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Pacific Saury and Eggplant

Sakamoto Hanjirō (1882-1969)

 Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Pacific Saury and Eggplant (さんまと茄子)

by Shima Tamami, 1965

Sakamoto Hanjirō (1882-1969)

IHL Cat. #1407

About This Print

Three Pacific Saury (literally "autumn night fish" 秋刀魚) occupy this still life with a single small eggplant.

As mentioned in the artist's biography, a number of Shima's blocks somehow wound up in the hands of fellow artist Takagi Shirō (1934-1998) who reprinted them under his own name using Shima's titles.  This particular print was reprinted at least twice by Takagi, in both an undated edition of 200 prints and in an edition of 100 prints, dated 1970, five years after the date on this collection's print by Shima.

How Takagi acquired Shima's blocks and the rights to the work is unknown.

One of the reprinted editions by Shiro Takagi.  Signed S. Takaki in the lower right margin. 
This image was taken from an online auction and it is likely the colors are not reproduced correctly.
Despite the possible color differences, it is clear to me that Takagi used Shima's blocks for this print.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #1407
Pacific Saury and Eggplant
さんまと茄子 [Sanma to Nasu]
 Shima Tamami (1937-1999)
T. Shima
 not sealed
 Publication Date
 Edition unknown
 Carver self-carved
 Printer self-printed
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent
 Genre sosaku hanga (creative print)
 Format double oban
 H x W Paper 12 x 17 5/16 in. (30.5 x 44 cm)
 H x W Image 10 3/8 x 15 5/16 in. (26.4 x 38.9 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature