Shinran, Shin Buddhism, and the Tannishō

Sections I - X: Shinran’s own statements

Sections XI - XVIII: Yui-en’s commentary interspersed with quotations from Shinran


Section X: Two-fold Truth: “In the nembutsu, no meaning is the (true) meaning. It is inexplicable, ineffable, inconceivable.” 

Section I: Nonduality, Oneness: “Amida's Primal Vow does not discriminate between the young and old, good and evil - true entrusting alone is essential.”

Section III: Radical Inclusion: Karmic Evil: “Even a good person attains birth in the Pure Land [of oneness], how much more so the evil person.”

Section II: Pure Land as dynamic emptiness and freedom: “Hell as my only home.”

Section IV: Path of Sages, Path of Pure Land