyond the scope of this reference.
Linear Collider Detector R&D (postscript version of report)

Global Reviews and Detector Network Studies

Two proposals from the committee were initiated at the Jeju LCWS

1. Organize 'annual report' meeting (~1 day) on subdetector R&D, coupled to regional meetings, with televideo provided to the other regions

2. Global Detector Network
    Start discussions on the feasibility/requirements/consequences of a Global Detector Network which includes mirror detector operations rooms in the three regions
    Investigate the safety issues, social aspects, etc.
    Proposal: create a working group of two people per region and discuss this at the regional meetings
