Sheraton Style

Designs for backs of straight chairs from The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer's Drawing Book by Thomas Sheraton, third edition, 1802.

Sheraton mahogany armchair, circa 1790-95. Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Sheraton armchair of beech wood, japanned and gilt, circa 1800. Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Sheraton mahogany oval table on central column supported by four reeded outward-curving legs, circa 1800.

Two Sheraton sideboards. The upper example shows brass rods for tea towels and a design for a secret drawer.

Inlaid mahogany break-front bookcases designed by Thomas Sheraton for The Times newspaper.

Mahogany clothes press, inlaid with various woods, circa 1795. Note oval panels and overlapping central plaque on pediment.

Late Georgian library bookcase of Cuban mahogany, inlaid with East Indian Satinwood, rosewood, box, pear, holly, ebony, and purple wood. Note oval panels, curved tracery and clear expression of verticality.

Designs from Sheraton's Drawing Book for new bed steps, a bidet dressing table, and two night-tables.
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