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Illustration of Meeting at the General Staff Headquarters

Illustration of a Large Intense Engagement, Sino-Japanese War

Japanese Color Woodblock Print

Illustration of Meeting at the

General Staff Headquarters

Watanabe Nobukazu and Utagawa Kokunimasa, 1894

Gossip: Sino-Japanese War [Break in the Fighting After Victory at Asan]

IHL Cat. #2091

About This Print

Kokunimasa contributed the landscape beyond the pink curtains in this scene inside the General Staff Headquarters, with the Emperor in his military regalia presiding, while Watanabe Nobukazu (c.1872-1944) designed the headquarter interior located in the Imperial Palace. A telegram has just been received from Major General Ōshima announcing victory over Chinese forces near Asan in Korea. The Battle of Asan 牙山作戦 at the end of July 1894 was the first major battle in the first Sino-Japanese War.

The General Staff Headquarters was moved to the Imperial Palace on August 5, 1894. It would be relocated to Hiroshima Castle on September 13, followed by the Emperor and key government institutions. Hiroshima, a major port for the movement of soldiers and supplies, would function as a temporary capital for the duration of the war.  

Of course, as with almost all the war prints, the actual scene is a construction by the artist, although the sending of a telegram to the General Staff by Ōshima announcing and detailing the victory is historical fact. 



Print Details

 IHL Catalog
 Title or Description Illustration of Meeting at the General Staff Headquarters
 Artist Watanabe Nobukazu (1872-1944) and Utagawa Kokunimasa (1874-1944)
Yōsai Nobukazu 楊斎延一Kokunimasa 小国政

 Seal Toshidama 年玉印 beneath Nobukazu signature as shown above
 Publication Date 明治27年8月15日  August 15, 1894

Hasegawa Sonikichi [Marks: pub. ref. 101; seal ref. seal not shown]

 Impression excellent
 Colors excellent
 Condition good - three sheets attached; minor soiling; right and bottom margins trimmed to image
 Genre ukiyo-e; senso-e
 Format vertical oban triptych
 H x W Paper 
 14 1/4 x 28 1/8 in. (36.2 x 71.4 cm) entire triptych
 H x W Image 14 3/16 x 27 7/8 in. (36 x 70.8 cm) entire triptych

 Collections This Print
 Saint Louis Art Museum 290:2010a-c; Shizuoka Prefectural Central Library K915-108-040-034
last revision:
1/28/2020 created