from bpy import context, ops from math import cos, sin from mathutils import Vector from random import TWOPI import cmath def stereo(z,w): "Return the stereographic projection of a point (z,w) in C^2" return Vector((z.real / (1-w.imag), z.imag / (1-w.imag), w.real / (1-w.imag))) def add_curve(startpt): ops.curve.primitive_bezier_circle_add(enter_editmode=True) curve = context.active_object ops.curve.subdivide(number_cuts=36) bez_points =[0].bezier_points sz = len(bez_points) i_to_theta = TWOPI / sz j = complex(0,1) for i in range(0, sz, 1): newz = startpt[0]*cmath.exp(i * i_to_theta*j) neww = startpt[1]*cmath.exp(i * i_to_theta*j) bez_points[i].co = stereo(newz,neww) ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') return curve phi = TWOPI/4+.01 N=33 curves = list() for k in range(N-3): theta = TWOPI*k/N for i in range(k,k+1): startpt = (complex(sin(theta)*sin(phi)*cos(TWOPI*i/(4*N)),cos(theta)*sin(phi)*cos(TWOPI*i/(4*N))),complex(sin(phi)*sin(TWOPI*i/(4*N)),cos(phi))) (x,y,z) = stereo(startpt[0],startpt[1]) curve = add_curve(startpt) curves.append(curve)