(Title 1) LogK interpolator test input for Enthaply (Title 2) quartz, albite, CaCl+, 'H2O Enthalpy, kJ/mol' Log K's extracted from Soltherm on 2025-Feb-16 H2O Enthaply, difference in kJ/mol from that at 0.01 °C, 1 bar. Ref = JOH92 T(°C) P(bar) Enthalpy 99.00 2.000 7.473 99.00 1.000 7.472 99.90 0.010 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 100.00 1.040 7.548 100.10 1.040 7.555 100.10 0.010 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 350.00 180.000 29.883 350.00 140.000 30.508 350.00 100.000 68.618 349.00 180.000 29.739 349.00 140.000 30.339 349.00 100.000 66.208 351.00 325.000 28.986 351.00 180.000 29.883 351.00 140.000 39.586 599.00 975.000 51.723 599.00 925.000 52.214 599.00 875.000 52.768 601.00 925.000 52.399 601.00 875.000 52.953 300.00 1.000 55.377 600.00 1.000 66.747 700.00 1.000 70.778 800.00 1.000 74.937 915.00 1.000 79.874 999.00 1.000 83.582 1001.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. quartz 1.0 SiO2 + 2.0 H2O = 1.0 H4SiO4 mol.wt. = 60.08 mol.vol.(cc/mol) = 22.69 rho(g/cc) = 2.65 Ref = H&P2011 T(°C) P(bar) Log(K) 99.00 2.000 -3.006 99.00 1.000 -3.005 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 99.90 0.010 -2.998 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.00 1.040 -2.998 100.10 1.040 -2.998 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.10 0.010 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 350.00 180.000 -1.891 350.00 140.000 -1.924 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 350.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 349.00 180.000 -1.891 349.00 140.000 -1.923 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 349.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 351.00 325.000 -1.819 351.00 180.000 -1.882 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 351.00 140.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 599.00 975.000 -1.368 599.00 925.000 -1.416 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 599.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 601.00 925.000 -1.339 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 601.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 300.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 600.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 700.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 800.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 915.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 999.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 1001.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. albite 1.0 NaAlSi3O8 + 4.0 H2O + 4.0 H+ = 1.0 Na+ + 1.0 Al+++ + 3.0 H4SiO4 mol.wt. = 262.22 mol.vol.(cc/mol) = 100.67 rho(g/cc) = 2.60 Ref = H&P2011 T(°C) P(bar) Log(K) 99.00 2.000 -0.410 99.00 1.000 -0.412 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 99.90 0.010 -0.440 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.00 1.040 -0.441 100.10 1.040 -0.443 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.10 0.010 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 350.00 180.000 -5.536 350.00 140.000 -5.414 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 350.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 349.00 180.000 -5.517 349.00 140.000 -5.408 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 349.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 351.00 325.000 -5.226 351.00 180.000 -5.550 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 351.00 140.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 599.00 975.000 -3.294 599.00 925.000 -2.948 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 599.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 601.00 925.000 -2.755 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 601.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 300.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 600.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 700.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 800.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 915.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 999.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 1001.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 1.0 CaCl(+) = 1.0 Ca++ + 1.0 Cl- Ref = Shock07 T(°C) P(bar) Log(K) 99.00 2.000 -0.206 99.00 1.000 -0.206 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 99.90 0.010 -0.214 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.00 1.040 -0.215 100.10 1.040 -0.216 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 100.10 0.010 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 350.00 180.000 -3.761 350.00 140.000 -3.888 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 350.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 349.00 180.000 -3.730 349.00 140.000 -3.853 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 349.00 100.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 351.00 325.000 -3.402 351.00 180.000 -3.782 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 351.00 140.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 599.00 975.000 -6.255 599.00 925.000 -6.408 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 599.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 601.00 925.000 -6.078 WARNING: P and/or T are in a grid block at the limit of the P-T range of data. 601.00 875.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 300.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 600.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 700.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 800.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 915.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 999.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data. 1001.00 1.000 99999.999 ERROR: Specified P and/or T are outside the P-T range of the data.