
Journal articles

Range Expansions across Landscapes with Quenched Noise
JG Nuñez, J Paulose, W Möbius, DA Beller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2411487121 (2024)
Space-Time Symmetry and Nonreciprocal Parametric Resonance in Mechanical Systems
A Melkani, J Paulose
Physical Review E 110, 015003 (2024)
Geometric Mapping from Rectilinear Material Orthotropy to Isotropy: Insights into Plates and Shells
W Sun, C Rasmussen, R Vetter, J Paulose
Physical Review E 108, 065003 (2023)
The Influence of Explicit Local Dynamics on Range Expansions Driven by Long-Range Dispersal
N Villiger, J Paulose
G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics 13, jkad066 (2023)
Non-Singular and Singular Flat Bands in Tunable Phononic Metamaterials
P Karki, J Paulose
Physical Review Research 5, 023036 (2023)
Branching Structure of Genealogies in Spatially Growing Populations and Its Implications for Population Genetics Inference
A Eghdami, J Paulose, D Fusco
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34, 294008 (2022)
Nondispersive One-Way Signal Amplification in Sonic Metamaterials
N Kruss, J Paulose
Physical Review Applied 17, 024020 (2022)
Stopping and Reversing Sound via Dynamic Dispersion Tuning in a Phononic Metamaterial
P Karki, J Paulose
Physical Review Applied 15, 034083 (2021)
The Impact of Long-Range Dispersal on Gene Surfing
J Paulose, O Hallatschek
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 7584 (2020)
Spatial Soft Sweeps: Patterns of Adaptation in Populations with Long-Range Dispersal
J Paulose, J Hermisson, O Hallatschek
PLOS Genetics 15, e1007936 (2019)
Topological Protection Can Arise from Thermal Fluctuations and Interactions
RP Pedro, J Paulose, A Souslov, M Dresselhaus, V Vitelli
Physical Review Letters 122, 118001 (2019)
Localizing softness and stress along loops in 3D topological metamaterials
G Baardink, A Souslov, J Paulose, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 489 (2018) [arXiv]
Sonic Landau Levels and Synthetic Gauge Fields in Mechanical Metamaterials
H Abbaszadeh*, A Souslov*, J Paulose, H Schomerus, V Vitelli
Physical Review Letters 119, 195502 (2017) [arXiv]
Mechanical strain sensing implicated in cell shape recovery in Escherichia coli
F Wong, LD Renner, G Özbaykal, J Paulose, DB Weibel, S van Teeffelen, A Amir
Nature Microbiology 2, 17115 (2017)
Additives for Vaccine Storage to Improve Thermal Stability of Adenoviruses from Hours to Months
M Pelliccia*, P Andreozzi*, J Paulose*, M D'Alicarnasso, V Cagno et al
Nature Communications 7, 13520 (2016)
Spatiotemporal order and emergent edge currents in active spinner materials
BC van Zuiden*, J Paulose*, WTM Irvine, D Bartolo, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 12919 (2016) [arXiv]
Geared Topological Metamaterials with Tunable Mechanical Stability
AS Meeussen*, J Paulose*, V Vitelli
Physical Review X 6, 041029 (2016)
Topological Mechanics of Origami and Kirigami
BG Chen, B Liu, AA Evans, J Paulose, I Cohen, V Vitelli, CD Santangelo
Physical Review Letters 116, 135501 (2016) [arXiv]
Selective buckling via states of self-stress in topological metamaterials
J Paulose, AS Meeussen, V Vitelli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 7639 (2015)
Topological modes bound to dislocations in mechanical metamaterials
J Paulose, BG Chen, V Vitelli
Nature Physics 11, 153 (2015)
Elastic Instability of a Crystal Growing on a Curved Surface
G Meng, J Paulose, DR Nelson, VN Manoharan
Science 343, 634 (2014)
Buckling pathways in spherical shells with soft spots
J Paulose, DR Nelson
Soft Matter 9, 8227 (2013)
Theory of interacting dislocations on cylinders
A Amir, J Paulose, DR Nelson
Physical Review E 87, 042314 (2013)
Delayed Buckling and Guided Folding of Inhomogeneous Capsules
SS Datta*, S Kim*, J Paulose*, A Abbaspourrad, DR Nelson, DA Weitz
Physical Review Letters 109, 134302 (2012)
Fluctuating shells under pressure.
J Paulose, GA Vliegenthart, G Gompper, DR Nelson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 19551 (2012)
Two-parameter sequential adsorption model applied to microfiber clustering
J Paulose, DR Nelson, J Aizenberg
Soft Matter 6, 2421 (2010)
*Equal contribution