ASTRONOMY 123               	
Exam II

1.  	The absorption of smaller galaxies into larger ones is called

		a.	galactic cannibalism

2. 	Collisions between galaxies:

		b.	may cause bursts of star formation

3.   	What is the Great Wall?

		c. 	a large sheet of galaxies, one of the largest known
			structures in the universe.

4.  	The Cartwheel Galaxy and the Antennae are examples of

		b.	collisions of galaxy 	

5.  	Galaxies in collision can result in

		a.	Starburst galaxies
		b.	Ejection of stars
		c.	Galactic cannibalism
-->		d.	All of the above

6.  	What is a supercluster?
		b.	A cluster of clusters of galaxies

7.	What is the Einstein Cross?

		a.	evidence for gravitational lensing

8.	The cosmic microwave background radiation was discovered
		a.	with a low-noise radio antenna

9.	The present temperature of the cosmic microwave background radiation is 

		a.	2.7 K

10.	The Cosmological Assumptions include all of the following except

		c.	The universe is infinite

11.	The existence of the cosmic microwave background radiation implies 

		b.	the universe had a hot, dense period in the past

12.	The Universality of Physical Laws means

		d.	The same physical laws apply to all localities at all times

13.	Which of the following is an observed property of the cosmic microwave 	
	background radiation?

		d.	Its spectrum matches a blackbody spectrum

14.	We know the "center" of the universe from

		d.	The concept of "center" of the universe does not exist 
			in our modern view

15.	How old is the universe

		a.	about 14 billion years

16.	A closed universe is

		c.	finite and unbounded

17.	An open universe is

		c.	infinite and unbounded

18.	Double quasars confirm the theory of

		d.	general relativity
19.	Images of young, background galaxies, warped by the gravitational field
	of a foreground galaxy cluster are
		c. 	blue arcs 

20.	A thought experiment suggesting the entire night sky should be as
	bright as the Sun
		c.	Olbers's Paradox

21.	A double quasar is explained by

		a.	the gravitational-lens effect

22.	The eventual fate of the universe depends on 

		b.	its density

23.	The Big Bang 

		a.	was an expansion of space
		b.	happened about 14 billion years ago
		c.	involved the entire universe
--->		d.	all of the above

24.	What is the approximate value of "Omega nought" (Ω0)?

		b.	1

25.	What is a gravitational lens?

		a.	light is bent by matter

26.	About how old was the universe when it had cooled to 3000 K?

		c.	400,000 years

27.	What theory explains the curvature of space?

		d.	Einstein's General Theory of Relativity

28.	What is the approximate fraction of the critical density represented by
	normal matter?

		a.	0.05		

29.	During the Big Bang, which of the following elements was formed in the
	largest quantity

--->		a.	helium
		b.	uranium
		c.	iron
		d.	gold

30.	The existence of the cosmic microwave background implies 

		b.	the universe had a hot, dense period in the past

   (Question 30 is a repeat of question 11 above!)

31.	Dark matter is thought to make up ___ percent of all matter in
	the universe. (Note, in this you ignore the presence of dark energy.)

		d.	more than 80

32.	What might arise from vacuum energy?

		b. 	A cosmological constant

33.	Galaxies in clusters

		b.	Sometimes collide

34.	The evolutionary path of galaxies 

		c.	is not simple, depending on the details of collisions

35.	What do we learn from analysis of Planck data?

		a.	Age of the universe
		b.	Total energy-mass density (Ω0)
		c.	Fractions of ordinary matter, dark matter, and dark energy
--->		d.	All of the above

36.	The first evidence of dark energy came from

		a.	Measurements of distant supernovae

37.	Dark energy is responsible for

		b.	An accelerating expansion of the universe

38.	The possible geometries of the universe in Einstein's General Theory are

		d.	flat, open, or closed

39.	What was the temperature of the universe when it was 400,000 years old?

		b.	3000 K

40.	Which of the following supports the Big Bang?

		a.	Hubble's Law
		b.	Existence of Quasars 
		c.	Cosmic microwave background 
--->		d.	All of the above

41.	The Cosmological Principle states

		c.	On a large scale, the universe is homogeneous and isotropic

42.	The largest structures seen in the universe are

		c.	200 - 300 Mpc in size

43.	Dark matter is likely mostly composed of

		b.	undiscovered exotic subatomic particles

44.	A galaxy left alone will evolve slowly, in a predictable way.

		a.	Ellipticals will become fainter and redder as stars burn out

45.	Geometry of the universe if the density of matter is less than the 	
	critical density

		b.	open universe

46.	Supermassive black holes 

		b.	are commonly found at the centers of galaxies

47.	In surveys of galaxies, bubbles of galaxies are found to surround 
	unpopulated regions called

		a.	voids

48.	The bullet cluster is an example of

		c.	the collision of two galaxy clusters

49.	A relationship between supermassive black holes and host galaxies is

		d.	the more massive the host galaxies, the more massive its 
			black hole

50.	Assumed property of the universe which says the number of galaxies in 
	a volume of space is the same no matter where that volume is

		d.	homogeneous

51.	Quantity introduced by Einstein to make his equations describe a static 		

		a.	cosmological constant

52.	Mass in galaxies and clusters inferred from rotation curves and other techniques

		b.	dark matter

53.	Geometry of the universe if the density of matter is greater than the 
	critical density

		a.	closed universe

54.	Assumed property of the universe which says it is the same in all directions

		c.	isotropic

55.	Grouping of several clusters of galaxies into a larger unit

		b.	supercluster

56.	Galaxy in which a violent event has caused an intense period of star formation

		a.	starburst galaxy

57.	A galaxy left alone will evolve slowly, in a predictable way.

		b.	Spirals will remain bluish as long as there is new star

58.	Possible galaxy composed almost entirely of dark matter, emitting 	
	virtually no visible light

		d.	dark galaxy

59.	The concept that galaxies grew through repeated merging of smaller objects

		d.	hierarchical merging

60.	Galaxy rotation curves suggest

		a.	galaxies contain large amounts of dark matter

61.	The distance from Earth to the Great Wall is

		d. 	about 100,000,000 pc

62.	Geometry of the universe if its density is equal to the critical density

		c.	flat universe


1.	What contributes most of the density of the universe?
		Dark Energy

2.	If the Hubble constant is 20 km/s/Mly, how fast will a galaxy at a 	
	distance of 100 Mly years appear to be receding from us?

		20 km/s/Mly × 100 Mly

		= 2,000 km/s

3. 	If the Hubble constant is 20 km/s / Mly, at what look-back time will a 	
	galaxy appear to be receding from us at the speed of light?

		Hubble's Law: Speed = H × Distance

		Distance = Speed / H

                         = 300,000 km/s  /  20 km/s/Mly 

			 =  15,000 Mly = 15 billion light-years

                Look back time = 15 billion years

4.   	In a closed universe, how does the density of the universe compare to
      	the critical density?

		The density is greater than the critical density

5.	What is the name of the thought experiment suggesting that if the universe 
	were homogeneous, infinite, and unchanging, the entire sky would be as bright 
	as the surface of the Sun?

  		Olbers' Paradox

6.	What is the name of Einstein's "fudge factor" which he invented to create 	
	a static universe in his equations?

		Cosmological constant

7.	What object is thought to be at the center of a quasar?

		Supermassive black hole