5,068: The number of subjects across PSI studies in 2015.

Media - 2014

Dr. Elizabeth Stormshak, director at the Prevention Science Institute, associate vice president for research at the University of Oregon, and professor of counseling psychology in the UO College of Education, is among the thirteen winners of the university’s 2014 Fund for Faculty Excellence Awards. (click here to learn more).


Dr. Atika Khurana, research scientist at the Prevention Science Institute and professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services at UO, finds that impulsive adolescents who lack focus are more likely to face substance-abuse issues. (click here to learn more).


Dr. Elliot Berkman, psychology professor at the University of Oregon and research scientist with the Prevention Science Institute, recently received two grants to continue his reasearch on how early adversity affects human success or failure in achieving long-term goals. (click here to learn more).


UO undergraduate student awarded a National Institutes of Health summer research fellowship at the Prevention Science Institute. (click here to learn more)


UO professor Dr. Philip Fisher’s work exploring physiological differences in children who have experienced neglect was highlighted in an article in the American Psychological Association’s June 2014 edition.


Andy Garbacz, assistant professor in school psychology at the University of Oregon and research scientist with the Prevention Science Institute, was a recent recipient of an Early Career Research Award from the Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP). This award will be used to investigate the utility and efficacy of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation in supporting middle school students with disruptive behaviors.


May 9, 2014: “Drug Use Trajectories After a Randomized Controlled Trial of MTFC: Associations With Partner Drug Use,” authored by PSI postdoc Kimberly Rhoades, is featured in the NIH/NIDA Science Spotlight. (click here to learn more)


University of Oregon psychology professor Dr. Elliot Berkman was the featured guest on "The Academic Minute" on WAMC/Northeast Public Radio on February 27, 2014. (audio)


In an ongoing series of video converstions at the The George Washington University, Columbian College Dean Ben Vinson sat down with EGDS researcher Jody Ganiban to discuss her research about understanding child obesity. (video)


University of Oregon psychology professor Dr. Elliot Berkman's new study shows that brain training for a particular task heightens performance, but that advantage doesn’t necessarily carry over to a new challenge. (click here to learn more)


A group of PSI researchers met with the Board of Trustees at the University of Oregon to discuss the role of the Prevention Science Institute in a public research university. (click here to learn more)