


  • About this site

  • In addition to working toward completing his school requirements, Newell is one of the co-founders of the No Style Art Show. No Style is “an art show put together by a cooperative of artists.” Newell defines a cooperative as “a stupid fancy word that galleries like to hear when you talk to them about it that just means a bunch of artists that know each other.”

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    The cast of No Style 3 – Back row: Brendan Newell, Nick Gammon, Jordan Domont, Tom O'Toole. Front row: James Keating, Anna Hinks, Aaron Hall, Terra Murphy. Other former No Style participants not pictured are Jeff Boyce, Matt Bliss, Justin Ouilette, Jeff Kulluson and Huxley Chin. Photo provided by Tom O'Toole.

    No Style started two years ago when Newell and a group of friends decided they wanted to show their work in a less formal setting than most gallery shows. The group of nine artists booked the Wilkinson House, a University of Oregon facility located on the north side of the Millrace, and set up their show. It was such a success that they planned another, then another, then another, with each progressive show showcasing more artists with more guests. To date, there have been four shows in the No Style series, with another one in the works.

    These shows accomplish their goal of being more than just another formal art showing. Most of the guests who go to No Style are friends or acquaintances of the artists, so, “Usually, it kind of degenerates into an art party,” Newell says about the atmosphere. With the presence of friends comes a crowd that better suits what the artists are going for. “It’s kind of nice break from stuffy people that murmur amongst themselves and are boring,” he says.

    For example, at No Style Version 3, there was a young woman walking around in a T-shirt, heels and underwear. No pants. She was a walking model for a pair of boy-cut silk-screened underwear from one of the artists and jewelry made by a metal smith artist.

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    Newell poses with his self-portrait at No Style 3.

    With such an array of artists each show, it’s hard to pin down exactly what the style of the show is, though in a very broad sense, the art leans towards a more vernacular, youthful fashion. Newell and his friends set out to provide a forum for art that they like in a setting that is comfortable and authentically their style. What they got was a series of successful art shows that grow in size, popularity and great times with each new show.

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