Program Gasprint * Reads the Gastherm data file, and writes the reactions in a more readable form, * and writes log K's and regression coefficients for intermediate temperatures. * Derived from program Solprint, a similar program for the Soltherm data file. * Contributors to Solprint include M.Reed, N.Spycher, J.DeBraal, J.Palandri * August ** 2023 - J.Palandri implicit none real*8 coef(9), weight, wt(50) integer inp1, iout1, eofflag integer bstot, ispec(9), i, itot, jj, l, ns character*8 blank, dat(10), hyd, name, cmpname(50) character*80 dum common /stuff/ coef, wt, ispec, cmpname inp1 = 1 iout1 = 10 eofflag = 0 ns = 0 blank = ' ' hyd = 'H2 ' name = '12345678' weight = 0.0 open (inp1, file = 'gastherm.dat', status = 'old') open (iout1, file = 'GasthermPrint.txt', status = 'unknown') write (iout1,'(//,a,a)') 'For each record below, lines 1 and 2', + ' show the balanced reaction.' write (iout1,'(a,a)') 'Line 3: Log K''s at 25 100 200 300 ', + '400 500 600 700 800 deg C.' write (iout1,'(a,a)') 'Line 4: Log K''s at 900 1000 1100 1200', + ' deg C (all at one bar.)' write (iout1,'(a,a)') 'Line 5: Regression coefficients ', + '(a,b,c,d,e) for log K''s as f(T).' write (iout1,'(a,/,a)') ' Where T is in Kelvins and ', + ' f(T) = a + b/T + c*T + d/(T**2) + e*log(T).' write (*,'(//2x,a)') + 'Input the number of basis component gases in Gastherm >> ' read *, bstot write (iout1, '(//2x,a17,/)') 'Component Species' *Skip all the entries before the component species; read and write them do while (dum(1:8) .ne. hyd) read (inp1, '(a80)', iostat = eofflag) dum if ( then write (*,'(//2x,A58)') + 'Stop error: EOF read before the H2 basis component found' stop endif end do backspace (inp1) do 10 i = 1, bstot read (inp1, '(a8,4x,f10.4)') cmpname(i), wt(i) write (iout1, '(5x, a8, 4x, f10.4)') cmpname(i), wt(i) 10 continue *Read the data for derived gases, and print it write (iout1, '(//2x,a15,/)') 'Derived Gases' do while ( read (inp1,'(a8,8x,i1,11(f6.3,i2),f5.3, i2)') name, + itot, (coef(i), ispec(i),i = 1, itot) if ( then ns = ns + 1 itot = itot - 1 do 20 i = 1, itot jj = i+1 coef(i) = coef(jj) ispec(i) = ispec(jj) *If H2 is in the derived gas but is not in the I=1 position, flag it. if( then write(iout1,663) name write(*,663) name 663 format(' WARNING: Species ',a8, ' has H2 in a' + ' position beyond I = 2.') endif 20 continue call print (name, itot, weight) do 30 l = 1,3 read (inp1, '(8x, 10a8)') (dat(i), i = 1, 10) write (iout1, '(4x, 10a8)') (dat(i), i = 1, 10) 30 continue write (iout1,*) endif end do write (*,500) ns write (iout1,500) ns 500 format (' There are ', I4,' derived gases.',//) read (inp1,*) *Read data for gases and minerals, skipping inappropriate data, and write it. write (iout1, '(/2x,a,/)') 'Minerals, Solids, and Liquids' ns = 0 name = '12345678' do 40 i = 1, 9 coef(i) = 0.0 ispec(i) = 0 40 continue do while ( read (inp1, 520) name, weight, itot, (coef(i), + ispec(i), i = 1, itot) 520 format (a8, 2x, f7.2, i2, 1x, 9(f6.3, i2)) if ( then ns = ns + 1 call print (name, itot, weight) do 100 l = 1, 3 read (inp1, '(8x, 10a8)') (dat(i), i = 1, 10) write (iout1, '(4x, 10a8)') (dat(i), i = 1, 10) 100 continue