
ToC =
Reference & some sbk~
Field bbl
Old hst303 bbl
Always check dtf/APL/bbl

Reference works


<>Auty,R., and D. Obolensky, eds|>OboDmt|_Companion to Russian Studies|C.ENG,CUP,1976| ((MOVE to GLOS))

<>Baron,Samuel H., and Nancy W. Heer, eds|_Windows on the Russian Past: Essays on Soviet Historiography since Stalin|C.OH:1977| ((>1977:Windows| hst.gph|Scanlan,mrxist hst.fyzism| Baron,AMP|Meyendorff,Byzantine| Crummey,I-4|Treadgold,zpd in RUS idl| Field,RS1|Tillett,MPR|McNeal,RREV2|Keep,RREV3|Heer,Non SDs(b) pty~))

<>Berman,Marvin M|_The_Treatment of the Soviet Union and Communism in Selected World History Textbooks,1920-1970|A.MI:| ((DK/38.8/.B39| prm hst.gph KPS R&A92))

<>Billington,James K|_The_Icon and the Axe: An Interpretive history of Russian Culture|N.NY:1966| ((DK32.7 B5| trx gnr.txt RUS2| re.StO & Wbr,rlgP Ethic:700 |clt))

<>Black,Cyril E., ed|_Rewriting Russian History: Soviet Interpretations of Russia’s Past|2nd ed|N.NY:1962| ((947 B561|own;Vintage pb|hst.gph idl| Konstantin F. Shteppa,”The ‘Lesser Evil’ Formula”:107-119))

<>Blum,Jerome|_Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century|P.NJ:1961| ((HT807.B55| gnr.txt krx dvr RUS2))

<>Chermenskii,Evgenii Dmt*|_Istoriia SSSR: Period imperializma|MVA:1974| ((GRS:222| gnr.txt))

<>Cross,Samuel Hazard|_Slavic Civilization through the Ages| ((gnr.txt SLV RUS1))

<>Crummey,Robert|_The_Formation of Muscovy| L.ENG,Longman,1987| ((DK100.C78 1978 gnr.txt RUS1))

<>Davies,Norman|_Heart of Europe: A Short History of Poland|OXP,1984| ((DK4140.D38| gnr.txt POL))

<>Dvornik,F|_Slavs in European History and Civilization| ((D147.D84 OWN gnr.txt SLV EEUR RUS))

<>Hellmann,M.,et al, eds|_Handbuch der Geschichte Russlands|3-4 vols|STT:1982| (())

<>Jackson,George,ed. Dictionary of the Russian Revolution. NYC: Greenwood,1989. REF DK265| [99]

<>Keep,John L. H., ed|_Contemporary History in the Soviet Mirror|N.NY:1963| ((hst.gph))

<>Kornilov,Aleksandr A|>KnvAA| G/APL

<>Nenarokov,A. P., ed|_History of the USSR|3vv|MVA:1977| ((DK266.H44| gnr.txt RUS3|to Birn,81de17:bbt.rqt))
*:|_Russia in the Twentieth Century: The View of a Soviet Historian|N.NY:1968| ((DK246.N4513| gnr.txt RUS3))

**1971:MVA|_[Piatdesiat’]_50 let sovetskoi istoricheskoi nauki:Khronika nauchnoi zhizni,1917-1967|>Alatortseva,AI and AeeGD eds| ((OWN ndr hst.gph|>50let))

<>Riasanovsky,Nicholas V|_A_History of Russia|Many editions|N.NY:1984| ((DK40.R5| gnr.txt| 963:1st ed|noWbr in my ed.,but someone claimed he had Wbr))

<>Rogger,Hans|_Russia in the Age of Modernisation and Revolution,1881-1917|L.ENG:1983| ((DK241.R63| RUS3 gnr.txt mdnion))

<>Rybakov,Boris A|_Early Centuries of Russian History|MVA:1965| ((DK71.R9313| gnr.txt RUS1))

<>Rybakov,Boris A|_Kievan Rus|MVA:Progress,1989| ((DK80.R913))

<>Seton-Watson,Hugh|_The_Russian Empire,1801-1917|OXP,1967| ((OWN| gnr.txt))

<>Solov’ev,Sergei M|>SlvSM|_History of Russia|Several volumes,appearing serially| Gulf Breeze FL:1976- |tlg of >Istoriia Rossii (15 vv|>Slv.IR) ((gnr.txt| bbt.rqt 86.02| gnr))

<>Treadgold,Donald W|_Twentieth Century Russia|C.IL:1957 (subsequent editions)| ((DK246.T65| gnr.txt))

<>Vernadsky,George|_A_History of Russia|5vv|NHC:1943-1969| ((|>VrnG|DK40.V44| gnr.txt))

<>Walicki,Andrzej|_A_History of Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to Marxism|TBy H. Andrews-Rusiecka|S.CA:1979| ((HN523.W3413 gnr.txt idl RUS2|p108-9,re. ~~idl SLF w/Wbr on topic of unique zpd rationalization of stt&pbl,frm Roman jurists & by means of ntn.stt|Similar even in that they all deplored it,though in different ways))



Sobolev,P. N.,et al.,eds| The Great October Socialist Revolution. Translated from the Russian by D. Skvirsky. Moscow: 1977| ((bbt.rqt 86.02 UO))

Williams,Beryl|_The_Russian Revolution,1917-1921|Oxford: 1987| ((DK265.W484))

2. Revolutionary Situations, Secondary---??:

McDaniel,Tim. Autocracy,Capitalism,and Revolution in Russia. Berkeley CA: 1988. HD8526.M385


3. 1905, Secondary---??:

Birth,E. Die Oktobristen (1905-1913). Stuttgart: 1974

Mosse,W. E. “Stolypin's Villages”. Slavic and East European Review 43,no. 101 (June 1965): 257-274

Owen,Lancelot A. The Russian Peasant Movement,1906-1917. London: 1937. NoUO?

Ruckman,Jo Ann|_Savva Morozov: A Moscow Entrepreneur on eve of Russian Rev| noUO 81de17: bbt.rqt

4.4. 1917,Primary---??

Farson memoirs on industry in 1917 [Page.RR]

Kossak-Szucka,Sophia [Page.RR]

McRoberts,Samuel|_Russia: An Address before 7th Annual Banquet,Boston Chapter,American Institute of Banking. Boston: 1917 ((UO R&A))

Pollock,travel account [Page.RR]

Price,Morgan Philips|_My Reminiscences of the Russian Revolution (1921). UO

Sadoul,Jacques|_Notes sur le Re'volution Bolchevique. PRS: 1920. noUO

4. 1917,Secondary---??:

Anin,D. S|
*1967:Soviet Studies#4:435-457| “The February Revolution: Was the Collapse Inevitable?”
*1971:Rome|_Revoliutsiia 1917 goda glazami ee rukovoditelei| ((DK265.A77))

Basil,John D|_Mensheviks in the Revolution of 1917

Bobroff,Anne| *1973-1974jy:Soviet Studies#25/26| “The Bolsheviks and Working Women”

Boll,N. M|
*1979:WDC|_The_Petrograd Armed Workers Movement in the February Revolution (February-July 1917)| ((wrx&REV prl RREV2 VRM SPB))

Brown,Edward J|_Mayakovsky: Poet in the Revolution

Donald,M| *1982:International Review of Social History#27:| “Bolshevik Activity Amongst the Working Women in Petrograd”

Evans,Alfred B| *1987sp:SlR#46,1:1-19| “Rereading Lenin's State and Revolution”

Lih,Lars T|_Bread and authority in Russia, 1914-1921| *1990:B.CA,UCP| ((303pp))

Mandel,David|_Petrograd Workers and the Fall of the Old Regime| v1= From the February Revolution to the July Day v2= From the July Days 1917 to June 1918. NYC: 1983-84. UO: HD8530.L5 M6 1983b;bbt.rqt 86.02

Mandel,Mark D| *1978:NYC Columbia University PhD Dissertation| “The Development of Revolutionary Consciousness Among the Industrial Workers of Petrograd between February and November 1917”

Rutgers,S. J| “Intellectuals and the Russian Revolution”. In Lenin et al., New Polices of Soviet Russia: 65-127

Savage,Harry H. “Official Policies and Relations of the United States with the Provisional Government of Russia,March-November,1917”. (University of Minnesota,1971)

Smith,Stephen Anthony|
*1983:ENG, CUP|_Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories,1917-1918| ((PGR zvd prl.rvs))

Ulam,Adam B|_The_Bolsheviks: The Intellectual and Political History of the Triumph of Communism in Russia. NYC: 1965. DK246.U4

Wilson,Colin|_Rasputin and the Fall of the Romanovs

5. Consolidation, Primary---??:

Kirby,D. G.,ed|_Finland and Russia,1808-1920: From Autonomy to Independence; A Selection of Documents. NYC: 1976| ((noUO ntn FIN))

5. Consolidation, Secondary---??:

Fediukin,S. A| --|Great October Revolution and the Intelligentsia: How the Old Intelligentsia Was Drawn into the Building of Socialism. MVA: 1975. 83mr31: bbt.rqt
--|_Velikii Oktiabr' i intelligentsiia: Iz istorii vovlecheniia staroi intelligentsii v stroitel'stvo sotsializma. MVA: 1972


NB! 2002no23:Printout with all this plus much more, it seems
CF=APL/kbk bbl


Alan Kimball

<>Achkasov,A GO Sviatopolk-Mirskii

<>Afanas'ev,Yu. N.,ed|
| Inogo ne dano: Sudby perestroiki,vgliadyvaias v proshloe,vozvrashchenie k budushchemu|MVA:“Progress”,1988| ((UO.jns Grb 674p))

<>Alekseev,A. S|
*1915:Yuridicheskii vestnik#11:40-1 etc|“Manifest 17 oktiabria 1905 g. i politicheskoe dvizhenie, ego vyzvavshee”| ((GRS:222 plt.mvt RREV1))

<>Anan'ich,B. V.,and R. Sh. Ganelin|
| “Opyt kritiki memuarov S. Yu. Vitte”|In Voprosy istoriografii i istochnikovedeniia istorii SSSR (LGR:1963):298-375| ((GRS:119,220 hst.gph vsp Wtt rxn RREV1))
| “S. Yu. Vitte i izdatel'skaia deiatel'nosti' 'bezobrazovskogo kruzhka'”|In Knizhnoe delo v Rossii vo vtoroi polovine XIX-nachale XX v. 4 (LGR:1989):59-78| ((GRS:119,186))

<>Anan'ich,B. V|
| Rossiia i mezhdunarodnyi kapital|LGR:1970| ((GRS:84,118(!) RREV1 irx.bnk.mny))
| GO Krizis samoderzh

<>Arbuzov,AD|vsp|TsGAOR f.1000 [GRS:56]

<>Arkhiv russkoi revoliutsii|?? volumes|BRL:??| ((|>ARR prm RREV))

<>Bakhmet'evskii arkhiv Kolumbiiskogo universiteta v SSHA|RXV used by Ganelin
| Fond Korostovets,VK| ((GRS:58))
| Fond Kryzhanovskogo,SE| ((GRS:56,117))
| Fond Meshcherskii,VP [GRS:58]
| Fond Witte,Yu [GRS:221]

<>Berlin,P| a{}
*1911:Vestnik vospitaniia#2|“Krepostnaia intelligentsiia”| ((po-Somov:22 krx.ntg srf.ntg))

| Die Oktobristen (1905-1913)|Stuttgart:1974| ((noUO ndr RREV1 plt))

<>Bobrinskii,Aleksei Axr|
| “Dnevnik...”|1928:KrA#1/26:| ((GRS:115 prm dnv dvr gnt mfg RREV1))

<>Bogdanovich,A. V|
| Tri poslednikh samoderzhtsa|MVA-LGR:1924| ((GRS:57 prm vsp stt.srv))

<>Brandt,A. A|
| List'ia pozheltelye: Peredumannoe i perezhitoe|Belgrade:1930| ((GRS:185 prm vsp RREV1))

<>Chermenskii,Evegenii Dmitrievich|
|_Burzhuaziia i tsarizm v pervoi russkoi revoliutsii|:| ((OWN|GRS:222 brz RREV1 cst=fictive))
|_Istoriia SSSR: Period imperializma|MVA:1974| ((GRS:222 gnr))

