Laws of Thermodynamics

You can not subvert or change these laws:

The Zeroth Law (0): Systems are in equilibrium when they are at the same temperature.

0th Law: If A = B and B = C, then A = C

Thermal Equilibrium and Thermometers

If the objects are in Thermal Equilibrium NO Heat Energy will be transferred. If A is in thermal equilibrium with B and B is in thermal equilibrium with C the C will be in thermal equilibrium with A.

The First Law (1): Energy is Conserved in a closed system:

1st Law: Conservation of Energy:

or Heat Flow(Q) = Change in Internal Energy (U)(Change in Temperature) + Work (W)(something moves such as a piston) Class Demo: The Special Syringe

Suppose I took a syringe full of air but with a little bit of paper at the bottom. Suppose I rapidly pushed down on the plunger? What would happen? How is this process represented by the first law of thermodynamics? What can we say about the internal energy of the air in the syringe? What can we say about heat energy transfer?

Answer Here

2nd Law: Heat Flows from Hot to Cold

The Second Law (2) and The Law of Entropy:

To decrease local entropy requires work (energy).

Temperature: Measurement of Internal fast molecules are moving or vibrating in gas, liquids & solids. Commonly called Kinetic Theory.

Measure Temperature in degrees Celsius.

0oC ==> ICE

100oC ==> Boiling Water

23oC ==> Room Temperature (70oF)

Kelvin Scale based on Absolute 0.

Absolute 0 ==> Temperature where all molecular motion stops.

Lecture Demonstration on Temperature Scale: Extrapolating Absolute Zero

Absolute Temperature K, Kelvin Scale

0K = -273oC

0K = -460oF

273K = 0oC

Temperature in Kelvin = Temperature in degrees Celsius + 273

History of the Second Law