Problems and Questions to Consider:

  1. How similar are cities actually. Travel to a foreign place and find your way --in time and in space. Use of icons, conventions, standarization.
  2. Describe the form of the town you grew up in. Grids and form. Divisions of public and private space ("zoning"), administrative, commercial and retail; industrial, religious, educational; residential, private; parks, plots and open spaces; streets, malls, throughways; water and food?
  3. What does the town do to encourage a sense of identity? to promote the well being of its citizens? What kinds of public buildings? What makes your heart beat faster? your hair stand on end? Do you think back with a fond affection on the place you grew up in? If so why, or why not?
  4. How important are the aesthetics (architectural forms) of urban structures? Does the physical appearance of a community promote a common identity? and urban prospertity? What kinds of buildings are associated with the city identity. Consider the role of religon: in its architectural expression in US and in Europe.
  5. How do we preserve memory? How do we educate and enculturate our younger generations? How do we learn what is right? and what to be avoided? How to make a sacrifice? (cf. Bogie in Casablanca). Are these important values? If everyone acted out of passion and desire what would happen? But how do we control those tendencies? Consider the role of literature, cinema in evoking a common culture.
  6. How does urban architecture reflect our values? What are the fundamental values and how does urban architecture reflect those values? How might that be different in a monarchy or totalitarian state? What kind of buildings dominate the landscape? To what extent are the ideas of "democracy" or "equality", "republic" built into our urban and civic structure?
  7. What are the principle concerns that cities must provide for? Public safety
  8. Space shapes individuals; individuals are shaped by space.
  9. The role of the various social groups and classes? How reflected?
  10. To what extent is there unity in urban structure?
  11. What does cities need? What do the give in exchange? services, socialization, intellectual excitment
  12. How are individuals affected by those policy decision?