Kōdai-ji Temple, Hagi from the series Kyoto in Autumn

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Kōdai-ji Temple, Hagi

from the series Kyoto in Autumn

by Tokuriki Tomikichirō, 1942

Table of Contents for the series Twelve Aspects of Kyoto

IHL Cat. #2420

About This Print

One of 24 prints from a series of ōgi fan -shaped images of scenic places in the Kyoto area during the four seasons, with each season being represented by six images. Each image is printed on a decorative background with floral motifs printed in silver mica. This print is part of the Kyoto in Autumn set and pictures Kōdai-ji Temple in the driving rain. 

Kōdai-ji Temple
Sources: Website of Kodai-ji Zen Temple https://www.kodaiji.com/e_index.html

Kōdaiji Temple, formally called Kōdaijusho-zenji, is located in the Higashiyama District on the lower slopes of Kyoto's eastern mountains. "The temple was established in 1606 by Kita-no-Mandokoro (1548-1624) in memory of her late husband Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598). Kita-no-Mandokoro was also known as Nene. She later became a priestess and assumed the name of Kodaiin Kogetsuni. In July 1624, Sanko Osho from Kenninji Temple was welcomed as the principal monk and the temple was then named Kodai-ji. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616) (the first Tokugawa shogun) financed the construction of the temple, resulting in its magnificent appearance."

"Currently Kaisandō (Founder's Hall), Otama-ya (Sanctuary), Kasatei (Teahouse), Shiguretei (Teahouse), Omotetmon (Gate to Sanctuary) and Kangetsudai (Moon Viewing Pavilion) are designated as important cultural properties of Japan."

It is famous for its small, flowering hagi (bush clover) trees during September. 

The Series - Kyoto in the Four Seasons

Kyoto in Winter 冬の京都より

Kyoto Kaomise 京の顔見世 
Atoyama Shrine 愛宕山神社 
Daitoku-ji Snow Scene 大徳寺雪景 
Early Spring in Inariyama 稲荷山早春 
Kinkaku-ji Snow Scene 金閣寺雪景 
Kyoto Imperial Palace in Snow 京都御所乃雪 

Kyoto in Spring 春の京都より
Kōetsu-ji Takagamine in Spring 鷹ヶ峰光悦寺乃春 
Kamigamo Shrine in Spring 上賀茂社乃春 
Cherry Blossoms at Omuro 御室の桜 
Cherry Blossoms at Gokoku Shrine 護國神社の桜 
Kitano Shrine Early Spring 北野神社早春
Arashiyama Spring Scene  嵐山
note: I have not found the sixth print in this set

Kyoto in Summer  夏の京都より
Mibu Kyōgen 壬生狂言 
Onshi Nijō Castle 恩賜ニ篠城 
Gionsai Yoiyama 祗園祭宵山 
Kurama-dera in Early Summer 鞍馬寺の初夏 
Diamonji 大文字 
Heian-jingū 平安神宮 

Kyoto in Fall 秋の京都より
Kōdai-ji Temple, Hagi 高台寺の萩 
Tsuten-kyo Autumn Leaves 通天橋の紅葉
Tō-ji Harvest Moon 東寺名月
Red Maples at Takao 高雄紅楓
Sanjūsangen-dō 三十三間堂
Kiyomizu-dera Autumn Colors 清水寺 秋色 

Print Details
 IHL Catalog #2420
 Title Kōdaiji Temple, Hagi
 Series Kyoto in Autumn
 Tokuriki Tomikichirō (1902-2000)
富吉郎  Tomikichirō
 Seal  徳力 Tokuriki (see oval seal above)
 Date 1942 昭和17 
 Edition original (first) edition

Uchida Art Bookstore
版元 内田美術書肆  Uchida Bijutsu shoshi

Note: right column of seal reading 作者徳力富吉郎 (artist,  Tokuriki Tomikichirō) is trimmed from this print
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - minor toning
 Genre shin hanga (new print); fūkeiga
 Format horizontal ōban
 H x W Paper 10 x 17 1/2 in. (25.4 x 44.5 cm)
 H x W Image 8 1/8 x 17 (20.6 x 43.2 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference Literature