Woodblock Print Illustrations in this Volume (right to left as they appear in the book in the Japanese style)
inside rear cover | inside front cover |
清水舞臺 (清水舞台) Kiyomizu-dera | 大原女 浅井忠 Oharame by Asai Chu | 京都の巻 Kyōto no maki |
金福寺境内 Konpuku-ji grounds | 銀閣寺 Ginkaku-ji | |
大原村 Ohara-mura | 八瀨途上 On the way to Yase | 詩仙堂 Shisendō
高瀨川 Takasegawa | 御室 Omuro | 嵐山 Arashiyama
宇治 Uji | 稻荷より東寺 Tōji Temple from Inari | 加茂川の月 Moon over the Kamogawa
About This BookVolume one of the three volume set of "sketch tour" books titled Kinai kenbutsu (Scenes of the Inner Provinces), published by Kanao Tanejirō (1879-1947) (the publishing house Bunendō) in 1911 and 1912.1 Volume 1, subtitled Kyōto, and volume 2, subtitled Yamato ( Nara) , were issued in 1911 and the third volume, subtitled Ōsaka, in 1912. The three volumes contain 57 stitched-in woodblock prints, as well as woodblock printed covers, endpapers and slipcases, all but one of the woodblock designs by the Western-style artist Nakazawa Hiromitsu (1874-1964)2. While photogravure, and halftone and heliotype (collotype) reproductions of paintings and sketches by Hiromitsu, and a single heliotype of a painting by Asai Chū (1856-1907)3, far outnumber the woodblock prints, the quality of these reproductions varies and the true highlight of these volumes are the woodblock prints.4
The three volumes of Kinai kenbutsu (left to right): 大阪之巻 (Ōsaka) , 大和の卷 (Yamato), 京都の巻 (Kyōto)
In commenting on Nakazawa's prints, Scott Johnson notes that the publisher Kanao's involvement with this project brought forth a lighter palette from Hiromitsu lending his woodblock prints "a fresh luminous quality."5 The beauty of these prints is also due to the work of respected woodblock carver Igami Bonkotsu (1875-1933) and woodblock printer Nishimura Kumakichi (1861?-1941?) who captured the essence of Nakazawa's designs.6
The text for volume one, Kyōto, was contributed by Nakazawa and four well-known poets, Takayasu Gekkō 高安月郊 (1869–1944), Susukida Kyūkin 薄田泣堇 (1877-1945), Kambara Ariake 蒲原有明 (1876-1952) and Yosano Akiko 与謝野晶子 (1878-1942), who had previously published poetry with Kanao and who would go on to work with him on Shin'yaku Genji monogatari, her important translation of the Tale of Genji into modern colloquial Japanese in 1913.7
As noted below, I only scanned selected pages to display on this page, focusing on the illustrations. To see the entire book, including all text, go to Freer|Sackler FSC-GR-780.910.1-6.
Reproductions of Paintings and Sketches in this Volume The table of contents for this volume identifies the type of reproduction for almost all of the illustrations in the first section of this volume as one of the following four types: 木版 mokuhan - woodblock printing 原色版 genshokuban - this term is translated as both "tricolor printing" and "heliotype", a type of collotype print. 寫眞版 - photogravure process コロタイプ版 collotype plate
I have indicated the type of reproduction identified for each of the illustrations below.
1 Kinai refers to the six ancient provinces surrounding the old capitals at Nara and Kyōto. The Kinai is viewed as the center of ancient Japan. 2 The slipcase is missing from this collection's volume.3 In regards to Asai Chū's involvement with this work, Scott Johnson in his article "Sketch-tour Books and Print of the Early Books Twentieth Century", appearing in Andon 37 , June 1991, implies that Asai created the oil paintings reproduced in these volumes specifically for the publication, but that his "sudden death in 1907 cut short further contributions." 4 The photogravures in this collection's book have faded considerably which may, in part, be a result of its being a second edition.5 "Sketch-tour Books and Print of the Early Books Twentieth Century", appearing in Andon 37 , June 1991, 6 Igami and Nishimura produced the prints for the Nara and Kyōto volumes.
Selected Pages including all woodblock printsNotes:1. Thumbnails are displayed right to left as they appear in the book in the Japanese style.2. All illustrations are by Nakazawa except for three by Asai Chū, so labeled below.
3. Titles for illustrations are taken from the table of contents and may differ slightly from the titles that appear on the actual illustrations. When titles for an illustration do not appear in the table of contents, they are transcribed from the tile on the illustration itself.
畿内見物 京都の巻 Kinai kenbutsu Kyōo no maki [木版 woodblock printing]
right (tri-fold): 大原女 浅井忠 right: Oharame by Asai Chu left: 清水舞臺 (清水舞台) left: Kiyomizu-dera by Nakazawa Hiromitsu [木版 woodblock printing] | [木版 woodblock printing] |
inside front cover [木版 woodblock printing]
清水途中 On the way to Kiyomizu [原色版 heliotype] | 清水の樓門 Kiyomizu Inari [原色版 heliotype] | 清水田村堂 Kiyomizu Tamura-dō [原色版 heliotype] |
祇園町の三 Gion-chō, three [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祇園町の二 Gion-chō, two [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祇園町の一 Gion-chō, one [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祇園町の六 Gion-chō, six [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祇園町の五 Gion-chō, five [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祇園町の四 Gion-chō, four [寫眞版 photogravure] |
南禪寺 Nazen-ji [寫眞版 photogravure] | 粟田青蓮院 Awata Shōren-in [原色版 heliotype] | 八坂の塔 Yasaka no tō [原色版 heliotype] |
白河 浅井忠 Shirakawa by Asai Chu [原色版 heliotype] | 永觀堂境内 Eikan-dō temple grounds [木版 woodblock printing] | 永觀堂 浅井忠 Eikan-dō by Asai Chu [原色版 heliotype] |
詩仙堂 Shisendō [木版 woodblock printing] |
金福寺境内 Konpuku-ji temple grounds [木版 woodblock printing] | 銀閣寺 Ginkaku-ji [木版 woodblock printing] |
八瀨途上 On the way to Yase [木版 woodblock printing] | 平八茶屋 Heihachi jaya [寫眞版 photogravure] | 今出川 Imadegawa [寫眞版 photogravure] |
大原村 Ohara village [木版 woodblock printing] | 大原村 Ohara village [寫眞版 photogravure] | 八瀨風俗 Yase customs [寫眞版 photogravure] |
嵐山 Arashiyama [木版 woodblock printing] | 寂光院阿侍内波像 Jakkoin Ajiya Naiwa Statue [コロタイプ版 collotype plate]
| 八瀨 Yase [寫眞版 photogravure] |
渡月橋 Togetsukyō (Moon Crossing Bridge) [寫眞版 photogravure] | 嵐山 Arashiyama [寫眞版 photogravure]
| 花見の人 people viewing cherry blossoms [寫眞版 photogravure] |
祗王木像 Giō wooden statue [コロタイプ版 collotype plate]
| 祗王寺 Giō-ji [寫眞版 photogravure] | 野の宮 Nonomiya [寫眞版 photogravure]
御室 Omuro [木版 woodblock printing] |
 嵯峨 Saga [寫眞版 photogravure] |
釋迦堂 Shaka-dō [寫眞版 photogravure] |
京娘 Kyoto woman [コロタイプ版 collotype plate] |
[木版 woodblock printing] | 悟真寺 Goshin-ji [寫眞版 photogravure] |
加茂川の月 Moon over the Kamogawa [木版 woodblock printing] |
西石垣裏 Nishiishigaki 繩手の宿 Inn at Nawate [寫眞版 photogravure]
| 西石垣の宿 Inn at Saiseki [寫眞版 photogravure]
繩手より Nawate dōri [原色版 heliotype] |
鴨河の夜 Kamogawa night [原色版 heliotype] | 鴨河の夕 Kamogawa evening [原色版 heliotype] |
桃山御殿襖 大佛の首 三十三間堂にて Momoyama Palace sliding screen Daibutsu head At Sanjūsangen-dō [寫眞版 photogravure]
| 五條の朝 Gojō morning [寫眞版 photogravure] | 繩手より Nawate dōri [寫眞版 photogravure] |
博物舘廿八部衆の内 二 Museum, nijūhashi bushū, two [寫眞版 photogravure] | 博物舘廿八部衆の内 一 Museum, nijūhashi bushū, one [寫眞版 photogravure] |
五條下 Gojō [原色版 heliotype] |
稻荷より東寺 Tōji Temple from Inari [木版 woodblock printing] |
京都所見の二 Kyoto view, 2 京都所見の三 Kyoto view, 3 |
壬生にて at Mibu(-dera) 京都所見の一 Kyoto view, 1
?三?女之墓 woman's tomb ?女??墓 扇屋 | 畿内見物 京都の巻 浅井忠 高安月郊 蒲原有明 薄田泣堇 與謝野晶子 中澤弘光 Asai Chū Takayasu Gekkō Kambara Ariake Susukida Kyūkin Yosano Akio Nakazawa Hiromitsu [list of authors] | 宇治 Uji [木版 woodblock printing] |
大雅堂 Taigadō 大雅堂肖像 Taigadō Portrait |
納涼 enjoying the evening cool ?の涼 |
p. 79 |
清水舞台 Kiyomizu-dera 清水三重塔 Kiyomizu-dera Three Story Pagoda 清水 Kiyomizu p. 89 | 下加茂 Shitakamo p. 88 上加茂 Kamigamo 加茂川 Kamo River