<>Chermenskii,Evgenii Dmitrievich,ed|
| Pervaia rossiiskaia revoliutsiia 1905-1907 gg.:obzor sovetskoi i zarubezhnoi literatury;sbornik obzorov|MVA:INION AN SSSR,1991| ((UO sbk.ndr hst.gph RREV1 242p))

<>Chernukha,V. G|
| Vnutrenniaia politika tsarizma s serediny 50-kh do nachala 80-kh gg XIX v|LGR:1978| ((GRS:51,184 stt tUt RS1 RS2))

<>Davidovich,A. M|
| Samoderzhavie v epokhu imperializma|MVA:1975| ((GRS:222(217:D says RREV1 made cst.tsrism; cf.Sidel'nikov) stt))

<>Dmitrenko GO Pivovar

<>Dmitriev,S. N|
| “'Soiuz soiuzov' v gody pervoi rossiiskoi revoliutsii”|Avtoref.|MVA:1989| ((GRS:185 unx RREV1))

<>Dmitriev,S. S| a{}
| Khrestomatiia po istorii SSSR:Posobie dlia uchitelei srednei shkoly|Volume 3:1857-1894|MVA:1948| ((rfr hst.gph))
| Ocherki istorii russkoi kul'tury nachala XX veka:kniga dlia uchitelia|MVA:1985| ((DK246.D54 OWN clt RREV1|pdg))

<>Eiter,Richard H| a{}
| “Organizational Growth and Revolutionary Tactics: Unity and Discord in the Socialist Revolutionary Party in Russia,1901-1907”|PhD dissertation,Pittsburgh University,1978| (( SRs RREV1))

<>Erman,L. K|
| Intelligentsiia v pervoi russkoi revoliutsii|MVA:Nauka,1966| ((OWN ndr ntg RREV1 noWbr))

<>Firsov,B. M., and I. G. Kiseleva| a{}
| Byt velikorusskikh krest’ian-zemlepashtsev: Opisanie materialov etnograficheskogo biuro kniazia V. N. Tenisheva (na primere Vladimirskoi gubernii)| SPB:Izd.Evropeiskogo Doma,1993| ((|>BVK|890s (w/few earlier & later exceptions):VLA.gbx here|krx xtx RXV OWN)

<>Gal'perin,Grigorii Borisovich |
*1939:UZ.LGR iuridicheskogo instituta#1:44| “K voprosu ob istorii vozniknoveniia Gosudarstvennoi dumy (Bulyginskoi dumy)”| ((GRS:185 RREV1))

<>Gal'perin,Grigorii Borisovich,Aleksei Ivanovich Korolev,and Nina Ivanovna Vasil'eva|
| Pervaia rossiiskaia revoliutsiia i samoderzhavie|LGR:LGU,1975| ((UO RREV1 stt 151p| GRS:222 86:quotes Reisner,MA re.“absoliutizme, priniavshem formy lzhekonstitutsionalizma” Wbr.idl))

<>Ganelin,R. Sh|
*1980:VoI#1:??|“Kanun 'Krovavogo voskresen'ia':Tsarskie vlasti 6-8 ianvaria 1905 g”|
*1983:VID#14:229-49|“K istorii teksta petitsii 9 ianvaria 1905 g”| ((GRS:81 stt rfm RREV1))
*1983:VID#15:172-4 etc|“Ukaz 18 fevralia 1905 g. o petitsiiakh i pravitel'stvennaia politika”| ((Ganelin:119 prm ptn lwx stt.plt cf. also 1987:VID#18 & 1989:VID#20 for other prm re.this ukaz [Ganelin:188]))
*1985:VID#27:|“Bitva dokumentov v srede tsarskoi demokratii,1899-1901”| ((Ganelin:83 arx hst.gph))
*1990:ODR#14:|“Politicheskie uroki osvoboditel'nogo dvizheniia v otsenke stareishikh tsarskikh biurokratov”| ((Ganelin:185))
| “K predystorii 'Krovavogo voskresen'ia'”|In Margolis,Novoe...:122-31|
*1989:LGR| “Peterburgskii universitet i pravitel'stvennaia politika:Iz istorii studencheskogo dvizheniia”|In Ocherki po istorii Leningradskogo universiteta#6| ((Ganelin:117 unv SPU std))
*1991:SPB, “Nauka”| Rossiiskoe samoderzhavie v 1905 godu: Reformy i revoliutsiia| ((|>GRS|OWN|This is a blow-by-blow account of the struggle between tsarist reform and social revolution. But the focus here is not on the political parties and popular movements that dominate the current scholarship. Ganelin is no beginner,but he stretches his wings here in a way impossible before perestroika. He builds on the work of
Yurii Solov'ev and
Georgii Gal'perin
and pushes into a new era of scholarship in company with
Evgenii Chermenskii and
Kornelii Shatsillo.
In his introduction he acknowledges American scholars Terence Emmons and Andrew Verner,though he does not cite them in his text. He does cite Lenin once in each chapter,but,whatever his roots in Soviet historiography,he is here branching outward toward the venerable “statist school” of Russian history. He is “bringing the state back in”.
Ganelin details the parry and thrust of four rounds of conflict within the governmental apparatus and between state and society. Each round ended in a decisive moment:
1904de12:tsarist decree which offered half-hearted promises of extensive political reform,
1905fe18:Bulygin rescript which hinted at representative govement,
1905au05:Bulygin constitutional draft which so disappointed public opinion,and,finally,
1904oc:the October Manifesto itself
The rhythm of Ganelin's narrative builds toward each of these decisive moments rather than from them.
At first the Tsar tried to co-opt liberal opposition and popular discontent,but failed. Then came forced and disingenuous concessions to “civil society” [obshchestvennost’] and to other social “strata”. Tsarist authorities sought public acquiescence to imperial policy,but the public held these policies to be unjust,unwise and unsuccessful. The disastrous Russo-Japanese War dragged on. Society sensed that the state was now weakened and irresolute. The Bulygin Duma seemed too little,too late. Official concessions were doomed,yet the mechanism of institutional reform moved forward of its own momentum,propelled by conflicts within the ministries and the court,as much as by the pressure of civic unrest.
Ganelin views the action from the state's corner,even though he is not partisan to the state. We sometimes forget that the statist school of Russian history divides into two camps:all acknowledge the dominance of central authority,but one camp approves of this while the other deplores it. Here action centers on the deliberations of leading figures in the Council of Ministers [Sovet ministrov],first of all on Sergei Witte. Ganelin devotes fresh attention to a series of ministerial position papers generated in connection these sessions. Out of a variety of archival funds and published sources,the breadth of which we are not accustomed to seeing in Russian scholarship,Ganelin traces the emergence of a reluctant and narrow plurality of opinion among leading grandees:loyalty to the sovereign aside,autocracy no longer worked. The empire needed a unified ministerial structure and a representative assembly,it needed basic civil rights to allow such an assembly to work,but it didn't need public disorder and economic collapse. In the etiology of the Russian revolution,the logic of the reform struggle within the state itself was one of several independent variables along with social grievance and financial disorder.
With the October Manifesto,Emperor Nicholas II offered revolutionary perestroika but hoped for no more than short-term calm. In fact he and his minions propelled the Empire into political turmoil which can rightly be called the first modern revolution in Russia and an essential moment in the process that led to the collapse of the old regime in 1917,the establishment of the Soviet Union,and the massive events of our own time))
| GO Russia|Council of Ministers

<>Ginev,V. N| a{}
| Bor'ba za krest'ianstvo i krizis russkogo neonarodnichestva,1902-1914 gg|LGR:1983| ((JN6598.A1 G56 1983| krx ppx RREV1 SRs))
| Narodnicheskoe dvizhenie v srednem povolzh'e,70-e gody XIX veka|MVA-LNG:1966| ((OWN gbx RS2 SAR ppx))

<>GPB.OR| RXV used by Ganelin
f.1000 (Arbuzov,AD vsp) [GRS:56]

<>Gusev,K. V., and Kh. A. Eritsian| a{}
| Ot soglashatel'stva k konterrevoliutsii: Ocherki istorii politicheskogo bankrotstva i gibeli partii sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov| MVA:Akad.obshch.nauk pri KPSS,1968| (( SRs hst.gph RREV1))

<>Gusev,K. V., ed| a{}
| Intelligentsiia i revoliutsiia: XX vek|Nauchnyi sovet po kompleksnoi probleme “Istoriia velikoi oktiabr'skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii;” nauchnyi sovet “istoriia sotisalisticheskogo i kommunisticheskogo stroitel'stva v SSSR”|MVA:1985| ((HX 528.I575 1985| sbk ntg std.mvt RREV1 2 &3 obx|Stepanskii“Obshchestvennye| Ivanov,A. E.,“Problemy izucheniia studencheskogo dvizheniia v trekh rossiiskikh revoliutsiiakh”))

<>Gusev,K. V| a{}
| Partiia eserov: Ot melkoburzhuaznogo revoliutsionizma k kontrrevoliutsii; istoricheskii ocherk|MVA:1975| ((Hkd ~~Kitaev title & lgcN SRs plt.pty|382p))

| Kapitalismus im zaristischen Staat, 1906-1917|Königstein:1980| ((ndr ekn brz ntr mfg RREV1 ntr))

<>Ioffe,G. Z. (Genrikh Zinov'evich)|
| Fevralskaia revoliutsiia 1917 goda v anglo-amerikanskoi burzhuaznoi istoriografii|MVA:Nauka,1970| ((UO.jns RREV2 hst.gph idl 262p))
| Kolchakovskaia avantiura i ee krakh|MVA:Mysl,1983| ((UO.jns ndr rxn RREV2 292p bbl))
| Krakh rossiiskoi monarkhicheskoi kontrrevoliutsii|??:1977| ((UO.jns 320p bbl ndx))
| Velikii Oktiabr i epilog tsarizma|EBy I.I. Mints|MVA:Nauka,1987| ((UO.jns RREV3 364p))
| GO Marushkin,Boris

<>Isaev| a{}
*1898:vqt, ekn, krx [Page.RR] prm

<>Ivanov,A. E|
*1971:IsZ#88:|“Universitety v Rossii v 1905 g”| ((GRS:83 unv prf std RREV1))
| “Pervaia russkaia revoliutsiia i professura vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii”|Voprosy sotsial'no-ekonomich... :| ((GRS:83))

<>Izgoev,A. S|
| “Iz istorii padeniia samoderzhaviia: Pered sozdaniem bulyginskoi dumy”|TsGALI,f.1208,op.1,d.18,l.4-8| ((GRS:184 prm arx))
in Vexi & IzG

| ??re.RREV1

<>Kamenev,Yu. K., ed| a{}
| Ukazatel' sotsial'demokraticheskoi literatury na russkom iazyke, 1881-1905 gg|Second edition|MVA:1922| ((IISG=R3fol./39,39A;40| rfr bbl SDs RREV1|1st ed.,Paris:1913))

<>Kliachko (L'vov),L|
| Povesti proshlogo|LGR:1930| ((GRS:51 prm vsp RREV1))

<>Korolev,A. I|
| Gosudarstvennaia vlast' i rabochii klass SSSR|LGR:1980| ((GRS:222 stt prl))
GO Gal'perin

<>Kovalev,I. F|
*1941:KrA#2/105:| “Tsarizm v bor'be s revoliutsionnoi pechat'iu v 1905 g”| ((GRS:185 cnp tpg RREV1 ftr=SI? [Shteppa]))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie 1905-1907 gg. v Tambovskoi gubernii: Sbornik dokumentov|TAM:1957|1(|>KD.TAM|58-5/766|RREV1 gbx))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v 1861 godu posle otmeny krepostnogo prava: Doneseniia svitskikh generalov i fligel’-ad”iutantov, gubernskikh prokurorov i uezdnykh striapchikikh|MVA-LGR:1949| ((|>KD.61|GPB Ir40 g-7/2|368p 236 docs| krx ADC gbx uzz|MiP))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Belorussii posle otmeny krepostnogo prava (1861-1862 gg.): Dokumenty i materialy|Minsk:1959| ((|>KD.BRUS|GPB 59-5/4136))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Kazanskoi gubernii nakanune Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii: Sbornik dokumentov| KZN:1950| ((|>KD.KZN|60-5/4489| RREV2 gbx vlg))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Poltavskoi i Khar’kovskoi guberniiakh v 1902 g.: Sbornik dokumentov|XRK:1961| ((|>KD.XRK|GPB 62-5/627| 158 docs| RREV1 gbx vlg))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Riazanskoi gubernii v gody pervoi russkoi revoliutsii (dokumenty i materialy)|Riazan:1960| ((|>KD.RZN|GPB 60-5/4053| RREV1 gbx vlg))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Rossii [...] :Sbornik dokumentov|>KDR|Eight [of ten?] volumes:
[... v 1796-1825 gg|EBy S. N. Valk|MVA:1961] >KDR1
[... v 1826-1849 gg|MVA:1961] >KDR2
[... v 1850-1856 gg|MVA:1962] >KDR3
[... v 1857-mae 1861 gg|MVA:1963] >KDR4
[... v 1861-1869 gg|EBy L. M. Ivanov|MVA:1964] >KDR5
[... v 1870-1880 gg.|MVA:1968] >KDR
[... v 1881-1889 gg.|MVA:1960] GBL
[... v 1890-1900 gg.|MVA:1959] GBL
[... v RREV1??]
[... iiun' 1907 g.-iiul' 1914 g|LGR:1966]
[... v gody Pervoi Mirovoi voiny, iiul' 1914 g.-fevral' 1917 g|LGR:1965]

Series:Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Rossii v XIX-nachale XX veka|EBy N. M. Druzhinin|8 volumes|MVA-LGR:1961-1968| ((May-Dec. 1861 and 1889-1907 unaccounted in LCo catalogues))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Rossii v XIX-nachale XX vv.: Obzor publikatsii gosudarstvennykh arkhivov SSSR|MVA:1963| ((LCo Z7165.R9P3 |81p| rfr krx RXV ??listed under Paine,E??))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Simbirskoi gubernii v period revoliutsii 1905-1907 godov: Dokumenty i materialy|Ul’ianovsk:1955| ((|>KD.SIM|GPB 59-5/4136| RREV1 gbx vlg))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Tambovskoi gubernii v pervoi chetverti XX veka|>Baranov,V|TAM:1996| ((Pbbt| gbx vlg RREV))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Voronezhskoi gubernii (1861-1863 gg.): Dokumenty i materialy|Voronezh:1961| ((|>KD.VOR1|BAN|GPB 62-5/627|75 docs|135pp))

<>Krest'ianskoe dvizhenie v Voronezhskoi gubernii (1864-1904 gg.): Sbornik dokumentov|Voronezh:1964| ((|>KD.VOR2|GPB 64-3/5534|61oc23:MiP Astaf’ev rpt [48-9] 62jy27:MiP rpt Ren’e|Other MiP~ Cherepanov,F Podol’skii,Ivan Karpov,Andrei Tarasov,I(3x) Safonov Shidlovskii,V))

<>Krichevskii,M GO Suvorin,A

<>Krivoguz,I., and ?? Mnukhina| a{}
| Mezhdunarodnoe znachenie revoliutsii 1905-1907 godov|MVA:1955| ((947.08 K899| RREV1|noWbr,just GRM SDs))

<>Krivoshein,A. V|
| “Zemel'naia politika i krest'ianskii vopros”|TsGIA f.1571,op.1,d.45,l.15-16| ((GRS:120 prm arx skz cf.bbl/Witte))

<>Krizis samoderzhaviia v Rossii, 1895-1917|LGR:1984| ((GRS:53 sbk stt tUt RREV1 RREV2 Wtt.mmo Anan'ich,BV re.Plv))

<>Kryzhanovskii,S. E|
| Vospominaniia|BRL:nd| ((GRS:119,184 prm vsp RREV1))
| GO Archives|Bakhmet

<>Kuleshov,Sergei Vladimirovich, V. Loginov,and Mikhail Shatrov|
*1988:MVA, Novosti| The Revolution continues: Going Back to Lenin|Revoliutsiia prodolzhaetsia|TBy Boris Lunkov|EBy Viktor Zatevakhin| ((JNS sbk.ndr Grb trx idl hst.gph 71p lxt))

<>Kuleshov,Sergei Vladimirovich|
*1986:MVA, Izd-vo polit. lit-ry| XII sezd RKP(b)| ((JNS ndr? CMN SDb Gwrx NEP SSR 76p))

<>Kurmacheva,M. D| a{}
| Krepostnaia intelligentsiia Rossii vtoraia polovina XVIII-nachalo XIX veka|MVA:1983| ((UO| srf srf krx ntg))

<>Levin,Sh. M| a{}
| “K voprosu ob istoricheskikh osobennostiakh russkogo utopicheskogo sotsializma”|IsZ 26 (1948):| (( scx NTR))
| Obshchestvennoe dvizhenie v Rossii v 60--70-e gody XIX veka|MVA:1958| ((R282/32 OWN gnr RS1 ppx RS2))
| Ocherki po istorii russkoi obshchestvennoi mysli,vtoraia polovina XIX--nachalo XX veka|LGR:1974| ((OWN ndr gnr pbl.idl RS1 RS2 RREV1))

<>Loginov,V. (Vladlen),1929-|GO Kuleshov,S

<>Lopukhin,A. A|
*1923:MVA-PGR|_Otryvki iz vospomanii| ((GRS:51,81 prm vsp RREV1))

<>Malefakis,E. E| a{}
| Agrarian Reform and Peasant Revolution in Spain:Origins of the Civil War(1970)| (( skz SPN.krx.rfm rvs CIV))

<>Mandel,James I| a{}
*1978:NYC Columbia University PhD Dissertation| “Paternalistic Authority in the Russian Countryside,1856-1906”| (( gbx krx vlg.o))

<>Margolis,Yu. D.,ed|
| Novoe o revoliutsii 1905 g|LGR:1989| ((GRS:51,81 sbk.ndr RREV1 Remnev,AV re.unified stt))

<>Marushkin,Boris Ilich,G. Z. Ioffe,and N. V. Romanovskii|
| Tri revoliutsii v Rossii i burzhuaznaia istoriografiia|MVA:Mysl,1977| ((UO.jns RREV hst.gph 279p bbl ndx))

<>Mendeleev,P. P|
| “Svet i teni v moei zhizni (1864-1933 gg.):Obryvki vospominanii”|Bakhmet.arx| ((GRS:188 prm vsp RREV1))

<>Mironenko,K. N|
*1948:UZ.LGU|Series:Yuridich. nauk#1:354 etc| “ministrov po ukazu 19 oktiabria 1905 g”| ((GRS:219 stt tUt SoM RREV1 Sol'skii))

*1904:Russkaia mysl'#4:125-154|“Zarozhdenie velikoi respubliki”| ((prm mnt RREV1 USA4))

| La Duma: la revolución en Rusia|Part 2 of “Rebaņode Almas”|Valencia:190?| ((DK263.M6 ndr RREV1 stt.dmx noWbr))

<>Mosolov,A. A|
| Pri dvore imperatora|RIGA:nd| ((GRS:81,220 prm vsp stt RREV1))

<>Murav'ev,V. A GO Volobuev,O

<>Murzanova,M GO Bobrinskii,AA

<>Nardova,V. A(NB??)|
*1978:VID#9:??|“Zakonodatel'nye dokumenty 60-kh gg. XIX v. ob adresakh na 'vysochaishee imia'”| ((GRS:81 prm lwx adr ptn pbl))

<>Oberländer,Erwin, et al.,eds|
| Russia Enters the Twentieth Century,1894-1917|NYC:Schocken Books,1971. GO Schultz,L

<>Ol'denburg,S. S|
| Tsarstvovanie imperatora Nikolaia II|2vv|Belgrade:1939| ((GRS:53,185,220 gnr Shteppa:15,27,49| NB! pdg Oldenburg))

<>Ostrovskii,A.V., and M.M. Safonov|
*1979:Sovetskie arkhivy#2:62-5 etc|“Neizvestnyi proekt manifesta 17 oktiabria 1905 g”| ((GRS:221))
*1981:VID#12:176 etc|“Manifest 17 oktiabria 1905 g”| ((GRS:221 prm? stt RREV1))

<>Pankratova,Anna M|
| Pervaia russkaia revoliutsiia 1905-1907 gg|2nd edition|MVA:1951| ((947.08p194 ndr classic STL.hst.gph RREV1 243p| noWbr Shteppa:ff))

| The Story of a Life|NYC:Random,??| ((prm vsp pst blt RREV1 SSR))

<>Pirumova,N. M| a{}
| Istoricheskie vzgliady A. I. Gertsena|MVA:1956| ((OWN ndr hst Hzn))
| Zemskaia intelligentsiia i ee rol v obshchestv...| ((DK189.P58| Zmv ntg in uzz~ & vlg ~~krx? pbl))
| Zemskoe liberal'noe dvizhenie: Sotsial'nye korni i evoliutsiia do nachala XX veka|MVA:1977| ((5x8“Zemstvo lbx~”|See also rvw in 8x11 svt. UCBJS6058.P535| bxo.xtx Zmv lbx|890:902;241 Zmv lbx!! wrd.hst: 1)mmb in ilg or semi-lgl orx|2)expressed lbx idl|3)wrk in VEO or Kgrm.VEO|She plowed through mountain of material&got only 241 lbx [600 mmb resigned in 895:when Kgrm absorbed into stt!]))

<>Pivovar,Efim Iosifovich|
| Sovetskie rabochie i NTR, po materialam avtomobilnoi promyshlennosti SSSR 1966-1975 gg|MVA:“Mysl”,1983| ((prl tkh mfg clx 158p bbl))
| GO Poliakov,Yu

<>Poliakov,Yu. A.,V.P. Dmitrenko,and E.I. Pivovar|
| Sotsialno-klassovye otnosheniia v sovetskom obshchestve: Sbornik statei|MVA:Akademiia nauk SSSR,In-t istorii SSSR,1984| ((clx pbl SSR 140p bbl))

<>Polovtsov,A. A|
*1923:KrA#4:64etc| “Dnevnik...”| ((219 prm dvn RREV1))

<>Portal,Roger, et al., eds| a{}
| Le Statut des paysans liberes du servage, 1861-1961: Recueil d'articles et de documents...|PRS:Mouton, 1963| ((HT807.P6 |310p bbl| prm krx srf))

<>Prevo,Kathleen M|
*1979:Indiana University PhD Dissertation| “The Revolution of 1905 in Voronezh: The Labor Movement and Political Consciousness in a Russian Provincial City”| ((ndr VOR.gbx prl RREV1 plt REV))

<>Rainer,Wilhelm| a{}
| “Darovannaia” konstitutsiia i kontr-revoliutsiia|BRL:Verlag der Stuhr'schen Buchh.,1906| ((UCLA:DK 63 R13d RREV1 cst rxn))

<>Romanov,B. A|
*1925:KrLetopis'#1/12:|“Peterburgskaia krupnaia burzhuaziia v ianvarskie dni 1905 g”| ((GRS:82))
*1925:KrA#4-5/11-12:|“9-e ianvaria 1905 g”| ((GRS:83 brz RREV1))
| Ocherki diplomaticheskoi istorii russko-iaponskoi voiny|MVA-LGR:1955| ((GRS:52,84 irx RJwrx 357:irx.bnk.mny))

*1931:KrA#1/44:| “Iz dnevnika...”| ((GRS:117 prm dnv RREV1))

<>Romanovskii GO Marushkin

<>Saburov,P. A|
| GO GRS:108-9,119-20|79:84;BRL irx gave advice re.cst in RREV1 [TsGIA]

<>Safonov,M. M. GO Ostrovskii,AV

<>Sakulin,P. N| a{}
*1905:Vestnik vospitaniia#4:??| “A. N. Pypin,ego nauchnye zaslugi i obshchestvennye vzgliady”| ((noUCB|idl svt))
*1911:DVR 4:66-104| “Krepostnaia ntg??”| (( krx srf srf ntg))
*1913:MVA| Iz istorii russkogo idealizma: Kniaz' V. F. Odoevskii|Volume 1,parts 1-2| ((UCB:836 o249 s15| OdoVF bxo idl))
*1913oc:GoM#10| “Izpoved’ raznochintsa”| ((po-Somov:24 rzn prl wrk))
*1914:Vestnik vospitaniia#4| “Sotsiologicheskaia satira”| ((po-Somov:24))

| Die russischen politischen Parteien von 1905 bis 1917: Ein Dokumentationsband|Darmstadt:1972| ((sbk.prm RREV1 stt.dmx plt pty rvs))

| “Constitutional Law in Russia”|In Oberländer,et al.:??| ((xrx 8x11 Wbr ndr cst lwx Wbr))

<>Shatrov,Mikhail (1932-:pfm.pst) GO Kuleshov

<>Shatsillo,K. F|
*1982:ISSR#4:51-70|“Iz istorii osvoboditel'nogo dvizheniia v Rossii v nachale XX v.: O konferentsii liberal'nykh i revoliutsionnykh partii v Parizhe v sentiabre-oktiabre 1904 g”| ((GRS:81 lbx RREV1))
| Russkii liberalizm nakanune revoliutsii 1905-1907 gg|MVA:1985| ((GRS:54))

<>Shelokhaev,V. V| a{}
| Ideologiia i politicheskaia organizatsiia rossiiskoi liberal’noi burzhuazii|MVA:1991|3((lbx brz plt pty~ plt.clt USA RREV1))

<>Shuster,U. A|
| Peterburgskie rabochie v 1905-1907 gg|LGR:1976| ((GRS:83 SPB prl RREV1 Shteppa:195,199-200))

<>Sidel'nikov,S. M|
| Obrazovanie i deiatel'nost' pervoi Gosudarstvennoi dumy|MVA:1962| ((GRS:222(217:crt S assertion that mfo didn't change orx of stt,or limit autocr; cf.Davidovich) stt.dmx1 RREV1))

| on early RUS cstism, RREV1 plt.clt|1991:Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo#3:26-35| ((Stepanov,I cites))

<>Smirnov,Nikolai| a{}
*1785jy15|“Pokazanie -- avtobiografiia krepostnogo kniazei Golitsynykh Nikolaia Smirnova, arestovannogo za poytku bezhat’ zagranitsu i drugie pravonarusheniia”|EBy K. V. Sivkov|1950:IsA#2,5:289-99| ((krx.ntg srf))

<>Smith,R. E. F., ed| a{}
| Russian Peasant,1920 and 1984|1977:Library of Peasant Studies#4| ((sbk krx STL.skz FYP))

<>Smith,R. E. F| a{}
| The Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry|:| ((HD714.S54| srf krx))
| Peasant Farming in Muscovy|C.ENG:CUP,1977| ((HD1551.R9s6|krx skz ekn vqt))

<>Solov’ev,Yurii B|>SlvYuB| a{}
*1973:1981:1990; LGR, Nauka| Samodershavie i dvorianstvo|3 volumes|1:“v kontse XIX veka”|2:“1902-1907 gg”|3:“1907-1914 gg”|1981,1990| ((1:JN6540.s65 2:DK262.s54 3:...s543 RREV1 stt dvr))

<>Sotsialistov-revoliutsionerov,Partiia|>SRs| a{}
| Protokoly pervogo s”ezda...|Edited with notes by Maureen Perrie|Millwood NY:Kraus,1983| ((JN6598.S67|to Birn,82fe2:bbt.rqt))
| Protokoly pervoi obshche-partiinoi konferentsii...,avgust 1908|EIBy Manfred Hildermeier|Millwood NY:Kraus,1984| ((PN6598.S67| prm 298p))
| Protokoly vtorogo (ekstrennogo s”ezda...)|White Plains NY:Kraus,1986| ((JN6598.S65| prm SRs RREV1 pty idl))

<>Spirin,L. M| a{}
| Krushenie pomeshchich’ikh i burzhuaznykh partii v Rossii|MVA:1977| (( pty brz gnt plt RREV1 Wbr?))

<>Stepanov,I. M|>SteIM| a{}
| “Grani rossiiskogo konstitutsionalizma (XX vek)”|In E. K. Glushko,et al.,eds.,Konstitutsionnyi stroi Rossii(MVA: Institut gosudarstva i prava RAN,1992):30-47| ((UO sbk cst USA|for early hst,follows E. A. Skripilev in\Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo\3(1991):26-35|Touches on RREV1 & early SSR|Pp.41-47 deals w/recent events))

<>Stepanskii,A. D| a{}
| Istoriia obshchestvennykh organizatsii dorevoliutsionnoi Rossii: Uchebnoe posobie|MVA:1979| ((|>SIO OWN ndr obx pbl RREV1))
| Obshchestvennye organizatsii Rossii na rubezhe XIX-XX vv|MVA:1982| (( pbl obx orx RREV1))

<>Suvorin,A. S|
| Dnevnik...|EBy M. Krichevskogo|MVA-PGR:1923| ((GRS:51 prm dnv stt.srv tUt))

*1925mr15:Ogonek#12/103:| “Pervye professional'nye soiuzy v Rossii”| ((GRS:185 avc unx RREV1))

<>Tagantsev,N. S|
| Perezhitoe: Uchrezhdenie Gosudarstvennoi Dumy v 1905-1906 gg|PGR:1919| ((GRS:189 prm vsp RREV1 stt.dmx1))

<>Trepov,Dmitrii Fdr*|
*1925:KrA#4-5/11-12:449 etc| “Iz bumag...”|EBy Yu. Oksman| ((GRS:185 prm stt.srv plc RREV1))

<>Trusov,N. S.,ed|
*1955:MVA|_Nachalo pervoi russkoi revoliutsii: Dokumenty i materialy| ((GRS:115 prm RREV1))

f.1208 [GRS:184]

f.601 [GRS:56]
f.891 [GRS:189]
f.1729 [GRS:56,120,185,187-9,219]

b-ka,kol.pech.zapisok [GRS:57-8,117 etc]
f.472 [GRS:119]
f.727 [GRS:57-8,82-3,115-6,120,185,220]
f.922 [GRS:58-9,82-3,116,186,219]
f.1099 [GRS:82,4,115-6,18,184,8]
f.1276 [GRS:83,117-21,184-6,188]
f.1282 [GRS:82,121,184,90]
f.1544 [GRS:186-91;219-22]
f.1571 [GRS:120]
f.1622 [GRS:51-3,5,8,83,119,187,8,219,21]

Lit. SSR [GRS:190]

<>Tunstall,Graydon A| a{}n{WW1b OST.MGR}o{
*2010:L.KS,UKP|_Blood on the snow: The Carpathian winter war of 1915| ((ToC =
Background to the battles
The first Carpathian offensive, January-February 1915
The second Carpathian offensive, late February-mid-March 1915
The third offensive and Easter battle : end of the Carpathian winter war
Based on exhaustive research in Vienna and Budapest War Archives
Incorporates eyewitness accounts, personal diaries, army logbooks, and correspondence among the high command
Shows that the roots of 1916 Habsburg collapse in Russia are found in the winter campaign of 1915
*--In Hamilton.ORIGINS

<>Ushakov,A. V| a{}
|_Revoliutsionnoe dvizhenie demokraticheskoi intelligentsii v Rossii, 1895-1904|MVA:1976| ((rvw,Kritika| ntg rvs.mvt RREV1))

<>Vasil'eva GO Gal'perin

<>Volobuev,Oleg Vladimirovich,and V.A. Murav'ev|
|_Leninskaia kontseptsiia revoliutsii 1905-1907 godov v Rossii i sovetskaia istoriografiia|MVA:Mysl,1982| ((RREV1 hst.gph Lnn idl 238p))

<>Voprosy sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiia i revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia v Rossii|MVA:1977| ((GRS:83 sbk RREV1 rvs.mvt Ivanov,AE))

<>Vspomogatel'nye istoricheskie distsipliny|LGR:| ((|>VID| D1.V8))

<>Zyrianov,P. N|
|_Pravoslavnaia tserkov' v bor'be s revoliutsiei, 1905-1907 gg.|EBy A. I. Klibanov|MVA:1984| ((ndr RREV1 chx rxn| GRS:185))


Primary Sources

<>Hobsbawm,E.J| a{}e{}
|_Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries|| ((trx krx.rvs))

<>Jaurès,Jean| a{}e{914} ((views on RREV1 G/PREV:216-17))

<>Liebknecht,Karl| a{}e{}
*1905fe12(NS):speech on RREV1| ((G/PREV:192-3 rvw))

re.RREV1 ((G/PREV:194-6 rvw))

<>Münzer,Thomas| a{490c}e{525}
|_Revelation and Revolution: Basic Writings...| ((GRM 1525:krx.rbx Rfmion; ?contains Rebell in Christo?))

<>Norman,Henry| a{858}e{939
*1904:NYC|_All the Russias: Travels and Studies...| ((trv RREV1))

<>Padenie tsarskogo rezhima| ((>PCR| UW RREV2 VRM))

Secondary Sources

<>Arnot, R. Page| a{}
|_A_Short History of the Russian Revolution, from 1905 to the Present Day|v1=1905-1917 v2=1917-[1937]|LND:1937| ((RREV1 RREV2 RREV3 STL G/PREV.rvw))

<>Gal’perin,Grigorii Boris*|With Aleksei Ivanovich Korolev, and Nina Ivanovna Vasil’eva| a{}
| Pervaia rossiiskaia revoliutsiia i samoderzhavie| LGR:LGR.unv,1975| ((DK263.v32 GRS:222| RREV1 stt|151p|86:quotes Reisner,MA re.“absolyutizme, prinyavwem formy ljekonstitucionalizma” Wbr.idl))

<>Penner,A. J.| a{}
*1955:National Affairs (Toronto)#13,12:28-37| re.RREV1 impact in Winnepeg| ((G/PREV:162-7))

<>Peregudov,Sergei| a{}
*1993my01:Sociological research#32,3:6-|“Civil Society As a Political Phenomenon”| ((UNCOVER NWO cvc.pbl plt))

<>Pervaia russkaia revoliutsiia (k 70-letiiu nachala revoliutsii 1905-1907 gg.): Referativnyi sbornik|MVA:1974| ((|>PREV| OWN| Wbr mentioned on p.255))

<>Pinkney,David| a{}e{}
*1964oc:AHR#?:1-17| “The Crowd in the French Revolution of 1830”| (())

<>Scheibert,Peter| a{}
|_Von Bakunin zu Lenin: Geschichte der russischen revolutionären Ideologien 1840-1895| ((rvs idl rdx BknM anx NOndx))

| French Revolution in Russian Intellectual Life, 1865-1905|| ((FREV mnt))

<>Shelokhaev,V. V| a{}
|_Ideologiia i politicheskaia organizatsiia rossiiskoi liberal’noi burzhuazii| ((lbx brz plt pty~ plt.clt USA RREV1))

|_Die Auswirkungen der ersten russischen Revolution von 1905-1907 auf Deutschland|2 volumes|BRL:1954-1956| ((noWbr| G/PREV:58-72| GRM SDs))

<>Watters,F. M| a{}
*1966:University of California,Berkeley, PhD Dissertation| “Land Tenure and Financial Burdens of the Russian Peasant,1861-1905”| ((krx ekn skz RREV1))

<>Zyrianov,P. N| a{}
|_Pravoslavnaia tserkov’ v bor’be s revoliutsiei, 1905-1907 gg| ((GRS:185| RREV1 chx rxn))

<>Zyrianov,P. N., and V.V. Shelokhaev|
| Pervaia russkaia revoliutsii v Amerikanskoi i angliiskoi burzhuaznoi istoriografii|1976| ((OWN RREV1 hst.gph USA))


Modern Russia Field bbl---??:

Reading List On Russia and Soviet Union, 1800-.
Here condensed by removal of most standard titles

State-Government and Politics

Brelauer, George, Khrushchev and Brezhnev as Leaders: Building Authority in Soviet Politics, (Boston, 1982)| ((Xrw Brj))
Brown, Archie, The Gorbachev Factor, (Oxford, 1996)| ((Grb))
Colton, Timothy J. and Robert C. Tucker, eds., Patterns in Post-Soviet Leadership, (Boulder, Colo., 1995)| ((SSR.gvt))
Cook,Linda J|_The_Soviet Social Contract and Why It failed, (Cambridge, Mass., 1993)| ((SSR.pbl))
Dallin,Alexander and Gail W. Lapidus eds., The Soviet System from Crisis to Collapse, (Boulder, Colo., 1995)| ((Grb ))
Haimson,Leopold H., ed., The Politics of Rural Russia, 1905-1914, (1979.B.IN).| ((skz vlg plt.clt))
Keep, John,H.L., The Russian Revolution: A study in Mass Mobilization, (New York, 1976)| ((RREV3))
Mc Daniel,Tim, Autocracy, Capitalism, and Revolution in Russia, (Berkeley, Calif., 1988)| ((cpt rvs RREV))
Medvedev,Roy, Khrushchev, (Oxford, 1982)| ((Xrw))
Pearson,Thomas S., Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861-1900 (1989:C.ENG,CUP)| ((plt.clt slf.gvt))
Robbins,Richard G., The Tsar’s Viceroys: Russian Provincial Governors in the Last Years of the Empire, (Ithace, N.Y., 1987)| ((gbxor~))


Gregory,Paul R., Before Command: An Economic History of Russian from Emancipation to the First Five-Year Plan, (Princeton, 1994)| ((ekn.hst))
Hewett,Ed A. Reforming the Soviet Economy: Equality versus Efficiency, (Washington, 1988)| ((SSR.ekn))
Kotkin,Stephen, Steeltown USSR: Soviet Society in the Gorbachev Era, (Berkeley, Calif., 1991)| ((mfg ekn.hst))
Malle,Sylvana, The Economic Organization of War Communism, 1918-1921, (Cambridge, 1985)| ((Gwrx ekn))
Ploss, Sidney, Conflict and Decision-Making in Soviet Russia: A Case Study of Agricultural Policy, 1953-1963, (Princeton, 1965)| ((SSR.skz))

Culture (Education-Religion-Family-Gender)

Balzer,Marjorie Mandelstam, ed., Russian Traditional Culture: Religion, Gender, and Customary Law, (Armonk, N. Y., 1992)| ((clt))
Buckley,Mary, ed., Prestroika and Soviet Women, (Cambridge, 1992)| ((PRS Grb wmn))
Edmondson,Linda H., Feminism in Russia, 1900-1917, (Stanford, 1984)| ((wmn))
Engelstein,Laura, The Keys to Happiness: Sex and the Search for Modernity in Fin-de-Siecle Russia, (Ithaca, New York, 1992)| ((sxx RREV1))
Fitzpatrick,Sheila, The Cultural Front: Power and Culture in Revolutionary Russia, (Ithaca, N.Y., 1992)| ((RREV clt))
--|ed., Cultural Revolution in Russia, 1928-1931, (1978:B.IN,IUP)| ((SSR.clt))
--|Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union, 1921-1934, (Cambridge, 1979)| ((SSR.edc))
Fletcher,William C., A Study in Survival: The Church in Russia, 1917-1943, (London, 1965)| ((chxO))
Fransworth,B, and L. Viola, eds., Russian Peasant Women, (New York, 1992)| ((krx.wmn))
Graham,Loren, The Soviet Academy of Science and the Communist Party, 1927-1931, (Princeton, 1967)| ((SSR AkN KPS))
Johanson,Christine, Women’s Struggle for Higher Education in Russia, 1855-1900, (Montreal, 1987)| ((wmn edc))
Kenez,Peter, The Birth of the Propaganda State: Soviet Methods of Mass Mobilization, 1917-1929, (Cambridge, 1985)| ((SSR plt.clt))
Kolarz,Walter, Religion in the Soviet Union, (London, 1961)| ((SSR rlg))
Lapidus,Gail W. Women in Soviet Society: Equality, Development, and Social Change, (Berkeley, Calif., 1978)| ((SSR wmn))
Miller,Frank J., Folklore for Stalin: Russian Folklore and Pseudofolklore of the Stalin Era, (Armonk, N.Y., 1990)| ((SSR nrd.svt))

Ransel,David, ed., The Family in Imperial Russia: New Lines of Historical Research, (Urbana, Ill., 1978)| ((fmy))
Raune,Christine, Gender, Class, and Professionalization of Russian City Teachers, 1860-1906, (Toronto, 1982)| ((tgt edc))
Robin,Regine, ed., Soviet Literature of the Thirties: A Reappraisal, (Montpelier, Vt., 1986)| ((SSR blt))
Ware,Timothy, The Orthodox Church, (London, 1993)| ((chxO))

National Minorities, Integrate w/bbl.BYD

<>Alexeyeva,Ludmilla| a{}
*1985:Wesleyan UP| Soviet Dissent:Contemporary Movements for National,Religious, and Human Rights| ((Hrgt.mvt dsn rlg ntn|is name correct??;seeSuny rvw in 8x11))

<>Armstrong,John|_Ukranian Nationalism, (New York, 1963)| ((UKR ntn))

<>Azrael,J., ed| a{}
*1978:NYC| Soviet Nationality Policies and Practices| ((sbk ntn SSR))

<>Bennigsen,Alexandre, and Chantal Lemercier-Quelquejay| a{}
*1969+:PRS Mouton| Les mouvements nationaux chez les musulmans de Russie| SERIES: Societe et ideologies;2e Serie,Documents et temoignages,3| ((BP65.R8 B4|bbl| prm.sbk ISL ntn pbl.mvt plt.mvt fdr RUS2))

<>Bialer,Seweryn, ed| a{}
*1989:Boulder| Politics,Society, and Nationality: Inside Gorbachev’s Russia| ((DK288.P66| sbk Grb etc ntn))

<>Blakely,Allison| a{}
*1985:WDC|_Russia and the Negro: Blacks in Russian History and Thought| ((DK34.B53 B55| USA3.srf/slv pbl mnt ntn srf))

<>Bremmer,Ian and Ray Taras, eds., New States, New politics: Building the Post-Soviet Nations, (Cambridge, 1997)| ((SSR ntn))

<>Carrère d’Encausse,Hélène| a{}
*1993:NYC|_The_End of the Soviet Empire: The Triumph of the Nations| ((UO| ntn KZX ARM AZR N-K GRZ KIR fdr (pt.3:End of fdrism:113-95) MPR Prs))

<>Chalidze,Viktor| a{}
*1988|_Natsional’nye problemy i perestroika|Benson VT:Chalidze,1988| ((DK288.C45 |215p| prm Grb ntn gte))

<>Gafurov,Bobodzhan| a{}
On ntn [RRC,3] prm

<>Getches,David H| a{}
| “Negotiated Sovereignty: Intergovernmental Agreements with American Indian Tribes as Models for Expanding First Nations Self-Government”| Review of constitutional studies = Revue d’etud...,1,1:120-??| ((UNCOVER USA5.frn ntn stt.ndp))\

<>Glazer,Nathan, and Daniel P. Moynihan, eds| a{}
*1975:CMA|_Ethnicity:Theory and Experience|CMA:1975| ((hm101.e75| ntn USA3.nsx))
*:|_Beyond the Melting Pot|:| ((f128.9.a1g55| ntn USA3.nsx))

<>Haghayeghi,Mehrdad| a{}
*1994oc04:KIARS Meeting Report#12,3| “Islam and Politics in Central Asia”| ((crn OWN prm CASA YeB ntg Hannafi scl Wahhabi & Sufi sects|ISLic Revival Party(IRP)|ntn ID more "centrifugal" than rlg ID|UZB MPR is major problem|dmk "can rely on sizable ntg~ created in these nations during the Soviet period" (TRKan=exception) cst means of plt struggle will keep rlg forces in check))

<>Hall,Geoff R| a{}
*1992wi:University of Toronto Faculty of Law review#50,1:39-| “The Quest for Native Self-Government: The Challenge of Territorial Sovereignty”| ((UNCOVER stt.ndp USA5.frn ntn cst fdr))

<>Iivonen,Jyrki| a{}
--|_Independence or Incorporation: The Idea of Poland’s National Self-Determination and Independence within the Russian and Soviet Socialism from the 1870s to the 1920s|Helsinki:| ((|334p 91ap17:bbt rqt| stt.ndp fdr POL ntn RUS2))

<>Kibrik,Andrei| a{}
*1993my21:MNe#21:2 & #22:2| “The New Constitution is Incompatible with Russia’s Present National-territorial Division”| ((cst ntn fdr Attacks myth that "every ethnos shall have its statehood and state organization"| Perpetuating old SSR ggr/ntn divisions))

<>Kostomarov,Nikolai Ivn*|>KstNI| a{817}n{PBL|  RELOCATE or indicate matrix KstNI entry in DTF
Pvsp:193 sd Wwa & Kst = new hst.gph sense of nrd; pbl heard “the voice of a living people” not as passive material in hands of ddd stt,“no kak faktor,pytavwiisya samostoyatel’no napravlyat’ istoriqeskii process, po men’wei mere vyrajavwii svoe otnowenie k tem ili drugim ego storonam”}
*1847:GRM Augsburg| Knigi bitiia ukrains’kogo naroda| Translated as Kostomarov’s "Books of Genesis of the Ukrainian People"|IBy B. Yanivs’kyi [Volodymyr Mijakovs’kyj]|Mimeographed Series:Research Program on the U.S.S.R.,60|NYC:1954| ((prm UKR KMO))
*1854:pbd nrd songs (got into trouble w/plc [KstN,Avto:218])
*1857:pbd rpt [?re.StO or Jwx ritual dth-?] Mordovtsev reprted this in Pamiatnaia knizhka SARoi gubernii [KstN,Avto:226 PmK]
*1857:|_Bogdan Khmel’nitskii i vozrashchenie Yuzhnoi Rusi k Rossii| ((UKR hst))
*1858: Bunt Sten’ki Razina| ((rvs RS0 UKR))
*1860jy:Svm#7,3:75-92| "O kazachestve: Otvet ‘Vilenskomu vestniku"| ((Attacked idea that kzk anarchy,KstN tried to show that simple dmk idl motivated kzk;to protect dmk,they shifted back and forth twixt RUS &POL [KstN,Avto:270-1]))
*1860:Klk#61:| ltr-edt Hzn re.UKR
*1861??: Osnova:| "Dve russkoi narodnosti"| ((prm UKR ntn nrd idl=UKR.distinctness; "clxless" "brz-less" nrd| hst= whole nrd|All my hst work in the reform era has given rise to plm attacks|My idea that in udel system of Rus a fdr principle existed, and that I intended that to apply to the present day,perhaps to predict future| But I never said anything directly about that|People read things into my pst [he seems to be saying,in so many words]|Esp. "Dve russ. narodnosti"| People have the habit of reading between the lines,esp. under severe cnp| Even took me to be in favor of "serparatism",esp. after POL.rbx|Once that great fear passed,then people could see how two RUS narodnosti fulfill one another|Still,I hve been acz- of "UKRainofil’stvo" [KstN,Avto:272-4]))
*1861??:Osnova:| "O federativnom nachale drevnei Rusi"| ((prm ntn fdr hst plt stt idl))
*1909:YSL:117-139| “Peterburgskii universitet nachala 1860-kh godov”| ((prm SPB.unv|xrx))
*1922:MVA| Avtobiografiia...| ((HOT UIL;noNYP|8x11 xrp:210-226 "5. Zhizn’ v Saratove"| prm slf.bxo vsp))

<>Kozlov,Viktor| The Peoples of the Soviet Union| B.IN:IUP,1988| ((|>KzlViktor| rfr nsx ntn xtx ggr|278p MPR ntn lxt 48 tbl~~))

<>Lewis,Robert A., with Richard H. Rowland and Ralph S. Clem|
*1976:NYC| Nationality and Population Change in Russia and the USSR: An Evaluation of Census Data, 1897-1970| ((HB3607.L47| xtx nsx ggr ntn gbx pbl RUS3))

<>Lind,Michael| a{}
*1994my01:FoA#73,3:87-| “In Defense of Liberal Nationalism”| ((UNCOVER lbx stt.ndp|NWO idl that every stt shd have its own stage has been the most powerful political force of the past two hundred years|Yet in age of transnationalism and rising demands for stt.ndp, many view secessionist movements as dangerous|USA policy harbors any prejudice against nationals, without distinguishing between benign and malignant strains| Reflexive support for multinational political entities,especially despotic ones,is as misguided as automatically rejecting policies that wld create new national homelands|USA shd no longer consider selective support of oppressed ntn minorities as a policy of last resort))

<>Nekrich,Aleksandr M| a{} RELOCATE
*1968:SC Columbia| June 22,1941: Soviet Historians and the German Invasion|Compiled by Vladimir Petrov| ((D742.R8.N43| PetVxr WW2 hst.gph wrx))
*1979:L.ENG| Otreshis’ ot strakha:Vospominaniia istorika| ((DK275.N4.A3|xtx part in hst.gph 8x11| prm vsp hst.gph WW2 inx))
*1978:NYC| The Punished Peoples:the Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War| ((DK33.N44| ntn WW2 STL tlng. of Nakazannye narody. NYC:1978))
*1986| Utopia in Power: A History of the USSR from 1917 to the Present| ((DK266.G3713 [RUS orig=DK265.H45]| gnr Hrgt.mvt RUS3|tlng. of Utopiia u vlasti: Istoriia Sovetskogo soiuza s 1917 goda do nashikh dnei))
In Aksyonov,Glasnost

