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A Glaring Contest

Picture of the Occupation of the Taku Forts and the Hard Fight of Navy Lt. Colonel Hattori

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

A Glaring Contest

by unknown artist, c. 1895/1915

S. Watanabe Woodcut Print Shop

IHL Cat. #1977

About This Print

Two figures square off against each other in a glaring contest accompanied by a verbal battle recorded in the upper left of the print between the "man on the right" 「人ノ右 」and the "man on the left" 「人ノ左 」. I have translated the title「睨ッ子」as "a glaring contest", but I'm ready to stand corrected. The print is neither signed or sealed and is not dated but appears to be a ponchi-e (political cartoon).1

click on image to enlarge
(for anyone who would like to translate or transcribe)

1 The earliest Japanese term for political cartoon—‘Punch picture’ (Ponchi-e ポンチ絵)—was invented in 1868 by a Japanese language news journal, the Kōko shinbun 江湖新聞 (the public news) published in the treaty port of Yokohama. The word endured until the early 1900s when it was slowly supplanted by the more familiar manga (cartoon), a broader term that came to mean not only single panel political cartoons but also four panel cartoons, comic strips, comic magazines and eventually animated cartoons. [Abstract of the article "‘Punch Pictures’: Localising Punch in Meiji Japan", p, 307-335, appearing in Asian Punches: A Transcultural Affair ,ed. Hans Harder, Barbara Mittler, Springer, 2013.]

Print Details

 IHL Catalog
 Title or Description
睨ッ子 [睨っこ] Glaring Contest
Note: The above is my guess at the meaning of the title

 Artist Unknown
 Signature unsigned
 Seal not sealed
 Publication Date not dated, likely sometime between 1890 and 1920
 Publisher unknown
 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition excellent - light toning throughout
 Genre manga; ponchi-e
 Format chuban
 H x W Paper 
 9 3/8 x  6 7/16 in. (23.8 x 16.4 cm)
 H x W Image 8 5/16 x 5 9/16 in. (21.1 x 14.1 cm)
 Collections This Print
last revision: