Runaway Slave Notice.

July 17, 1776

RUN away from Birdsborough Forge, in Berks county, Pennsylvania on the 16th of June 1776, a Negroe Man, commonly called CUFF DIX; he is an active well made fellow, and most excellent hammerman; he is about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, fond of liquor, understands English well, though he stammers in his speech; there is an iron ring in one of his ears, which if he can take out, a hole will remain [in] it, large enough to receive the small end of a pipe stem, in which case he will very probably endeavour to conceal the hole by filling it up; he wore, when he went away, a small hat, light coloured homespun jacket, tow shirt and trowsers. He has often run away, changed his name, denied that the subscriber was his master, and been confined in several goals in this province; he was employed the greatest part of last summer by a person near Dilworth’s town, in Chester county. Any person who shall harbour said Negroe shall be dealt with as the Law directs, and his name not omitted in a future advertisement. As Negroes in general think that Lord Dunmore is contending for their liberty, it is not improbable that said Negroe is on his march to join his Lordship’s own black regiment, but it is hoped he will be prevented by some honest Whig from effecting it. Any person who shall bring said Negroe home to his master, or secure him in any goal, so that he may be had again, shall receive the above reward and reasonable charges, paid by MARK BIRD.

[from the Pennsylvania Gazette.]