<>Pantin,IK, Plimak,EG and Khoros,VG| a{}
*1986:MVA| Revoliutsionnaia traditsiia Rossii,1783-1883 gg| ((DK188.3.P28| lgc NTR hst.gph| Seeking "osobennosti" RUS frd mvt,frm Rds-mrxism w/comparison zpd & ASA; dialectic of international & ntn elements))

<>Polevoi,Nikolai Axi|>PolNA| a{796}
*1829-1833:SPB| Istoriia russkogo naroda| 6vv| ((OWN|vs-Kmz sttist.hst.gph|Viz:No single stt prior to 15th c.; multiplicity of stt~ & ntn~,esp. ASA nomads [EUA]; RUS in midst of wlr.hst| Growth of cent.stt is topic, not presumption. Also pbl (chx) played role| hst.idl influenced by Schelling as found in CsnV; Niebuhr, Gzo, TrrLA))

<>Ra’anan,Uri, ed| a{}
*1990:Lexington MA,Lexington Books|_Soviet_Empire and the Challenge of National and Democratic Movements| ((UO; 272p| prm? Grb MPR ntn dmk pbl.mvt))

<>Rywkin,Michael| a{}
*1982:NY Armonk, Sharpe|_Moscow’s_Muslim Challenge: Soviet Central Asia| ((DK859.R98|ntn CAS rlgI))

<>Samardzic,Slobodan| a{}
*1991oc01:Praxis international#11,3:377-| “Dilemma of Federalism in Yugoslavia: Problem of Sovereignty in Multinational Federation”| ((UNCOVER USA2.cst fdr stt.ndp YUG ntn))

<>Shevotsukov,Pshimaf| a{}
*1993mr01:International affairs#3:79-|“Sovereignty of the Republics Comprising the Russian Federation”| ((UNCOVER NWO USA2.cst stt.ndp RUS ntn fdr))

<>Solomon,Susan Gross,ed| a{}
*1982:NYC| Pluralism in the Soviet Union: Essays in Honor of H. Gordon Skilling| ((jn65xx| ndr|sbk fxn fdr ntn plt.clt))

<>Spuler,Bertold| a{}
RUS & rlgI [TDU]

<>Thaden,E. C| a{}n{cnx ntnism}o{}
*1964:Seattle, UW| Conservative Nationalism in Nineteenth-Century Russia| ((ntg ntn cnx idl))
*1971:NYC| Russia Since 1801: The Making of a New Society| ((gnr))
*1981:P.NJ| Thaden,et al., Russification...| “Dilemmas of Borderland Policy in the Era of Great Reforms: Poland and Finland, 1855-1881”| ((DK511.B3 R77| BLT RS1 irx FIN POL stt ntn))
*1981:P.NJ| Russification in the Baltic Provinces and Finland, 1855-1917| ((ntn irx gbx MPR FIN))

<>Tillet,Lowell| a{}
*1969:Chapel Hill| The Great Friendship: Soviet Historians on the Non-Russian Nationalities| ((OWN ntn hst.gph))

<>Valikhanov,Chokan-Chingis| a{}
*1986;MVA| IzP| ((DK854.V292| prm KZX gbx ntn SBK))
*1968:Alma-Ata| SoS v 5-ti tomakh| 5vv| ((DK855.4.V3|G/Potanin| prm KZX SBK svt trv)

<>Wheeler,Geoffrey| a{}
*1964:NYC, Praeger| The Modern History of Soviet Central Asia| ((SSR ntn CASA AfrAsia))

<>Wixman,Ronald| rfr

More Nationalities in need of integration with above (duplications plus some need for relocation)

<>Carrère d’Encausse,Hélène| a{}
*1991:NYC|_The_Great Challenge: Nationalities and the Bolshevik State, 1917-1930| ((SSR ntn))
*1993:NYC, Basic Books|_The_End of the Soviet Empire: The Triumph of the Nations| ((UO|ntn KZX ARM AZR N-K GRZ KIR fdr (pt.3:End of fdrism:113-95) MPR Prs))

<>Chalidze,Viktor| a{}
| Natsional’nye problemy i perestroika|Benson VT:Chalidze,1988| ((DK288.C45 |215p| prm Grb ntn gte))

Connor,Walker, The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy, (Princeton, N.J., 1984)| ((SSR ntn))

<>Conquest,Robert| a{} RELOCATE
*1960:L.ENG,M & NYC:St.Martin's P|_The_Soviet deportation of nationalities| ((DK33.C6 USA5.ntn nsx.xtx))
*1973:NYC|_The_Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties| Revised edition| ((DK267.C65 1973))
*1986:O.ENG paperback|_Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine|
*1989:O.ENG|_Stalin and the Kirov Murder|

<>Gafurov,Bobodzhan| a{}
On ntn [Riha,Readings,3] prm

<>Getches,David H| a{}
| “Negotiated Sovereignty: Intergovernmental Agreements with American Indian Tribes as Models for Expanding First Nations Self-Government”| Review of constitutional studies:120-??| ((UNCOVER R&A USA5.frn ntn stt.ndp))

<>Haghayeghi,Mehrdad| a{}
| “Islam and Politics in Central Asia”|KIARS Meeting Report 12,3 (1994oc24)| ((crn OWN prm CASA YeB ntg Hannafi scl Wahhabi & Sufi sects|ISLic Revival Party(IRP)|ntn ID more “centrifugal” than rlg ID|UZB MPR is major problem| dmk “can rely on sizable ntg~ created in these nations during the Soviet period” (TRKan=exception) cst means of plt struggle will keep rlg forces in check))

<>Hall,Geoff R| a{}
*1992wi:University of Toronto Faculty of Law review#50,1:39-|“The Quest for Native Self-Government: The Challenge of Territorial Sovereignty”| ((UNCOVER stt.ndp USA5.frn ntn cst fdr stt.ndp))

<>Iivonen,Jyrki| a{}
| Independence or Incorporation: The Idea of Poland’s National Self-Determination and Independence within the Russian and Soviet Socialism from the 1870s to the 1920s|Helsinki:| ((|334p 91ap17:bbt rqt| stt.ndp fdr POL ntn RUS2))

<>Kibrik,Andrei| a{}
| “The New Constitution is Incompatible with Russia’s Present National-territorial Division”|93my21:MNe#21:2 & #22:2| ((cst ntn fdr Attacks myth that “every ethnos shall have its statehood and state organization”|Perpetuating old SSR ggr/ntn divisions)) 

<>Kozlov,Viktor| The Peoples of the Soviet Union| B.IN:IUP,1988| ((|>KzlViktor| rfr nsx ntn xtx ggr|278p MPR ntn lxt 48 tbl~~))

<>Lewis,Robert A., with Richard H. Rowland and Ralph S. Clem| Nationality and Population Change in Russia and the USSR: An Evaluation of Census Data,1897-1970|NYC:1976| ((HB3607.L47| xtx nsx ggr ntn gbx pbl RUS3))

<>Lind,Michael| a{}
*1994my01:FoA#73,3:87-|“In Defense of Liberal Nationalism”| ((UNCOVER lbx stt.ndp|NWO idl that every stt shd have its own stage has been the most powerful political force of the past two hundred years| Yet in age of transnationalism and rising demands for stt.ndp, many view secessionist movements as dangerous| USA policy harbors any prejudice against nationals, without distinguishing between benign and malignant strains| Reflexive support for multinational political entities, especially despotic ones, is as misguided as automatically rejecting policies that wld create new national homelands| USA shd no longer consider selective support of oppressed ntn minorities as a policy of last resort))

<>Pantin,I. K.,E. G. Plimak and V. G. Khoros| a{}
| Revoliutsionnaia traditsiia Rossii,1783-1883 gg|MVA:1986| ((DK188.3.P28|lgc NTR hst.gph|seeking “osobennosti” RUS frd mvt,frm Rds-mrxism w/comparison zpd & ASA;dialectic of international & ntn elements))

<>Polevoi,Nikolai Axi|>PolNA| a{796}
| Istoriia russkogo naroda|6 vv|SPB:1829-1833| ((OWN|vs.Kmz sttist.hst.gph|Viz:No single stt prior to 15th c.; multiplicity of stt~ & ntn~,esp. ASA nomads; RUS in midst of wlr.hst| Growth of cent.stt is topic, not presumption. Also pbl (chx) played role| hst.idl influenced by Schelling as found in CsnV; Niebuhr, Gzo, TrrLA))

<>Ra’anan,Uri, ed| a{}
| Soviet Empire and the Challenge of National and Democratic Movements|Lexington MA:Lexington Books,1990| ((UO; 272p|prm? Grb MPR ntn dmk pbl.mvt))

<>Reznikov,A| a{}
| Comintern and the East: Strategy and Tactics in the National Liberation Movement|MVA:1984| ((HX11.I5 R478| Ntx3 CMN CASA MPR ntn REV))

<>Rywkin,Michael| a{}
| Moscow’s Muslim Challenge: Soviet Central Asia|Armonk NY: Sharpe,1982| ((DK859.R98|ntn CAS rlgI))

<>Samardzic,Slobodan| a{}
*1991oc01:Praxis international#11,3:377-|“Dilemma of Federalism in Yugoslavia: Problem of Sovereignty in Multinational Federation”| ((UNCOVER USA2.cst fdr stt.ndp YUG ntn))

<>Shevotsukov,Pshimaf| a{}
*1993mr01:International affairs#3:79-|“Sovereignty of the Republics Comprising the Russian Federation”| ((UNCOVER NWO USA2.cst stt.ndp ntn fdr RUS))

<>Spuler,Bertold| a{}
RUS & rlgI [TDU]

<>Tillet,Lowell| a{}
| The Great Friendship: Soviet Historians on the Non-Russian Nationalities|Chapel Hill NC:1969| ((OWN ntn hst))

<>Utin,Nikolai|>UtnN| RELOCATE
| “N. I. Utin o 'Zemle i vole' i urokakh revoliutsionnogo dvizheniia 60-kh godov”|LiN (87):359-397| ((prm ZiV UtnN RSc.Ntx1))

<>Valikhanov,Chokan-Chingis| a{}n{prm KZX SBK svt trv gbx ntn}o{
*1968:Alma-Ata| SoS v 5-ti tomakh|5vv| ((DK855.4.V3|G/Potanin|))
*1968:MVA| IzP| ((DK854.V292))

<>Wheeler,Geoffrey| a{}
| The Modern History of Soviet Central Asia| NYC:Praeger,1964| ((SSR ntn CASA)) 

<>Wixman,Ronald| rfr

Denber, The Soviet Nationality Reader: The Disintegration in the Context, (Boulder, Colo., 1992)| ((SSR ntn))

Forsyth,James, A History of the Peoples of Siberia: Russia’s North Asian Colony, 1581-1990, (Cambridge, England, 1992)| ((SBK ntn))

Hiro,Dilip, Between Marx and Muhammad: The Changing Face of Central Asia, (London, 1994)| ((ISL ntn))

Gitelman,Zvi Y., Jewish Nationality and Soviet Politics: The Jewish Sections of the CPSU, 1917-1930, (Princeton, N.J., 1972)| ((Jwx ntn))

Kaiser,Robert J., The Geography of Nationalism in Russia and the USSR, (Princeton, N.J., 1994)| ((ntn))

Lapidus,Gail and Victor Zaslavsky, eds., From Union to Commonwealth: Nationalism and Separatism in the Soviet republics, (Cambridge, 1992)} ((ntn fdr))

Leslie,R. F., Reform and Insurrection in Russian Poland, 1856-1865, (Londan, 1963)| ((POL.rbx ntn))

Lieven,Anatol, The Baltic Revolution, (New haven, Conn, 1993)| ((ntn RREV))

Mace, James E., Communism and the Dilemmas of National Liberation: National Communism in Soviet Ukraine, 1918-1933, (Cambridge, Mass, 1983)| ((UKR ntn))

Martin,Terry D., “An Affirmative Action Empire: Ethnicity and the Soviet State, 1923-1938”, (Ph.D. diss., University of Chicago, 1996)| ((ntn))

Motly,Alexander J., Sovietology, Rationality, Nationality: Coming to Grips with Nationalities Problem in the USSR, (New York, 1990)| ((ntn))

Rauch,Georg von, The Baltic States: The Years of Independence, 1917-1940, (London, 1974)| ((BAL ntn))

Slezkine,Yuri, Arctic Mirrors: Russia and the Small peoples of the North, (Ithaca, N.Y., 1994)| ((ntn))

Stanislawski, Micheal, Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The transformation of Jewish Society in Russia, 1825-1855, (1983)| ((Jwx ntn))

Upton,Anthony F., The Finish Revolution, 1917-1918, (Berkeley, Calif., 1988)| ((RREV FIN))

Wood,Alan, ed. The History of Siberia: From Russian Conquest to Revolution, (London, 1991)| ((SBK frn MPR))

Vakar,Nicholas P., Belorussia, The Making of a Nation, (1956)| ((BRUS ntn))

Zaprudnik,Jan, Belarus at a Crossroads in History, (Boulder, Colo., 1993)| ((BRUS ntn))


Largely SSR bbl---??:

<>Abramov,Fedor. The New Life: A Day on a Collective Farm. First published as “Vokrug da okolo” [Round and about] in Neva (January 1963). Translated by George Reavy. NYC: Grove,1963| ((prm krx vlg)) 135p

<>Aksenov,Vasilii [Aksyonov,Vassily]
In Search of Melancholy Baby. PG3478.K7Z47713
In Proffer Contemp Rus Prose

<>Anschel, Eugene, ed. The American Image of Russia, 1775-1917. NYC:1974| sbk.prm

<>Bailes,Kendall. Science and Russian Culture in an Age of Revolutions: V. I. Vernadsky and His Scientific School,1863-1945| 1990:B.IN,IUP| QE22.V47 B34

<>Bakhtin,Mikhail [pseud: V. N. Voloshinov].
--|Freudianism: a Marxist Critique
--|Marxism and the Philosophy of Language
--|Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. 1973
--|Rabelais and His World. 1968
--|The Dialogic Imagination

<>Baron,Salo. The Russian Jew Under Tsars and Soviets. 2nd ed. New York City: 1976| ((ndr ntn Jwx))

<>Belov,Fedor. A History of a Soviet Collective Farm. New York City: Praeger,1955| ((prm krx vlg))

<>Berman,Marvin M. The Treatment of the Soviet Union and Communism in Selected World History Textbooks,1920-1970| ((prm hst.gph| DK/38.8/.B39| R&A USA))

<>Black,Cyril E., ed. Transformation of Russian Society: Aspects of Social Change since 1861. Cambridge MA:1960| sbk.ndr

<>Blakely,Allison. Russia and the Negro: Blacks in Russian History and Thought. Washington DC:1985. DK34.B53 B55| ndr ntn USA

<>Bobroff,Anne. “The Bolsheviks and Working Women”. Soviet Studies 25/26 (July 1973-1974) | ((ndr))

<>Bochenski,Innocentius M. Soviet Russian Dialectical Materialism. Dordrecht: Reidel,1963

<>Bowlt,John,ed. Russian Art of the Avant-Garde: Theory and Criticism,1902-1934| ((mdn))

<>Brodsky,Joseph| ((prm clt blt stx))

<>Brown,Edward J|
Major Soviet Writers: Essays in Criticism. Oxford: 1977
The Proletarian episode in Russian Literature,1928-1932. New York City: 1953
<>Brown,Edward J.,ed. Russian Literature Since the Revolution. Collier Book: 1969

<>Brumfield,Wm. The Origins of Modernism in Russian Architecture. BUC: 1991| ((mdn))

Brzezinski,Z. K., The Soviet Bloc: Unity and Conflict, (New York, 1965)| ((irx))

<>Bulgakov,Mikhail Afanas’evich| a{}n{}o{blt novelist ttx.pst

<>Bunin,Ivan| ((prm clt blt))

<>Chagall| ((prm clt xdj))

<>Charques, R. D. Twilight of Imperial Russia. 947.08 C384| ndr gnr.txt

<>Chekhov,Anton| ((prm clt blt ttx))

--|RB-C“On Mythical Anarchism”

<>Cohen,Stephen F|
Rethinking the Soviet Experience: Politics and History Since 1917. Oxford England: 1985
Sovieticus: American Perceptions and Soviet Realities. New York City: 1985| ((ndr R&A USA E183.8.S65 C64))

<>Coox,Alvin D. Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia,1939. 2 volumes

<>Copleston,Frederick C|
Ideology,Philosophy and Politics. Waterloo ONT: 1983. B823.3.i36
*1980:O.ENG|_Philosophies and Culture| B799.C66
Philosophy in Russia: From Herzen to Lenin and Berdyaev. Notre Dame IN: 1986. B4231.C67
Russian Religious Philosophy: Selected Aspects. Notre Dame IN: 1988. B4231.C68

<>Counts,George S.,and Nucia Lodge| a{}
*1949:Boston, Riverside Press|_The_Country of the Blind: The Soviet System of Mind Control| ((CWX.hst.gph))

<>Cross, A. G., ed. Russia and the West in the Eighteenth Century: Proceedings of the Second International Conference Organized by the Study Group on Eighteenth-century Russia and Held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 17-22 July, 1981. Newtonville MA:1983| sbk.ndr UO

Reform in Russia and the USSR: Past and Prospects. Urban IL: 1989| ((sbk.ndr.ndr))
Aristocrats and servitors| DK114.C78 1983

<>Culture of the Stalin Period. EBy Hans Gu[??umlaut]nther. Basingstoke: Macmillan,1990| ((sbk.ndr))

<>Cunningham,James. A Vanquished Hope

<>Current Digest of the Soviet Press. D839.C87| ((prm))

<>Dallin,Alexander. German Rule in Russia,1941-1945: A Study of Occupation Policies(rev.,1981). 81de17: bbt.rqt

<>Dallin,David J|
Soviet Russia's foreign Policy,1939-1942. New Haven CT: 1942
The Rise of Russia in Asia. New Haven CT: 1949

<>Dallin,David J.,and Boris I. Nicolaevsky. Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. New Haven CT: 1947

<>Daniels,Robert V.,ed|
--|A Documentary History of Communism. 2nd revised edition. 2 volumes. Hanover: 1984. D228 335.4| ((sbk.prm))
--|A Documentary History of Communism. 2nd revised edition. 2 volumes. Hanover: 1984| ((sbk.prm)) D228 335.4
--|The Stalin Revolution: Fulfillment or Betrayal of Communism? Heath Series: Problems in European Civilization. DK267.D23

<>Daniels,Robert. Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. NYC: 1967| ((ndr RREV3))

<>Davies,Robert William. The Industrialisation of Soviet Russia. Volume 1: “The Socialist Offensive: The Collectivisation of Soviet Agriculture,1929-1930”. Volume 2: “The Soviet Collective Farm,1929-1930”. Cambridge: 1980

<>Davis,Lynn Etheridge. The Cold War Begins: Soviet-American Conflict over Eastern Europe. Princeton NJ: PUP,1974| ((ndr CWX))

<>Dawisha,Karen. The Kremlin and the Prague Spring. Berkeley: UCP,1984| ((ndr CZC dsn CWX))

<>Deane,John R. The Strange Alliance: The Story of Our Efforts at Wartime Co-operation with Russia. New York City: 1947| ((prm WW2 USA)) 940.93322 D346 (1973 ed.)

<>Degras,Jane,and Alec Nove,eds. Soviet Planning: Essays in Honor of Naum Jasny. Oxford: 1964| ((HC335.D36| NveA))

<>Diaghilev,Sergei| a{
--|_RB-C| “Complex Questions: Our Imaginary Decadence”

<>Digest of the Soviet Ukrainian Press. Munich: 1958| ((prm.sbk)) DK508.8.D52

<>Dunmore,Timothy| a{}n{}o{}
*:|_Soviet Politics,1945-1953. St. Martin's P,1984| ((ndr SSR.plt.clt))
*:|_The_Stalinist Command Economy: The Soviet State Apparatus and Economic Policy,1945-1953. St. Martin's P,1980

<>Edgerton,William,ed. -- Memoirs of Peasant Tolstoyans in Soviet Russia. 1993:B.IN,IUP,| ((prm krx TolL)) 308p lxt

“The Method of Making Workers' Films [1925]” [Rosenberg,Boshevik: 375-77];FLM prl clt RREV.khd
On his worthless & vicious flm [Riha,Readings,3]

*:|_The_Road to Stalingrad: Stalin's War with Germany (1975) | ((ndr WW2 mlt))
*:|_The_Soviet High Command: A Military-Political History,1918-1941. New York City: 1962| ((mlt))

<>Erlich,Alexander. The Soviet Industrialization Debate,1924-1928. Cambridge: 1960
Stalin & Marxist Growth Models [Tucker,Stalinism]

<>Eudin,Xenia,and H. Fisher,eds. Soviet Russia and the West,1920-1927: A Documentary Survey| ((prm)) 327.47 Eu26 S
<>Eudin,Xenia,and Robert M. Slusser,eds. Soviet Foreign Policy,1928-1934: Documents and Materials. 2 volumes. University Park,Pennsylvania: 1966-1967| ((prm)) DK63.E8
<>Eudin,Xenia,and Robert North,eds. Soviet Russia and the East,1920-1927: A Documentary Survey. Stanford: 1957| ((prm)) 327.47 Eu26

<>Fediukin on the intelligentsia in the early Soviet period. HT690.R9F4313

<>Filtzer,Donald A. Soviet Workers and Stalinist Industrialization: The Formation of Modern Soviet Production Relations,1928-1941. Armonk NY: 1986. HD8526.F49

<>Gaddis, John Lewis|
Russia, The Soviet Union, and the United States: An Interpretive History. Second edition. NYC:McGraw, 1990 (1978). E183.8.R9g24| ndr gnr.txt irx
Russia,The Soviet Union,and the United States: An Interpretive History. Second edition. New York City: 1990 (1978) | ((ndr gnr.txt))
The United States and the Origins of the Cold War,1941-1947. New York City: 1972| ((ndr CWX))

*1989:O.ENG|_Diaghilev's Ballets Russes [??]| 576p

<>Garrard, John Gordon, ed. The Eighteenth Century in Russia. Oxford ENG:1973. DK127.G33| sbk ndr??

<>Garrison,Mark,and Abbott Gleason,eds. Shared Destiny: Fifty Years of Soviet American Relations. 1985| ((ndr USA CWX)) E183.8.S65 S54

<>Gibian,George,and H. W. Tjalsma. Russian Modernism: Culture and the Avant-garde,1900-1930. Ithaca: Cornell,1976. PG3020.5.M6r8

<>Gladkov,Fedor V. Cement [1925]. TBy A. S. Arthur and C. Ashleigh. NYC: Ungar,1960

<>Glenny,Michael,and Norman Stone,eds. The Other Russia: The Experience of Exile| ((gte))

<>Goldman,Marshall I. The Spoils of Progress: Environmental Pollution in the Soviet Union. MIT P,1972| ((ndr gnr ecx USA))

<>Graham,Loren R. Science and Philosophy in the Soviet Union. New York City: Knopf,1972

<>Gray,Camilla. The Great Experiment: Russian Art,1863-1922. AAA N6988.G7

<>Great Britain, Foreign Office. British Documents on Foreign Affairs. DOC DK266.A3b68 etc| >GFO??| sbk.prm

<>Grot,Nikolai| a{}
--|RB-C| “On the Task of Philosophy”

<>Harrison,Mark. Soviet Planning in Peace and War,1938-1945. Cambridge ENG: 1985| ((prm ekn 5yp HCd335.6.H37))

<>Hochman,Jiri. The Soviet Union and the Failure of Collective Security,1934-1938. Ithaca: CUP,1984

<>Hosking,Geof.,ed. Church,Nation and State in Russia and Ukraine. LND: Macmillan,1991| ((ndr rlg plt.clt))

<>Huxley,Aldous. Brave New World

<>Iivonen,Jyrki. Independence or Incorporation: The Idea of Poland's National Self-Determination and Independence within the Russian and Soviet Socialism from the 1870s to the 1920s. Helsinki| ((ndr POL ntn fdr plt.clt)) 334p

<>Inber,Vera. Leningrad Diary| ((prm vsp WW2 LGR))

<>Inkeles,Alex,and Raymond Bauer. The Soviet Citizen: Daily Life in a Totalitarian Society. New York City: 1968 [reprint of 1959 original edition]

<>Jelavich, Barbara. A Century of Russian Foreign Policy, 1814-1914. Philadelphia:1964| ndr irx

<>Josephson,Paul. Physics and Politics in Revolutionary Russia. BUC: 1991

<>Kalbouss,George. Russian Culture: An Outline

<>Kandinskii,Vasilii| ((prm clt xdj))

<>Kapitsa,Petr| ((prm clt scs))

<>Karpovich, Michael|
--|A Lecture on Russian History. Russian Text Accented, Annotated, and Glossed by Horace G. Lunt.The Hague:1964. 491.7 K148; NB! Phonotape TL 40
--|Imperial Russia, 1801-1917. NYC:1932. 947 K148| ndr gnr.txt
--|Two Types of Liberalism: Maklakov & Miliukov [Simmons,Continuity &Harcave,Readings,2] | ((ndr RREV1 Dmx lbx MklV MlkP))

<>Kemp-Welch,A. Stalin and the Literary Intelligentsia,1928-39. LND: Macmillan,1991

<>Khabalov,on RusRev2| ((prm)) [Riha,Readings,3]

<>Khromov,S. S.,ed. History of Moscow| ((ndr grd MVA bbt.rqt 86.02))

<>Koestler,Arthur. Darkness at Noon| ((prm))

<>Koestler,Arthur. Yogi and the Commissar| ((prm))

<>Koriev??| ((prm clt phl??))

