About This Print
At the top of this "news nishiki-e" is a banner held aloft by two cherubs containing the name of the sponsoring newspaper, the Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日々新聞. Three men sent to Saga on business run off with the business money, but are arrested while splurging in a brothel in Hyogo.
For a summary of the brief life of nishiki-e shinbun (newspaper color woodblock prints) see the article Nishiki-e shinbun and Newspapers in Meiji Japan.
1 website of William Wetherall www.nishikie.com
The Writer Tentendō Shujin 転々堂 主人
Sources: website of William Wetherall http://www.nishikie.com/almanac/Almanac_whos_who.htmlThe writer for this print is identified as Tentendo Shujin, a pen name for the writer better known as Takabatake Ransen 高畠藍泉 (1838-1885). His birth name was Takabatake Heisaburo 高畠瓶三郎.
Takabatake Ransen was a gesaku writer and journalist who joined Tokyo nichinichi shinbun shortly after its start in 1872. He collaborated with Yoshiiku launching the illustrated Hiragana eiri shinbun in 1875.
Japanese Transcription of Text
Source: University of Tokyo website http://www.lib.iii.u-tokyo.ac.jp/collection/ono_sn/22.html#N057
"肥前(ひぜんの)国佐賀へ出張(しつちやう)しゐたりし小野組の手代、塩谷(しおのや)麟蔵(りんざう)長谷部(はせべ)逸三(いつざう)、田中与三郎の三名ハ、自己(おのれ)が驕奢(おごり)に過(くわ)分なる私債(しせき)を負(おふ)て窘迫(せめ)らるる、折から閉店(へいでん)したりしかバ、償却(しようきやく)の術(じゆつ)いよいよ尽果(つきはて)、有金千円(えん)余(あま)りを掠(かす)め、夜に乗(まぎれ)て脱走(だつそう)し、兵庫(へうご)県下(けんか)福原町の妓楼(ぎろう)に数日遊(あそ)び居(ゐ)て、多分の散財(さんざい)したりしを、兼(かね)て捜索(そうさく)ある者なれバ、甲戌十二月三十日忽(たちま)ち捕縛(ほばく)せられたり、斯(か)く泥棒(どろぼう)を、 餌置(かひおき)て貨幣(かへい)の衛(ばん)をさせたりし、小野氏が瓦解(ぐわかい)ハ理(むべ)ならずや、よく人(い)口(い)
last revision:
Print Details
IHL Catalog | #2061 |
Title or Description | Business Trip to Saga, Hizen Province (九百十三号 No. 913) 肥前国佐賀へ出張 |
Newspaper | Tokyo Nichi Nichi Shinbun 東京日々新聞 |
Artist | Utagawa Yoshiiku (1833-1904) |
Signature | Keisai Yoshiiku 恵斎芳幾 |
Seal | Yoshiiku 芳幾 (as shown above) |
Writer of Text | Tentendō Shujin 転々堂主人 |
Publication Date | September 1875 |
Publisher | Gusokuya Kahei 具足屋嘉兵衛, [Marks: pub. ref. 085; seal ref. 24-031] seal reading: top: 人形町 Ningyōchō bottom: 具足屋 Gusokuya |
Carver | Horiei ホリ栄 |
Impression | excellent |
Colors | excellent |
Condition | good - minor wrinkling; several wormholes; thinning upper margin; not backed; full size |
Genre | ukiyo-e; nishiki-e shinbun |
Miscellaneous | |
Format | vertical oban |
H x W Paper | 14 1/2 x 9 5/8 in. (36.8 x 24.4 cm) |
H x W Image | 13 7/16 x 9 1/4 in. (34.1 x 23.5 cm) |
Literature | |
Collections This Print | Waseda University Library 10 8059 43; The University of Tokyo Digital Archives Ono Hideo Collection N057; Edo-Tokyo Museum 90200117 |
4/8/2020 created