Galileo Galilei
Sidereus Nuncius
Starry Messenger
Galileo: positions
- Born in Pisa (Florence)
- Studied medicine at University of Pisa
- University Chair of Mathematics, Pisa
- University of Padua (Venice)
- Court Mathematician and Philosopher, Florence
Galileo: publications
- 1610 Starry Messenger
- 1615 ** warning **
- 1632 Dialogue on the Great World Systems
- 1633 ** trial **
- 1638 Discourses and Mathematical Demonstrations concerning
Two New Sciences Pertaining to Mechanics and Local Motion (physics)
Galileo and the telescope
- telescope invented in Holland
- Galileo heard about it in 1609 and built one for himself
- makes major discoveries with his instrument
- discoveries reported in Starry Messenger
Galileo's discoveries with the telescope
spots on the Sun
mountains and "seas" on the moon
the Milky Way consists of lots of stars
Saturn has bulges
Venus has phases
Jupiter has moons
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