<>Kurskaia bitva. Translated as The Battle of Kursk. Moscow: Progress,1974| ((ndr WW2 Contains the analysis of Ivan Konev,Georgii Zhukov,Alexander Vasilevskii,Konstantin Rokossovskii,et al))

<>Laird,Roy. Collective Farming in Russia: A Political Study of the Soviet Kolkhoz. Lawrence KS: 1958. HD 1491.R9 L312

<>Last Letters From Stalingrad | ((prm WW2))

<>Lewis,Robert A. ??Nationality & Population| ((ndr ggr nsx)) HB3607.L47

<>Leyda,Jay. Kino

<>Liberman,E. G. Economic Methods and the Effectiveness of Production. Originally published as Ekonomicheskie metody povysheniia effektivnosti obshchestvennogo proizvodstva (1970). Garden City NY: Anchor,1973| ((prm 5YP SSR.ekn.rfm))

<>Liehm,Mira,and Antonin Liehm. The Most Important Art: Soviet and East European Film after 1945. BUC: 1977

<>Linz,Susan J.,ed. The Impact of World War II on the Soviet Union. Totowa NJ: Rowman & Allanheld,1985| ((ndr WW2)) D829.S65146

<>Lobachevskii| ((prm clt scs mth))

<>Luckyj,George S. N. Literary Politics in the Soviet Ukraine,1917-1934. New York City: CUP,1956

<>Lysenko| ((prm clt scs ))


<>Manakin,V 917su: mlt shock battalions [Moh.RR]

Poems. Translated by James Greene. Granada. Hamilton bks
“Mandelshtam's Acmeist Manifesto”. Translated by Clarence Brown with notes. RRe 24,no. 1

<>McCauley,Martin. Khrushchev and the Development of Soviet Agriculture: The Virgin Lands Programme,1953-1964. Holmes and Meier,1976| ((ndr SSR ekn.rfm XrwN))

<>McNeal,Rbt H. Stalin: Man and Ruler. CUP. 389p

<>Mickiewicz,Ellen| a{}n{mmxx}o{}
*1988:O.ENG|_Split Signals: Television and Politics in the Soviet Union| ((304p mxx&plt.clt))

<>Millar,James R. and Sharon L. Wolchik, eds., The Social Legacy of Communism, (Cambridge, 1994)| ((SSR.pbl KPS))

<>Mussorgskii,Modest| ((prm clt mzk))

<>Nabokov,Vladimir. The Gift [contains critique of Chernyshevskii]

<>Nabokov,Vladimir| ((prm clt blt))

<>Narkiewicz,Olga A| Marxism and the Reality of Power,1919-1980. New York City: 1981. HX40.N32

<>Narkiewicz,Olga A. The Making of the Soviet State Apparatus. Manchester England: MUP,1970

<>Neizvestny,Ernst| ((prm clt xdj))

<>Nekrich,AM| a{}n{}o{}
--|June 22,1941: Soviet Historians and the German Invasion. Compiled by Vladimir Petrov. Columbia SC: 1968| ((ndr WW2)) D742.R8.N43
The Punished Peoples: the Deportation and Fate of Soviet Minorities at the End of the Second World War. New York City: 1978| ((ndr WW2)) DK33.N44
--|Utopia in Power: A History of the USSR from 1917 to the Present. 1986. noUO (Russian orig.,yesUO: DK265.H45)

<>Nenarokov,A. P. Russia in the Twentieth Century: The View of a Soviet Historian. New York City: 1968. DK246.N4513

<>Nenarokov,A. P.,ed. History of the USSR. 3 volumes. Moscow: 1977. DK266.H44

<>Nove,Alec. The Soviet Economy. Etc.,many titles

<>Offord, Derek. Portraits of Russian political figures??. DK189.2.o27| ndr plt.clt

<>Orwell,George. 1984

<>Pavlov,Dm,on the Leningrad Blockade [Riha,Readings,3] | ((prm WW2 LGR))

<>Pavlov,Ivan| ((prm clt scs))

<>Pereira,N. G. O. The Thought and Teachings of N. G. Cernysevskij .

<>Pintner, Walter M., and Don K. Rowney, eds. Russian Officialdom. Chapel Hill:1980.2| sbk.ndr

<>Pomper,Ph. Lenin,Trotsky,and Stalin: The Intelligentsia and Power. CUP: 1990. 446p

<>Porter,Bruce D. The USSR in Third World Conflicts: Soviet Arms and Diplomacy in Local Wars,1945-1980. Cambridge England: CUP,1984| ((ndr CWX Twrl R&A))

<>Potichnyj,Peter J. Soviet Agricultural Trade Unions,1917-1970. Toronto: TUP,1972| ((HD6734.A28p67| skz krx unx))

<>Prokofiev,Sergei|>Prokoviev,Sergei| ((prm clt mzk))

<>Pryde,Philip R. Conservation in the Soviet Union. Cambridge England: 1972. S934.R9P76| ((ecx))

<>Pundeff,Marin,ed.| History in the USSR: Selected Readings. San Francisco: 1967| ((sbk.prm hst.gph D16.4.R9p8))

<>Readings in Russian Philosophical Thought: Philosophy of History. Edited and translated by Louis J. Shein. D16.8.R34

<>Repin,Ilia| ((prm clt xdj))

<>Roberts,Frank,46: ENG charge d'affaires in MVA. GO Kennan, Origins | ((prm CWX))

<>Rostropovich,Dmitrii?? | ((prm clt mzk))

<>Salisbury,Harrison E. The 900 Days: The Siege of Leningrad. New York City: 1969| ((ndr WW2))

<>Seaton,Albert. The Russo-German War,1941-1945. New York City: Praeger,1971| ((ndr WW2))

<>Shostakovich,Dmitrii| ((prm clt mzk))

<>Sikorskii| ((prm clt njn))

<>Sino-Soviet Dispute, 1956-1963: Extracts from Recent Documents|Gittins,John, ed| LND: 1964| ((prm UO))

<>Slonim,Marc. Soviet Russian Literature: Writers and Problems. Second edition. : 1977. PG3022.S54

<>Slusser,Robert M.,and George Ginsburgs,eds. A Calendar of Soviet Treaties. Volume 1: 1917-1957. Stanford CA: 1959;Volume 2: 1958-1973. Nijhof NDR: 1981| ((prm)) Documents JX757.5.G56

<>Sokol,E. The Revolt of 1916 in Russian Central Asia. Baltimore: 1954| ((ndr ntn rvs RREV2))

<>Sorokin,Pitirim| ((prm clt pbl.scs))

<>Souvarine,Boris. Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism. Alliance Book Co.,1939| ((prm))

<>Soviet Studies in History: A Journal of Translations| ((sbk.prm hst.gph))

<>Soviet Studies in Literature (1964/65-)| ((prm))

<>Soviet Studies in Philosophy (1962-)| ((prm))

<>Spinka,Mathiew. The Church and the Russian Revolution. NYC: 1956.

<>Stravinskii,Igor| a{
--|Asaf'ev,Boris. Book about Stravinsky
--|Pasler,Jann,ed. Confronting Stravinsky: Man,Musician,and Modernist. BUC: 1986
--|Van den Toorn,Pieter C. Stravinsky and the Rite of Spring: The Beginnings of a Musical language. BUC: 1987
--|White,Eric Walter. Stravinsky: The Composer and His Works. BUC: 1979

<>Tatu,Michel. Power in the Kremlin: From Khrushchev to Kosygin. New York City: 1969| ((ndr SSR.plt.clt))

<>Tchaikovsky,Petr| ((prm clt mzk))

<>Thomson,Boris. The Premature Revolution: Russian Literature and Society,1917-1946. London: Weidenfield and Nicolson,1972

<>Todd, William M., III, ed. Literature and Society in Imperial Russia, 1800-1914. Stanford:1978| sbk.ndr

<>Todes,Daniel P|
*1989:O.ENG|_Darwin without Malthus: The Struggle for Existence in Russian Evolutionary Thought| ((320p))

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<>Ullman,Richard H., Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, 3vols, (Princeton, 1961-72)| ((irx ENG))

<>Urlanis,B. Wars and Population| ((prm nsx WW2))

<>Valkenier Russian Realist Art. 225p

<>Vertov,Dziga.Kino-Eye. BUC: 1984

<>Voznesenskii,Nikolai A. The Economy of the USSR During World War II. Washington DC: 1948| ((prm ekn 5YP)) HC335.V752

<>Vronskaya,Jeanne.A Biographical Dictionary of the Soviet Union,1917-1988. LND: Saur,1989. REF ct1213.v76

<>Vucinich,Alexander S|
--|Darwin in Russian Thought. BUC: 1988
--|Empire of Knowledge: The Academy of Sciences of the USSR,1917-1970. Berkeley: UCP,1984
--|Science in Russian Culture. 2 volumes. SUP: 1963-1970. Q127.R9v8

<>Wadekin,Karl-Eugen. The Private Sector in Soviet Agriculture. Berkeley: UCP,1973

<>Walsh,E. A. The Fall of the Russian Empire. Boston:1928. 947.084 W168

<>Weeks,Albert L. Soviet Nomenklatura: A Comprehensive Roster of Soviet Civilian and Military Officials. Third ed. WDC: 1991| ((mlt))

<>Werth,Alexander. Russia at War,1941-1945 (1964) | ((OWN| prm trv WW2))
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<>Wetter,Gustav A. Dialectical Materialism: A Historical and Systematic Survey of Philosophy in the Soviet Union. TBy Peter Heath. NYC: Praeger,1958

<>Wheeler,Geoffrey. The Modern History of Soviet Central Asia. New York City: Praeger,1964| ((CASA))

<>Wiener,Norbert| ((prm clt scs mth))

<>Wilczynski,J.,ed. An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism,Socialism and Communism. Berlin:1981. REF HX17.W54

<>Williams,Robert C. Artists in Revolution: Portraits of the Russian Avant-garde,1905-1925| ((clt&REV))

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<>Witkin,Zara. An American Engineer in Stalin's Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin,1932-1934. EBy Michael Gelb. BUC: 1991| ((prm))

<>Zernov,Nicholas. Three Russian Prophets: Khomiakov,Dostoevsky,Soloviev. London: 1944


Grb era = RUS.4.bbl.loadlst---??:

Argumenty i fakty
??USSR Documents:The Gorbachev Reforms (under title or subtitle)
Burbank,Jane,and William G. Rosenberg
Current Digest
Dallin & Rice ??
Davies,Robert W
Glebov,Oleg and John Crowfoot
Goldfarb,Jeffrey C
Goldman,What Went Wrong??
Green,William C.,et al
Handelman,Comrad Criminal??
\Harriman Institute
Hazard,John N.,Boris S. Krylov
Hewett,Ed A
Hill,Ronald J
Jones,Thomas Anthony
Iroshnikov,Bez retushi??
\Istoriia Rossii:Khrestomatiia\
Kaufman,William W
\Kto est kto\
Miller,Grb & the End??
Miller,William Green
Naylor,Thomas H
New York Times
Petro,Nicolai N
Pugo ?? GO Grb\Current\and\Political\
Radio Free Europe
\Russia and the Successor States
Tedstrom,John E
United States Foreign Broadcast