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Fan - Ka


Japanese Color Etching

Fan - か (Ka)

by Ōuchi Makoto, c. 1975

IHL Cat. #884

About This Print

From a series of at least seven prints incorporating a fan motif and a hiragana character, in this case the character "ka" か which appears right reading on the fan and in its mirror image to the left of the fan. Ōuchi has borrowed the image of the beautiful courtesan entertaining herself with calligraphy from a c. 1794 woodblock titled Portrait of Kasen of Ogiya, a Celebrated Yoshiwara Beauty by the artist Chōbunsai Eishi (1756–1829).

Other prints in this series use the characters "re" れ, "ke" け, "ri" り, "fu" ふ, "e" え and "ni" に.

Portrait of Kasen of Ogiya, a Celebrated Yoshiwara Beauty, c. 1794
Chōbunsai Eishi (Japanese, 1756–1829)

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #884
 Title or Description Fan - か (ka)
 Ōuchi Makoto (1926-1989)
 Ouchi M (in pencil)
 Seal of Artist no seal
 Publication Date c. 1975 (not dated)
 Edition 68 of 100
 Publisher  self-published
 Printer self-printed
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - minor mat burn; two tape remnants top verso; minor crease top margin
 Genre contemporary
 H x W Paper 24 3/4 x 19 3/8 in. (62.9 x 50.2 cm)
 H x W Image 
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature