The Whole Earth Day Page

Peregrines in peril

More than 20 years after DDT was banned in the United States and the peregrine falcon was put on the endangered species list, the deadly pesticide still is causing problems for the bird.

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On this day,
what goes around
comes around

Gaylord Nelson, the former U.S. senator from Wisconsin, got the ball rolling in 1970.Earth Day has had its ups and downs ever since, but two and a half decades later, Nelson is still involved and still committed to the idea.

"My basic message is that we should try to build a sustainable country and achieve population control," Nelson says.

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Some are gaining,
some are losing ground

Missing manatees

The gentle manatee, one of the most endangered of species in the United States, lives for much of the year in the warm waters along Florida's Gulf Coast. In the last year, a mysterious disease has been decimating the population. Scientists are very concerned, and environmentalists are very worried. Click on the picture to see a larger version of this mother and pup.