The moon
Some basic facts:
- radius = 1738 km ~ 2000 km
- compare to earth radius ~ 6000 km
- orbit semimajor axis = 3.84 x 105 km
- So a ~ 60 RE
- orbit period: 1 month
- rotation period is the same: Man in the Moon always faces us.
- density ~ 3300 kg/m3
- compare to earth density ~ 5500 km
What about the Moon's atmosphere?
What do you suppose it is like inside?
What is the surface like?
What history does this suggest?
What are tidal forces ?
What do the tidal forces do ?
Where did the Moon come from?
ASTR 121 Home
Davison E. Soper, Institute of Theoretical Science,
University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA