4 credits – CRN 31818/31822

Class Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 - 10:50

Professor: McKay Moore Sohlberg- 346-2643 -

Office Hours: Tuesdays 11:00 - 12:00, or by appointment

My office is in Education 208 (above the Dean's office). Please note: Stair climbing is required to reach my office; please let me know if you would like to arrange another meeting place.

Texts: Brookshire, R.H. (1997) Introduction to Neurogenic Communication Disorders. St Louis: Mosby; Hegde, M.N. A Coursebook on Aphasia and other Neurogenic Language Disorders. San Diego: Singular Publishing

Course information is available on the Web at

Additional supplemental readings will be available for check-out at my office.

Course description and objectives: This course is the third in an introductory sequence designed to acquaint students with the normal development and disorders of speech and language. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to disorders of speech and language resulting from disease and injury to the peripheral and central nervous system.

This course will allow students to:

Course requirements: Students will complete the following assignments for the points indicated. Assignments are due in class unless otherwise noted.

  1. Research Paper Outline- 40 points

Due date: May 4

Students will be required to submit a one page outline of their paper content and not less than 4 references to be used in the paper. Web pages will not be considered acceptable references for the purpose of the research paper. Outlines should contain the major headings of paper with the corresponding main ideas under each heading. Headings and supporting main ideas should be written as full sentences. References can be inserted next to the main ideas which they support. Please note: Topics must be submitted to and approved by the instructor no later than April 20th. Sample topics include:

2. Research paper - 100 points

Due date: May 23rd in class

Students in CDS 462 will be required to submit a 6-8 page research paper on a topic in neurogenic communication disorders of their choosing (with instructor approval). The paper should be typed and follow the style guidelines of the 4th edition of the APA manual. The paper should be clearly organized and reflect your best work in research, writing and proofreading. Grading guidelines for this assignment are attached.

Students in CDS 562 will submit a 10-12 page paper. Please see the instructor if you are enrolled in 562.

3. Support Group Observation - 40 points

Due Date: Thursday June 8 by 8:00 am

Students will attend a local support group for people concerned about specific neurogenic disorders. Examples of acceptable groups for persons affected by the disease and/or their careproviders include support groups for: Alzheimer Disease; Brain Injury; Parkinson’s Disease; Multiple Sclerosis; Stroke; and Aphasia. No more than two students may attend one group. Students must declare their intention to attend a group in class. Students need to remember to be respectful of the needs of group members. They should be unobtrusive, interested visitors who communicate their interest to learn more about the effects of the particular disease within families. Each student will write a one page description of their group experience. The write-up should be typed, double spaced, written in a clear, organized manner. It should include the following:

4. Active Class Participation - 40 points

Due date: June 5

Research shows that when students "actively process" information presented through readings and lecture, they are more likely to retain it. Throughout the course, students will be expected to participate in class discussions and learning exercises designed to help them integrate and synthesize course information. Students will be asked to make their own "participation and learning goals" and work on these goals during the active learning opportunities. They will do an initial self assessment, set their personal goals and keep data on their own progress throughout the term. They will be evaluated on whether they completed each of these three components; demonstrated objective progress; came consistently to class; and in the perception of the instructor were active participants by the end of the term.

5. Exams -100 points

As written in the schedule, 5 probes will be given covering the readings, videos and lecture. The first four probes will be worth 15 points each and the final cumulative probe will be worth 40 points. These probes will be administered in class and will include fill-in-the-blank, true/false, multiple choice, and short essay format.

Grading: A total of 320 points are available. Grades will be assigned based on the following point totals:

A 320-288points (90% and up)

B 287-256 points (80-89%)

C 257- 224points (70-79%)

D 223 - 192 points (60-69%)

F below 192 (below 60%)

Class Guidelines

  1. Please show respect for your colleagues by arriving on time and keeping noise and distractions to a minimum. We have a lot to accomplish this term!
  2. All written assignments should be typed, double-spaced, using a 12-point Times Roman font. Where applicable, students should follow the APA 4th edition format.
  3. Plagiarism (the use of other’s work without appropriate citation) and cheating are a violation of the Student Conduct Code and will result, at a minimum, in receiving an F for this course.

Course schedule and reading assignments



Reading Assignment

Assignment Due

March 28






April 4


Units 1 & 3 Hegde

*Chapter 1 Brookshire









Units 4, 5, 6 Hegde

Brookshire Chapter 4 pp127-146 &




Probe #1



May 2


Brookshire Chapter 4 pp146-152

Brookshire Chapter 10


Probe #2




Unit 10 Hegde

Brookshire Chapter 7

Paper Outline





Unit 11 Hegde up to p. 280

Brookshire Chapter 8 pp 336-347 &




Probe #3




Unit 12 up to p. 331 Hegde

Brookshire Chapter 9 pp 389-397 & 404-410


Probe #4




June 1

Final Probe

Support Group Observation due Thursday, June 8th at 1:00

* supplemental reading (not required)


Student supports

If you have a documented disability and anticipate needing accommodations in this course, please make an appointment with the instructor during the first week of the term. Please request that the Counselor for Students with Disabilities send a letter verifying your disability. The current counselor is Hillary Gerdes at 346-3211. Disabilities may include (but are not limited to) neurological impairment; orthopedic impairment; traumatic brain injury; visual impairment; chronic medical conditions; emotional/psychological disabilities; hearing impairment; and learning disabilities. If you require special accommodations for exams due to a disability or because English is not your first language, please make arrangements with the instructor during the first week of the term.

Short list of relevant journals available at the U of O libraries:

(Journal name and year the library began receiving each title)

 Paper Grading Guidelines:

Papers will be given points based on the following criteria. Please attach guidelines to end of paper.

Paper Content (50 points)________

 References (10 points)_________

  Organization (20 points)_________

 Writing (20 points)_________

Self Assessment for Group Case Work



Active Participation/Group Collaboration Skills. Check the ones that you feel you did well today. How can you contribute in different ways? Generate a personal collaboration goal for the term. Make a plan for how you will address that goal and monitor your progress.

___________Recording or writing information generated by the group

___________Asking thought provoking questions

___________Offering information gleaned from reading or lecture

___________Offering information gleaned from clinical experience or watching class                        clients

___________Listening actively to other group members

___________Expanding upon others ideas

___________Helping keep the group on task--offering leadership

___________Drawing in others who may have something to say

___________Creating positive, motivating energy


Collaboration Goal:___________________________________________________________

Strategy to Address Goal:______________________________________________________

Method for Monitoring Progress:_______________________________________________


**Remember--things that take away from the productive success of a group are:


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