舞子 Maiko (illustration) 紫の都 高安月郊 Purple? Capital - Takayasu Gekkō p. 83
京都 蒲原有明 Kyoto - Kambara Ariake p. 91
 三千院 Sanzen-in 三十三間堂 Sanjūsangendō | 八瀨 Yase
 京の歌 中澤弘光 Kyoto's Poetry - Nakazawa Hiromitsu p. 144 畿内見物京都の巻 大尾 Kinai kenbutsu, Kyōto no maki end p. 145 | 京の歌 中澤弘光 Kyoto's Poetry - Nakazawa Hiromitsu p. 142-143 |
京都 - 薄田泣堇 Kyoto - Susukida Kyūkin p. 103
 畿内見物 List of illustrations (continued) 紫の都 高安月郊 and list of essays and poems pages 4 and 5 |
畿内見物 List of illustrations (continued) pages 2 and 3 |
Kinai kenbutsu table of contents list of illustrations page 1 |
colophon 明治四十四年二月一日印刷 明治四十四年二月五日發行 [February 1, 1911 printed] [February 5, 1911 issued]
金貳圓 [price 2 yen]
著作權所有 [copyright reserved]
編輯兼發行者 金尾種次郎 [publisher and editor: Kanao Tanejirō]
發行者 杉本要 [editor: Sugimoto Kaname] 印刷者 中村彌三郎 [printer: Nakamura Yasaburō]
印刷所 三生舍 [printing place: Sanseisha]
發兌元 金尾文淵堂 [publishing house: Kanao Bun'endō]
發兌元 杉本梁江堂 [publishing house: Sugimoto Ryōkōdō] |
production credits 木版 [woodblock carving] 伊上凡骨 [Igami Bonkatsu]
印刷 [printing] 西村熊吉 [Nishimura Kumakichi]
玻瑠版 [collotype] 中野米藏 [Nokano Yonezō]
原色版 [heliotype] 大江太 [Ōe Futoshi]
寫眞版 [photogravure] 大江太 [Ōe Futoshi]
活版 [movable type] [三生舍 Sanseisha]
表紙印刷 [cover printing] [五彩閣 unread]
製本 [book binding] 植木瀧藏 [Ueki? Takizō] | 畿内見物
京 與謝野晶子 京都 蒲原有明 京都 薄田泣堇 目次終 End of table of contents pages 6 and 7 |
inside rear cover [木版 woodblock printing] |
IHL Catalog | #2398 | Title or Description | Scenes of the Inner Provinces, Kyōto Volume Kinai kenbutsu, Kyōto no maki 畿内見物 京都の巻 | Artist
| Nakazawa Hiromitsu (1874-1964) and Asai Chū 浅井忠 (1856-1907) Authors: Takayasu Gekkō 高安月郊 (1869–1944), Susukida Kyūkin 薄田泣堇 (1877-1945), Kambara Ariake 蒲原有明 (1876-1952), Yosano Akio 與謝野晶子 (1878-1942) and Nakazawa Hiromitsu 中澤弘光 (1874-1964) | Signature
| no artist signature
| Seal | 弘 Hiro seal appears on almost all woodblock illustrations and many of the sketch and painting reproductions | Publication Date | February 1, 1911 明治四十四年二月一日 印刷 February 5, 1911 明治四十四年二月五日 發行
| Edition | first
| Publisher | 發行者 金尾種次郎 publisher Kanao Tanejirō 發兌元 金尾文淵堂 publishing house Kanao Bun'endō | Carver | Igami Bonkatsu 伊上几骨 (伊上凡骨) | Printer | Nishimura Kumakichi 西村熊吉 (woodblock prints only) | Impression | excellent | Colors | excellent | Condition | good - toning of woodblock prints mainly noticeable in margins; binding loose but largely in tact
| Miscellaneous | pages are gilt-edged; book is bound in the Western style; woodblock printed paper over board cover | Genre | shasei kikō (sketch-tour); illustrated book zuroku 図録 | Format |
| H x W Paper | H x W x D Book Closed: 8 7/8 × 5 7/8 x 3/4 in. (22.2 x 14.9 x 1.9 cm) | Collections | National Diet Library 765548 Call No. 330-327 (Kyoto volume); Freer|Sackler FSC-GR-780.910.1-6; Rijksmuseum RP-P-2005-584A; The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto M00778; The British Museum 1991,1112,0.137.2; Stanford University Japanese Collection DS897 .K84 K56 | Reference Literature | "Sketch-tour Books and Print of the Early Books Twentieth Century" by Scott Johnson, appearing in Andon 37 , June 1991. |
last update: 3/2/2021 created