TeXShop Changes 2.47
- The ConTeXt engines have been renamed. I promised to make
this change a year ago, but checking MacTeX-2012 shortly
before release, I found that the promise was ignored. The
old and new names are
- ConTeXt-MKIV.engine --> ConTeXt (LuaTeX).engine
- ConTeXt-xetex.engine --> ConTeXt (XeTeX).engine
- ConTeXt .engine --> ConTeXt (pdfTeX).engine
TeXShop Changes 2.46
- TeXShop 2.45 introduced a bug; users had to save the source file before typesetting. This version fixes that inadvertent bug and returns to the standard TeXShop behavior.
TeXShop Changes 2.44 and 2.45
- TeXShop's Sparkle upgrade mechanism upgrades within the 2.** series
and within the 3.** series, but not from one series to the other.
- The "--shell-escape'' flag has been removed from preference settings for pdftex and pdflatex. This flag
presented security risks. Old users need to activate the
change by selecting TeXShop Preferences, clicking the Engine tab, and pushing the "Default" buttons in
the configuration section for pdfTeX and pdfLaTeX.
Recall that pdflatex can accept illustrations in several different formats, including pdf, jpg, and png. But it cannot accept eps illustrations used by many old TeX documents. The epstopdf package solved this problem by calling Ghostscript to convert eps files to pdf format automatically during typesetting. This package required --shell-escape and that is why previous versions of TeXShop set the flag.
Two years ago, TeXLive made conversion of eps files to pdf format easier and safer by introducing a restricted shell escape mode for pdflatex in which only a limited number of safe programs can be called during typesetting. This conversion was made automatic without including epstopdf, provided the graphicx package was included by the source document.
We could have dropped the --shell-escape flag at that time, but there was another reason to continue using it. Originally, pdflatex accepted tif and tiff files. Eventually this feature was removed, but it was possible to convert these files to png format during typesetting using /usr/local/convert from ImageMagick. Unfortunately, TeX Live does not label convert as safe because in the Windows world there is an unrelated program which presents security risks. TeXShop 2.45 solves this problem by introducing a new method to convert tif and tiff files to png format.
- TeXShop 2.45 has a menu command "Convert Tiff" which is active when a source window
is active. This command opens a dialog which shows all tiff files in the folder containing the
source file. Users can choose one tiff file or several. Push the "Convert" button to
create png forms of all such illustrations. This calls convert from ImageMagick if present, and otherwise
calls the native sips program.
- A new Latex Template is provided to reflect these changes. Old users can obtain this template
by moving it from ~/Library/TeXShop/New/Templates to ~/Library/TeXShop/Templates.
- TeXShop 2.45 omits the Create Project Root menu item. Use the alternate "% !TEX root = "
syntax instead. Old projects using Create Project Root will continue to typeset.
- The split window command for the Preview window has been improved. The second
portion now opens on the section of the document shown in the top portion rather than the top of the
document. It has the same magnification as the top section of the window. Finally
the magnification toolbar button is now in sync with magnification in appropriate
sections of the split window.
- When a pdf document is printed, TeXShop now selects Portrait or Landscape mode
- Several problems cropped up in the German localization.
There was a bug in the Preview Preferences
for "Default page style." The buttons for
"Double Sided" and "Single Sided, Continuous" were reversed,
so they didn't do what they claimed to do. There was a similar problem in the
menu items to set the PDF display mode. Moreover, check marks in this menu
didn't work. These problems are fixed.
The German localization now has a different key equivalent for the menu command which enlarges the font in the source document.
- Herb Schulz fixed a bug in Command Completion. When multiple
windows were open, command completion in one window could interfere with command completion
in another window. This problem is fixed.
- "TeXShop Tips & Tricks" is updated slightly.
- LatexMk was updated. This version of Latexmk
creates a file list named "file.fls", which helps latexmk keep
track of all file dependencies. The TrashAUX command has been
extended to remove files with this extension.
- pdflatexmk is now one of the default engines. Only new users will
notice this change.
- TeXShop now creates a ~/Library/TeXShop/Documents folder containing
important documents. Currently many are duplicated from elsewhere in
~/Library/TeXShop, but this will be the spot to look in the future.
- New TeXShop releases will automatically update the Documents folder, just
as they now automatically update
bin, Engines/inactive, and scripts.
