Lectures on freeness of finite group actions on C*-algebras
at the Shanghai Special Week on Operator Algebras,
22--26 June 2009
The links below are to (partially) corrected versions of the
slides used for three talks,
titled "Freeness of actions of finite groups on C*-algebras"
at the
Week on Operator Algebras,
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 22--26 June 2009.
(The schedule lists only two talks.
The third one was given in the slot on Friday originally
intended for Guihua Gong.)
Lecture 1 (corrected):
printable version.
(The proof of the theorem about crossed products of AF algebras
by actions with the Rokhlin property, toward the end,
was not covered in this lecture.)
Lecture 2 (corrected):
printable version.
Lecture 3 (with preliminary corrections):
printable version.
Corrections not yet made:
Put in the definition of the Cuntz semigroup.
Put in Kishimoto's coauthors, on the slide on which they are
mentioned but not named.
Proper attribution for the version of the Rokhlin
property for automorphisms.
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Last significant change: 29 June 2009.