write (iout1, '(2x)') end if end do write (*,530) ns write (iout1,530) ns 530 format (' There are ', I4,' Minerals, solids, and ', + 'liquids.',//) end Subroutine Print (name, itot, weight) * =====================================================================| * Prints the reaction in readable form implicit none real*8 coef(9), prodcf(9), reacf(9), weight, wt(50), wtm integer i, inp1, iout1, iprod, ireac, ispec(9), itot, pp, tright character * 3 char1(9), char2(9) character * 8 name, prodnm(9), reacnm(9), cmpname(50) character * 80 blank, buffer external tright common /stuff/ coef, wt, ispec, cmpname data char1 /' ', 8*' + '/ data char2 /' = ', 8*' + '/ data blank /' '/ parameter (inp1 = 1, iout1 = 10) ireac = 1 iprod = 0 reacf(1) = 1.0 reacnm(1) = name wtm = 0.0 do 40 i = 1, itot wtm = wtm + coef(i) * wt(ispec(i)) if (coef(i)) 10, 10, 20 10 continue ireac = ireac + 1 reacf(ireac) = -1.0 * coef(i) reacnm(ireac) = cmpname(ispec(i)) go to 30 20 iprod = iprod + 1 prodcf(iprod) = coef(i) prodnm(iprod) = cmpname(ispec(i)) 30 continue 40 continue pp = 1 buffer = ' ' do 43 i = 1, ireac if (i .ne. 1) then write (buffer(pp:), '(a3)') char1(i) pp = pp + 3 end if if (tright(reacf(i)) .eq. 1) then write (buffer(pp:), '(f5.1)') reacf(i) pp = pp + 5 else if (tright(reacf(i)) .eq. 2) then write (buffer(pp:), '(f6.2)') reacf(i) pp = pp + 6 else write (buffer(pp:), '(f7.3)') reacf(i) pp = pp + 7 end if write (buffer(pp:), '(1x, a8)') reacnm(i) pp = pp + 9 if (pp + 20 .ge. 80) then write (iout1, '(a80)') buffer pp = 2 buffer = ' ' end if 43 continue if (buffer .ne. blank) then write (iout1, '(a80)') buffer end if pp = 5 buffer = ' ' do 45 i = 1, iprod write (buffer(pp:), '(a3)') char2(i) pp = pp + 3 if (tright(prodcf(i)) .eq. 1) then write (buffer(pp:), '(f5.1)') prodcf(i) pp = pp + 5 else if (tright(prodcf(i)) .eq. 2) then write (buffer(pp:), '(f6.2)') prodcf(i) pp = pp + 6 else write (buffer(pp:), '(f7.3)') prodcf(i) pp = pp + 7 end if write (buffer(pp:), '(1x, a8)') prodnm(i) pp = pp + 9 if (pp + 20 .ge. 80) then write (iout1, '(a80)') buffer pp = 5 buffer = ' ' end if 45 continue if (buffer .ne. blank) then write (iout1, '(a80)') buffer end if wtm = wtm - weight 50 continue if(weight.eq.0.) return if(abs(wtm).lt.0.1) return write (iout1, 415) wtm 415 format(/5x,' *** warning: mol.weight balance is: ',f8.3/) write (*,416) wtm, name 416 format(/5x,'*** warning: mol.weight balance is: ',f8.3,' for ',a8) return end Integer Function Tright (stuff) * =====================================================================| * For each reaction coefficient, finds and returns the appropriate count * of significant figures to write after the decimal, * to greatly reduce the number of zeros shown. real * 8 cpumin, fractn, number, stuff parameter (cpumin = 1.0d-35) intrinsic dint, dabs number = stuff fractn = dint(number) - number if (dabs(fractn) .le. cpumin) then tright = 1 return end if number = number * 10 fractn = dint(number) - number if (dabs(fractn) .le. cpumin) then tright = 1 return end if number = number * 10 fractn = dint(number) - number if (dabs(fractn) .le. cpumin) then tright = 2 return end if tright = 3 return end