Astronomy 121: The Formation and Evolution of the Solar System


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Internet Resources:

The Nine Planets
Meteor Showers
Views of the Solar System

Science Calculator

Periodic Table
Temperature Scale

21st Century Science
Astronomy/Physics Glossary

Solar System Symbols
What's in the Sky this Month?
Planetary Fact Sheets

Unit Converter

Greek Alphabet
Exponents and Logarithms

AST122: Birth and Death of Stars
AST123: Galaxies and Cosmology

Exam Instructions


    Section #1:
    (Jun 24th - Jul 1st)
  1. Introduction
  2. History
  3. Celestial Sphere
  4. Orbits
  5. Gravity
  6. Light
  7. Matter
  8. Solar System Review
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)

Jul 2nd: Exam #1

    Section #2:
    (Jul 3rd - Jul 11th)
  1. Earth
  2. Moon/Mercury
  3. Venus
  4. Mars
  5. Galilean Satellites
  6. Terrestrial Atmospheres
  7. Terrestrial Planet Geology
  8. Terrestrial Planet Interiors
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)

Jul 12th: Exam #2

    Section #3:
    (Jul 13th - Jul 20th)
  1. Moons
  2. Asteroids & Comets
  3. Jupiter/Saturn
  4. Uranus/Neptune
  5. Outer SS
  6. Sun
  7. Origin of the Solar System
  8. Exoplanets
  9. Primordial Life
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)
    (Video Lecture) (Slides)

Jul 21st: Exam #3

The graphic in the background of these pages is from a chart in Johannes Kepler's 1606 celestial atlas entitled De Stella Nova.

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