The Van Enk group is always hard at work. For instance, Pavel Lougovski and Jun Yin once assembled a chair:
What links the four people in the next picture (taken in Tokyo, March 18 2001)
is quantum teleportation. Only one of these, Akira Furusawa on the left,
knows how to do a teleportation experiment, the other three are just theorists.
The 2nd from the left is Holger Hofmann, the 3rd is me, the 4th is Chris Fuchs. Fortunately, the picture is rather vague.
The following picture, taken in Santa Barbara, shows Norbert Lütkenhaus of quantum cryptography fame on the left, in the middle Dik (a.k.a. Dirk) Bouwmeester of teleportation fame, and the third is me, of no fame whatsoever.
Wanna learn Quantum Mechanics, too? The newest S.J. van Enk already started:
This may well be me playing chess.
I'm one of the many
Stevens who object to teaching creationism or intelligent design as if it is a science.
As everyone knows, Stevens (and even Steves and Stephens) know a lot.