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Spring Field A

American Girl, A

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

春の野 A (Spring Field A)

by Fujita Fumio, 1971

Fujita Fumio (b. 1933)

IHL Cat. #2003

About This Print

A combining of abstract organic forms, discernible as a freshly plowed field, and a grouping of trees make for a lovely composition.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #2003
 Title or Description 春の野 A (Spring Field A)
 Fujita Fumio (b. 1933)
F. Fujita in English bottom right of image 
 Seal not sealed
 Publication Date 1971
 Edition 10 of 200
 Publisher self-published
 Carver self-carved
 Printer self-printed
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent 
 Genre sosaku hanga (creative prints)
 Format dai oban
 H x W Paper 17 5/16 x 12 3/4 in. (44 x 32.4 cm )
 H x W Image 14 7/8 x 10 11/16 in. (37.8 x 27.1 cm)  
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature 
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