REL 353 Dark Self East and West January 19, 2011
1. Review:
Bhagavad Gita - Arjuna and Krishna: Dharma and Karma
Karma - moral and religious actions that have consequences
Dharma - cosmic order and truth
Karma that binds one to the illusion (maya) of existence:
attachment, ego, competition, conquest, blood lust
Karma that releases one from illusion and leads to liberation (moksa)
non-attachment, atman-Brahman, awareness, self-knowledge
2. Comparison with Abraham and Isaac story found in Kierkegaard's Fear & Trembling
Suspension of ordinary morality (teleological suspension of the ethical)
Higher relationship of faith and/or self-knowledge
View of self and society, nature of reality, religious goals
3. Dark side as defined by religion, dark side of religion
4. Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
Jewish thinker and psychotherapist who was thrown into concentration camp
Influenced by Existential Philosophy
Two types of loss to which human beings are condemned: instinct and meaning
Sources of meaning: highly diverse, but often found in work, love, and suffering
Meaning, evil, and morality