Fusion in the Sun step by step

The overall fusion reaction
4 1H + 2 e --> 4He + 2 neutrinos + 6 photons
happens in several steps. (This is not different from methane burning, which also happens in steps.)

Step 1

1H + 1H --> 2H + antielectron + neutrino

This step is nearly impossible. This near impossiblity has two consequences:
  1. The gas must be very hot, so that the protons hit each other with high speed.
  2. Even so, the reaction is very rare. That is why the Sun is still burning after 4.6 billion years!

Step 2

electron + antielectron --> photon + photon

The antielectron soon hits an electron. They annihilate to make two photons. (These high energy photons will be absorbed in the gas, eventually giving lots of low energy photons.)

Step 3

2H + 1H --> 3He + photon

The 2H hits a proton and sticks to it, making a 3He and emitting a photon in the process. (This high energy photon will be absorbed in the gas, eventually giving lots of low energy photons.)

Step 4

3He + 3He --> 4He + 1H+ 1H

Since these reactions make 3He nuclei, there are some of these bouncing around in the gas. When two of them hit each other, the 2 neutrons and 4 protons of rearrange themselves into one 4He nucleus and two free protons.

Note that steps 1,2 and 3 each happen twice for each time step 4 happens.

The net result is

1H + 1H --> 2H + antielectron + neutrino
1H + 1H --> 2H + antielectron + neutrino
electron + antielectron --> photon + photon
electron + antielectron --> photon + photon
2H + 1H --> 3He + photon
2H + 1H --> 3He + photon
3He + 3He --> 4He + 1H+ 1H

That is

6 1H + 2 e --> 4He + 2 1H + 2 neutrinos + 6 photons


4 1H + 2 e --> 4He + 2 neutrinos + 6 photons

The amount of energy released in each separate reaction has been measured. The net energy release is 26 MeV.
There are some other reactions also. They are less significant because they don't produce much energy. [For this reason, please don't try to memorize them.] But they have a special significance because they produce neutrinos, which we will study.
There is another energy producing cycle that is important in hot stars (temperatures bigger than 16 x 106K). It is called the CNO cycle. In it, carbon is a catalyst. It is needed to make the reaction work, but is not used up. [Again, I would suggest that you not memorize the cycle, but do understand the concept of a catalyst, which is important in practical chemical reactions.] The net result is that you get the 12C back and you have used up 4 protons to make one 4He, along with two antielectrons and three photons. The antielectrons will annihilate with electrons to make photons.

So hydrogen is burned to make helium with carbon as a catalyst.

Davison E. Soper, Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403 USA soper@bovine.uoregon.edu