Migration, the Polis, and Colonization

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A wealth of information on daily life, housing, women, economy may be viewed at an exhibition sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Museum.

I.                    Age of Migrations 1200-600 BCE

II.                 The Polis:

A.             The most successful and enduring political institution in the history of the west

B.             Subject of considerable speculation esp. by Plato and by Aristotle. We are well informed. Many "model" states proposed; man is a political animal --anticipates the scientific mentality which is to come. Some examples of theoretical basis:

1.               development of states: monarchy > tyranny > aristocracy > oligarchy > democracy > ochlocracy.

2.               polis is the logical end of social development from family and village,.

3.               polis comes into existence for the sake of mere life; but it exists for the sake of the good life.

III.               Characteristics of polis --in place by 800, though not everywhere at the same time.

A.             Territory and population; the latter counts more than the former.

1.               urban and rural components: Landscape and setting of the polis.

2.               by family, clan

3.               size.

B.             Structure --no sense of representative democracy, but of direct participation.

1.               assembly --"the nation at arms"

2.               council of elders

3.               magistrates

4.               courts

IV.              Dynamics

A.             polis = the state of the politai, the citizens: "When thou has built a temple to Zeus Syllanius and Athena Syllania, divided the people into phylai, and divided them into 'obai', and established a Gerousia of thirty including the Archagetai, then from time to time 'appellazein' between Babyka and Knakion, and there introduce and repeal measures; but the Demos must have the decision and the power.

B.             The Hoplite Reform: Underlying principle: those who fight, vote, ... "The first form of constitution which succeeded to monarchy in ancient Greece was one in which the soldiery formed the citizen body. At first it consisted only of cavalry. Military strength and superiority were then the prerogative of that arm; infantry is useless without a system of tactics; and as the experience and the rules required for such a system did not exist in early times, the strength of armies lay in their cavalry. When, however, states began to increase in size, and infantry forces acquired a greater degree of strength, more persons were admitted to the enjoyment of political rights. For this reason the name 'democracy' was given at that time to constitutions which we now call "city states". Aristotle, Politics, IVm 1297b. There is then a balance between privilege and responsibility.  Hoplites:  from a vase; a reconstruction.  The tradition: "Glaucos, why are the two of us go greatly honored among the Lycians ([Trojans] with seats of honor, meat, and numerous cups? Why do all men regard us as gods? Why do we hold a vast estate on the banks of the Xantos, suitable both for orchards and for the tilling of wheat-bearing earth? We must therefore stand among the front line of the Lycians [Trojans] and take part in the raging baattle, so that the Lycians [Trojans] who wear strong corselets may say: "Our kings who rule Lycia are glorious men; they eat fat sheep and drink the choicest wine. They also have surely the strength of brave men, since they fight in the front rank of the Lycians."

V.                 The rule of law:

A.             "It is no polis that is ruled by one man." (Antigone);.

B.             Law is superior to any man;

C.             Law as protection from chaos

D.             Law is public

E.              There is a difference between natural and divine law

F.               Men are educated and improved by law

G.             The Problem of Rule

VI.              Autonomy and freedom

A.             only in an autonomous state (under own laws) could an individual be guaranteed freedom (i.e., to serve state).  The demonstration of freedom was to issue own coinage.

B.             Just an agon existed between individuals for limited resources, so too did it for states. Economic self-sufficiency was always a goal, but hardly possible due to the lack of resources

C.             Pan Hellenism is over-emphasized; particularism of local culture very important.

VII.            Religion and Cult

A.             Religion as basis of citizenship.

B.             Cultural patriotism. Temples as symbols of cities acropolis at Athens and at Perachora.

C.             Pax deorum.

VIII.         The Age of Colonization (750-550) General map and the site of Segesta.

A.             Introduction: Colonies are found all around Mediterranean but especially in Italy and Sicily: The polis was the agent and the effect of colonization.

B.             Greek resources and strengths

1.               The sea and seamanship.

2.               Heavily armed hoplite

C.             Character of the colonies: preferred sites.  Homer describes the ideal city: “Our city is surrounded by high battlements; it has an excellent harbor on each side and is approached by a narrow causeway, where the curved ships are drawn up to the road…

D.             Aims and Causes of Colonization

1.               The commercial factor.

2.               Internal factors: politics and the land.

3.               There was a temporary (750-500) weakness among the rivals of the Greeks.

4.               the organizational skills

E.              General Effects:

1.               Most dramatic was the expansion of trade and the general elevation of the level of material existence throughout the Mediterranean world. Trade patterns

2.               Because their superiority was so manifest, the Greeks developed the idea of a racial and cultural superiority that dictated their relationship to non-Greeks for the next centuries.

3.               Of lasting value was the extension of the city-state system to the west. It became the vehicle for the propagation of Greek cultural and ethical values first to Rome and then throughout Western Europe.