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Nagoya Castle

Tsuchiya Kōitsu (1870-1949)

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Nagoya Castle

by Tsuchiya Kōitsu, originally 1937

Tsuchiya Kōitsu (1870-1949)
IHL Cat. #981

About This Print

Kōitsu's colorful rendering of the walls and inner moat at Nagoya Castle during the height of the spring cherry blossom season.

Nagoya Castle

Source: Nagoya Castle Official Website http://www.nagoyajo.city.nagoya.jp/13_english/index.html
Nagoya Castle was constructed on the orders of Ieyasu TOKUGAWA in order to secure an important position on the Tokaido road and to ward off attacks from the direction of Osaka. Construction was completed in 1612, and the castle is typical of those built on flatlands. Until the Meiji Restoration, Nagoya Castle flourished as the castle in which the Owari lineage of the Tokugawa family, the foremost of the family’s three lineages, resided.

In May 1945, during the air raids on Nagoya in the Second World War, most of the buildings including the main and small dungeons, and the Hommaru Palace, were burned down.  Fortunately, however, three corner
towers, three gates, and most of the paintings on the sliding doors and walls in the Hommaru Palace survived the fire, and have been handed down as Important Cultural Assets.

Print Details

 IHL Catalog #981
 Title Nagoya Castle (名古屋城)
 Tsuchiya Kōitsu (1870-1949)
ōitsu followed by shinsei 真生 ("genuine") 
 Seal shinsei 真生 ("genuine") (see Signature above)
 Publication Date originally issued March 1937.  This print is a later impression, produced after the artist's death.
 Edition late 1960s to early 1990s (see Publisher below for further dating information)
 Publisher Doi Hangaten - 土井版画店 (Doi Sadaichi 土井貞一)
Note: No publisher's seal is present on this print.  According to the Koitsu.com website http://www.koitsu.com/Research/dating_koitsu_prints/dating_koitsu-prints.htm the absence of a publisher seal indicates an unauthorized printing.
To quote:
"Based on an analysis of the Koitsu prints saved in my Koitsu database I would estimate around 20% of Doi-published Koitsu prints do not have any publisher seals. If your print has publisher seals they will be found in the lower area of the left margin and look similar to those shown below in the Doi section. Dating evidence suggests these appeared in the market as far back as the late 1960s until the 1990s. There was only one printer active during all this time, Seki, who was dismissed by Doi Eiichi in the early 1990s for "activities that undermined the Doi publishing house" (no doubt selling unsealed prints on the side was a part of that activity). If your Doi print has no publisher seals in the lower left margin it dates to this period."
 Carver unknown
 Printer likely Seki (see Publisher above for further information on this printer)
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent 

 Genre shin hanga (new prints)
 Format dai-ōban tate-e
 H x W Paper 17 1/8 x 11 1/4 in. (43.5 x 28.6 cm)
 H x W Image 15 1/2 x 10 1/4 x in. (39.4 x 26 cm)
 Collections This Print 
 Reference LiteratureThe Catalogue Raisonne of Tsuchiya Koitsu Meiji to Shin-Hanga, Watercolours to Woodblocks, Ross F. Walker and Toshikazu Doi, Ohmi Gallery Publishing, 2009; Koitsu.com site reference TK-DH-042
last revision: