About This Print
One of 118 prints in the series Dai Nippon Bussan Zue (Products of Greater Japan), issued in August 1877 to coincide with the opening of Japan’s first National Industrial Exposition (Naikoku Kangyō Hakurankai) held in Tokyo’s Ueno Park, depicting fired Imari porcelain being taken from the kiln and being painted. "Imari" refers to the port near Arita in Hizen from which the pottery was shipped. Porcelain production pioneered by Korean potters living in Japan began in the early seventeenth century.1
See IHL Cat. #1499 Manufacturing Imari Porcelain, figure 1 in Hizen [Province], figure 1 which depicts the making of Imari porcelain.
The artist based many of his designs on the designs that appeared in the 1799 book Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue (Famous Sea and Land Products in Japan), leaving some question whether everything Hiroshige III portrayed in the series was truly the "state of the art" in 1877 when the series was issued. (Although for manyactivities pictured, things would have looked much the same in 1877 as in 1799.) In many cases, the information in the scroll is also copied from the earlier work.
click on image to enlarge
Illustration of painting Imari pottery in Hizen from Nihon Sankai Meisan Zue (Famous Sea and Land Products in Japan), 1799
Hizen Province (肥前国 Hizen no kuni) was an old province ofJapan in the area of Saga and Nagasaki prefectures. It was sometimes called Hishū (肥州), with Higo Province. Hizen bordered on the provinces of Chikuzen and Chikugo. The province was included in Saikaidō. It did not include the regions of Tsushima and Iki that are now part of modern Nagasaki Prefecture.2
Multiple Editions (Variant Printings)
At least three variant printings (editions) were made of this series. Each variant printing uses a different colored cartouche containing the series' title, either red, green or rainbow-colored. Different colored borders were also used and variances in the use of colors and shading are present in the three editions.Scroll Inscription
Source: with thanks to Yajifun http://yajifun.tumblr.com/
大日本物産圖會 肥前伊万里陶器造図 二 三代目歌川広重 1877年
“凡器(ウツハ)を造(ツク)るに 形押 円器 の両種ありといへとも円器を第一の用品とす 先土中に三尺程乃穴を堀 中に車を仕かけて車の真中に土を置 車ハ足にて廻し 両手を以て上の土を押捧(オシサゝ)け指にて心の侭に器を作り陰干(カゲホシ)にして素焼きの釜に入 薪を用ゐて度量(ドリヤウ)をさつし火をけしてそのまゝさし取いだして水にてあらひ書 画をかきて本釜へ入て燒なり 「スヤキ釜ノ図」「クスリヲ掛タルヲエ図」「ヌノニテミカク」「画ヲカク図」”
1 Metropolitan Museum of Art website http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jpor/hd_jpor.htm
2 Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hizen_Province
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #1494 |
Title or Description | Manufacturing Imari Porcelain in Hizen, figure 2 肥前伊万里陶器造図 二 Hizen imari tōki tsukuru zu ni |
Series | Dai Nippon Bussan Zue 大日本物産図会 (Products of Greater Japan) |
Artist | Utagawa Hiroshige III (1842–1894) |
Signature | ![]() |
Seal | none |
Publication Date | 1877 (Meiji 10) |
Publisher | ![]() appearing in right margin (almost completely trimmed from this print) Full cartouche reads 出版人 日本橋通一丁目十九番地 大倉孫兵衛 (Publisher, Nihobashi-dōri Itchōme 19-banchi, Ōkura Magobei) |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | good - centerfold reinforced by tape on verso; multiple paper losses along bottom margin |
Genre | nishiki-e; kaika-e |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | chuban |
H x W Paper | 6 3/4 x 9 3/16 in. (17.1 x 23.3 cm) |
H x W Image | 6 3/8 x 9 in. (16.2 x 22.9 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | Waseda University Library Archives 01_04265_0001; National Institutes for theHumanities H-22-1-30-7-6 |