Adam Brothers Style

Syon House, Middlesex. Robert Adam. The Hall, looking south. Begun ca. 1761.

Syon House, Robert Adam. The Ante-Room. The twelve columns of verd-antique were dredged up from the Tiber river and brought to Syon in 1765.

Syon House, Robert Adam, circa 1761-69. The great dining room, looking east.

Syon House, Robert Adam. The Red Drawing Room. The tops of the side tables in this room are formed of mosaic found in the Baths of Titus in Rome.

Syon House, Robert Adam. The Gallery.

Josiah Wedgwood chimney-piece. Jasperware plaques and vases by John Flaxman II.

Osterley Park, Robert Adam. The Tapestry Room. Note the French Gobelins Tapestries of Louis XVI style which were designed by Boucher and Neilson.

Osterley Park, Robert Adam. The state bed chamber.

Osterley Park, Robert Adam. The Etruscan Dressing Room, circa 1775-1776.

Lyre-back armchair of inlaid rosewood with gilt metal mounts and medallion, circa 1770. Made by John Linnell from an Adam design.

Sideboard, urns on pedistals and wine-cooler in the dining-room at Harewood House, mahogany inlaid, supplied by Chippendale circa 1771.

The "Diana" demi-lune commode veneered with satinwood and harewood. Designed by Robert Adam for the drawing room at Osterley Park.
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