LivePhoto Physics: Video-Based Motion Analysis for
Homework and Classroom
B. Teese, Priscilla W. Laws, Aaron Titus and Maxine
Half-day workshop (#W08) Saturday, July 13, 2013,
8:00 AM-NOON, American Assoc. of Physics Teachers Summer Meeting, Portland, OR.
This workshop is for physics teachers who
wish to explore the use of video-based motion analysis in a wide range of
applications including the teaching laboratory, projects and homework.
Participants will learn how to make digital video clips for analysis, as well
as how to use video analysis for homework problems and in the classroom. We
will discuss educationally effective uses of video analysis being developed in
the LivePhoto Physics project, the Workshop Physics
project and in other settings. The software used in this workshop is available
for both Mac and Windows computers. Participants in this workshop may find that
some prior, hands-on experience with basic video analysis using software such
as Logger Pro or Tracker will be helpful but is not required. For more information
contact Maxine Willis, Associate Fellow, Department of Physics and
Astronomy, Dickinson College,