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Journal of Modern Physics


ISSN: 2153-120X            
September 2012, Volume 3, Issue29A (Special Issue)  

The volume 3, issue 29A (September 2012, Special Issue on "Gravitation,Astrophysiics and COSMOLOGY") of the Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) is now available online. We invite you to visit our website and have access to all the research papers published in the journal.

> Astrophysical Constraints on the Scale of Left-Right Symmetry in Inverse Seesaw Models
Debasish Borah

> To the Theory of Galaxies Rotation and the Hubble Expansion in the Frame of Non-Local Physics
Boris V. Alexeev

> Convergent Calculations That Dark Solutions Are Reflective of Mass-Energy yet to Occur
Michael A. Persinger

> Can Effects of Dark Matter Be Explained by the Turbulent Flow of Spacetime?
F. Elliott Koch, Angus H. Wright

> How Dark Energy Affects the MOND Theory in Clusters
Man Ho Chan

> On Supersymmetry and the Origin of Dark Matter
Shawqi Al Dallal, Walid J. Azzam

For more excellent articles in this issue please visit the following website:, and downloads are welcome for your academic exchanges. You are welcome to submit or recommend manuscripts to this journal at Online Submission.

Best regards,

JMP Editorial Office
Scientific Research Publishing