The group now has its own lab space in room 171 of Willamette Hall. Most of the group’s research has been and will continue to be performed using the excellent instrumentation in CAMCOR, the group’s lab can be used to for experiments requiring dedicated instruments.
Note the tool chest – it’s still largely empty. We have the beginnings of a good set of tools required for assembling the lab, but for experiments we’ll need to add steadily to it as the need arises.This room will house the microscope’s chiller and rough pump (note the pass-through for hoses near the floor). It will also be used for equipment storage, and electrical assembly.This room will house the TEM. Low vibrations, low magnetic fluctuations, low acoustical noise (1-600 Hz). Power will be connected to the breakout box, which can be shut off both at the wall and at the electrical panel. Vacuum, cooling water, and compressed air hoses will go through the pass-through near the floor to 171A. The fluorescent lights are dimmable, for those times when we’re looking for a dim beam but still need to see the instrument panel.
We left some of the counter space so that we have room for little projects. Blackout blinds have been installed on the two main windows, for times when we need exceptional temperature stability. Room 171C, our “clean-ish” room is on the right side of the photo. All air entering the lab goes through a HEPA filter, and the room will have sticky mats at the entrance. Hair nets may become a requirement, if I feel ornery.
Measurements, Experiments, and Microscopy using Electron Interferometry and Holography