Program XPT-LogK is a highly modified version of Solprint, to extract and interpolate log K's at T's and P's specifed by the user. Input files: Soltherm.xpt XPT-LogK.dat Outupt file: XPT-LogK.out _____________ Input file XPT-LogK.dat formatting notes: - The first two lines are reserved for a title - Next, a list of T and P pairs, one pair per line, separated by a blank space or comma (free format). The current limitation is 1000 pairs. - Any succeeding line without two real numbers - Last, a list of the names of derived species, minerals, and gases with no leading blanks, one per line, and spelled exactly as they occur in Soltherm. Known bug(s): A very few Soltherm records that are limited to liquid-vapor saturation also do not extend to as low as 25 °C. These are flagged as containing format errors, and return values of 99999.999 at all conditions.