The exam will be in two parts. Part I will be on matters related to Writing Papers. Part II will be on topics covered thus far in the readings and lectures. If you will not be here on Monday, February 6 to take the exam, you must make prior arrangements by Wednesday, February 1. You must receive prior permission for absence as well as to take the exam separately. Only exceptional cases will be allowed.
The exam will be multiple choice, and as covered in the syllabus, will count 10% of your grade. There is only one right answer per question. If there appears to be more than one right answer, pick the best answer.
If you have any questions about the exam or the topics included in the exam, please ask me. You can come in during office hours, make an appointment or send me email.
Part I: Writing Papers
Read the following essays and guidelines that are posted on the Writing Papers links on my web pages:
I. Four Keys to Writing in the Humanities
IV. Writing: The Bridge between Consciousness and Unconsciousness
Part II: Readings and Lectures
I will not be overly picky about dates and names. However, you should know major figures and thinkers covered in the course so far and the major ideas associated with them:
Sage Kings - Who were they, and what did they do?
Confucius and the Duke of Chou
Key Terms of Early Confucianism (Item 5 in the Course Reader). Know what they are and how they related to one another.
Four Types of Moral Theories - Consequentialism, Deontology, Virtue, and Care
Confucius' orchestral vision of society - at least 5 aspects of this metaphor
Confucius and the Golden Rule: Chung and Shu
Fingarette - What do these mean: "Secular as Sacred," "Human Community as Holy Rite," "Way without a Crossroad," "A Confucian Metaphor - The Holy Vessel"
Mencius' organismic metaphor for society
Mencius' agricultural metaphor for self-cultivation
Mencius' theory of human nature and the four sprouts; principle of moral extension
The legend of how the Tao Te Ching was purportedly written
Lao Tzu's ideal of society and government
Lao Tzu's view of the relationship between intellectual knowledge and contentment