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Donjon of the Matsuyama Castle


 Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Donjon of the Matsuyama Castle

by Akagi Yasunobu, 1939

Title Page from the series Annual Events of the Edo Theater

IHL Cat. #929

About This Print

The artist's rendering of the Matsuyama Castle keep.

Matsuyama Castle

Source: Website JapanVisitor http://www.japanvisitor.com/japan-city-guides/japanese-castles/matsuyama-castle

Matsuyama Castle, in Matsuyama in Ehime prefecture, western Shikoku, was first built by Kato Yoshiaki between 1602 and 1627. (It is not to be confused with Bitchu Matsuyama Castle in Okayama prefecture.)

The castle is one of Japan's twelve originally surviving castles, although it burnt down twice, once in 1642 and again in 1784, after being struck by lightning. The present structures date from 1854.

Matsuyama Castle is atop a steep hill located in the center of Matsuyama Koen Park, surrounded by the rest of the city. If you don't feel like the climb there is the Matsuyamajō Ropeway which is just a three minute ride to the top of the castle park.

The impressive, three-story central tower (or, donjon, daitenshu) is listed as an Important Cultural Property and has displays of samurai swords, old palanquins and armor inside which belonged to the previous feudal lords (daimyo) of Matsudaira, relatives of the ruling Tokugawa.

There are great views from the donjon over the town below and out to the Inland Sea, separating Shikoku from Honshu to the north.

The pleasant castle grounds are a popular spot for cherry blossom viewing (hanami) and a good place for a picnic in summer and spring.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #928
 Title or Description Donjon of the Matsuyama Castle 天守閣 四国松山城 (as titled by The National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo)
Shikoku Matsuyama-jō 四国松山城 (as titled on label on folio verso)
 Akagi Yasunobu (1889-1955)
artist's  (tai) seal 
 Publication Date 1939
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printer self-printed
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - tipped to original folder with original label
 Genre sosaku-hanga (creative print)
 Format chuban
 H x W Paper 6 1/2 x 9 1/8 in. (16.5 x 23.2 cm)
 H x W Image 5 3/8 x 8 3/8 in. (13.7 x 21.3 cm)
 Reference Literature 
 Collections This PrintThe National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo P00904