1. Quizzes (lowest grade
dropped) 16% 2. Tutorials and Tutorial
Preparation 15% 3. Homework to Hand In
(lowest grade dropped) 16% 4. Midterm Exam
15% 5. Final Exam 32% 6. Interactive Lecture
Demonstrations (6 possible with one bonus point if you did
all 6) 6% TOTAL 100%
You can calculate your total points using the following formula:
3.2 x Final/15 + 0.15 x Midterm + 0.4 x Quizzes + HW/6 + Tut. Attendance + (5/4) x Tut. Prep. + ILDs = 100 possible
Notes: Drop lowest quiz and lowest homework. Tutorial attendance is calculated as follows--miss none or one=10%, miss two=8%, miss three=6%,miss four=4%, miss five or more=0%.
Total Points
Mean =69.0
Median = 72.7
Range =27.6-99.8
A = 88 and above
B = 71-87
C = 52-70
D = 42-51
F = below 42