- Yusuke Terada made the following changes:
- Double clicking on one of the end characters of a
"<" ... ">" pair selects both ends and all characters in between.
- If the hidden preference MakeatletterEnabled is YES,
selection of sequences containing '@' by double-clicking is supported.
An example is " \@latex@error"
- As before, if text is selected and the "comment" item
is chosen, the entire paragraph containing the selection is
commented out. But now the text selection is preserved. This also
works with the "indent" command.
- When the source window was active and split and a file was drag-and-dropped
to the bottom view, the action did not work. Now it does.
- AppleScript macros are now saved with UTF8 encoding, so scripts can be written containing Japanese and other languages. This required a small modification in the "ScriptRunner" program which runs scripts which start with --applescript rather than --applescript direct.
- Double clicking on one of the end characters of a
"<" ... ">" pair selects both ends and all characters in between.
- TSDocument-Jobs.m was modified to allow the BibTeX engine setting to have options.
- The program has a patch to TeXShop's syntax coloring routine by Daniel Toundykov. When this
routine was made faster and more reliable in TeXShop 2.10, the modification broke the ability to
change the background and foreground colors in TeXShop's source window. Toundykov's patch fixes
this problem.
To change the source background color's Red component
- defaults write TeXShop background_R 0.25
To change the source foregrounds color's Red component
- defaults write TeXShop foreground_R 0.25
To change the insertion point color's Red component
- defaults write TeXShop insertionpoint_R 0.25
- The folder ~/Library/TeXShop/CommandCompletion now contains a subfolder named
GratzerMathCC with an expanded list of command completions. These new completions are
by George Gratzer, and are useful when typesetting
mathematics. The folder also has a pdf file documenting the additions.
To activate the new completions, drag CommandCompletion.txt from the GratzerMathCC folder to the main
CommandCompletion folder, replacing the existing CommandCompletion.txt there.
- Added "md" to the file types TeXShop can edit, and typesetting engines can process. Such "markdown" files can be processed by pandoc
and converted to latex, epub, and pdf. See http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
- When the Preference Item for Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian is activated, lines containing one of these languages are right justified.
The new rule is that a line is right justified if its first, second, or third letter is in one of these languages. For instance, this rule right justifies
a line beginning with "\" containing Persian letters, but does not right justify the command "\section{ ... }" even if the section title is in Persian.
- There is a hidden preference to change this behavior. If the following command is entered in Terminal, a line containing any characters
in Arabic, Hebrew, or Persian will be right justified:
- defaults write TeXShop RightJustifyIfAny YES
- The hidden preference
- defaults write TeXShop TagSections NO
- Automatic tagging of "% \chapter" in docstrip didn't work. Now it does.
- Choosing the "Print ..." menu with the source window open started a print job which understood "Page Setup" changes. Choosing the same menu with the preview window open started a print job that ignored "Page Setup." The print dialogs for these two operations were different: one was a standalone dialog and one was a drop-down dialog in a window. Both dialogs might be open at once on the screen. This problem is fixed.
TeXShop Changes 2.42 and 2.43
- When TeXShop 2.42 was released, I forgot to update a hidden file in the distribution. Consequently, users did not get the
updated ConTeXt engines in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/Inactive. This is fixed in 2.43.
- TeXShop 2.42 has new code to process SyncTeX. The new code is required for TeX Live 2011, whose release is imminent,
and works with earlier TeX distributions as well.
Users will notice the change when they sync from source to preview. The selected portion in the Preview window is indicated in yellow rather than circled in red. Moreover, a larger portion is selected. Users may wish for the more precise synchronization in older versions of TeXShop. The new code, however, is faster and much more stable; using this foundation, more precise syncing will be possible in future versions of TeXShop.
If SyncTeX cannot find a match, TeXShop defaults to the earlier search synchronization method. This method still circles matching portions in red. So red circles rather than yellow selections indicate that SyncTeX could not find a match.
- Tags have been extended slightly to deal with dockstrip document. Thus the tags menu now recognizes
- % \chapter
- % \section
- % \subsection
- % \begin{macro}
- % \begin{environment}
- Both the log file and the console are shown using the document's encoding rather than MacRoman encoding.
The primary advantage of this change is that users with Unicode source files will see unicode characters written correctly
in the log and console output.
- TeXShop 2.42 contains latexmk 4.24.
Richard Koch
Department of Mathematics
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97403