About This Print
One of 118 prints in the series Dai Nippon Bussan Zue (Products of Greater Japan), issued in August 1877 to coincide with the opening of Japan’s first National Industrial Exposition (Naikoku Kangyō Hakurankai) held in Tokyo’s Ueno Park. In this print, kuzu (Japanese arrowroot or pueraria) is being processed into starch. Yamato Province (大和国, Yamato no Kuni) was a province of Japan, located in Kinai, corresponding to present-day Nara Prefecture in Honshū.1
Kuzu root is the traditional medicine of choice for a host of digestive disorders and it is also used as a cooking starch.
The top print appears to be an earlier printing as the lines are crisper and the print holds more detail. Small color changes have been made in the later edition below it, e.g. color of the roof, addition of reddish sunset in the background.
Scroll Inscription
Source: National Museum of Japanese History http://www.rekihaku.ac.jp/up-cgi/getdocrd.pl?tn=1527&ti=0&h=./history/w11288752628_28652&ch=2&p=param/nisikie/db_param&o=1501&k=50&l=&sf=0&so=「扨もみ出したる汁を布の袋に入て絞り再び木綿袋に入て漉し 一日の間静定て上は水を捨かたまりを乾し底に付し黒き粉を削り又澄し桶に入てかきまぜ 沈澱す るにしたがひ上水を取りのぞく 再三に及ひて乾したるを灰と布を敷たる晒匣にいれて日に干す也 是を灰くすといふ也 此灰くすを前の如く水干する事七八度 にして後厚紙を敷たるさらし袋に入 日に干たるが即葛粉也」
Multiple Editions (Variant Printings)
At least three variant printings (editions) were made of this series. Each variant printing uses a different colored cartouche containing the series' title, either red, green or rainbow-colored. Different colored borders were also used and variances in the use of colors and shading are present in the three editions.1 Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamato_Province
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #367 and #367A and #1506 |
Title or Description | Making Arrowroot Powder in Yamato Province 大和国葛之粉製図 Yamato no kuni kazura no kona sei zu |
Series | Dai Nippon Bussan Zue 大日本物産図会 (Products of Greater Japan) |
Artist | Utagawa Hiroshige III (1842–1894) |
Signature | ![]() Full cartouche reads 画工 大鋸町四番地 安藤徳兵エ [gakō Ōga machi yon banchi Andō Tokubei] |
Seal | none |
Publication Date | 1877 (Meiji 10) |
Publisher | ![]() appearing in right margin (partially trimmed on this print) Full cartouche reads 出版人 日本橋通一丁目十九番地 大倉孫兵衛 (Publisher, Nihobashi-dōri Itchōme 19-banchi, Ōkura Magobei) |
Impression | IHL Cat. #367: excellent IHL Cat. #367A: excellent IHL Cat. #1506: excellent |
Colors | IHL Cat. #367: excellent IHL Cat. #367A: excellent IHL Cat. #1506: excellent |
Condition | IHL Cat. #367: good - vertical centerfold IHL Cat. #367A: good - vertical centerfold IHL Cat. #1506: good - vertical centerfold reinforced by tape on verso |
Genre | nishiki-e; kaika-e |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | chuban |
H x W Paper | IHL Cat. #367: 6 7/8 x 9 3/8 in. (17.5 x 23.8 cm) IHL Cat. #367A: 6 7/8 x 9 3/8 (17.5 x 23.8 cm) IHL Cat. #1506 6 3/4 x 9 3/8 in. (17.1 x 23.8 cm) |
H x W Image | IHL Cat. #367: 6 3/8 x 9 in. (16.2 x 22.9 cm) IHL Cat. #367A: 6 3/8 x 9 in. (16.2 x 22.9 cm) IHL Cat. #1506: 6 3/8 x 9 in. (16.2 x 22.9 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | Hagi Yamaguchi Prefectural Art Museum Urakami system:U02990; Waseda University Library Archives 01_04265_0001; National Museum of Japanese History H-22-1-30-7-3 |